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Thanks for tuning in to clear ViewHudson Valley on your favorite local iHeart radio
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insurance agency helping clients like you saveon auto, home and business insurance US
an Accent fg Insurance dot Com formore info. Hey, it's Uncle Mike
and joining me in the studio.Or two dear friends and heroes of mine,
to be honest with you, Jeannieand Danny masserone. They are the
founders and the owners of Barbecue forthe Cure, which is coming up this
Saturday, July twenty nine. I'mexpecting everybody listening to be there. It's
one of my favorite events we doall year because it's an incredible amount of
food, great live music all day. The string masters are going to be
there and yours truly you'll be playingmusic in between. But the biggest part
of this is they raised so muchmoney to help fight childhood cancer, and
we're gonna get into the story ofhow it all came out in a minute,
but it's for a really cool reason. So good morning, Jeannie,
Good morning, Good morning Danny,Good morning, Uncle Mike. Thanks so
much for coming out. Oh you'rewelcome. Thank you for having us.
I can't believe it's a year alreadysince the last time we were here.
Time flies when you're having the olderyou get, Boy, it sure goes
fast, doesn't it. I'm gettingyounger, you're getting younger. Yeah,
yeah, well you're retired now you'rerat and you are too. I retired
last August. You're both retired,so now you're both getting younger. It's
good. It couldn't happen to donicer people. So this is the thirteenth.
We would have been the thirteenth,but it's actually the twelfth because we
did lose the year for COVID intwenty twenty. But it's thirteen years since
you started doing it, right,Yes, yeah, yes, And why
don't you tell the story? Youknow, first of all, Jeanie,
you just give a little background aboutyourself and and and then Daniel'll tell a
little bit about his background. Butthen I need both of you to kind
of chime in and tell us howthis all came about, well, we
were dating and we decided that wewere going to get married, and we
got married July thirty first, twentyand ten, and we started thinking about
how we're going to do it asfar as food wise, and we are
caterers for the calling us Catering,and we decided that we are going to
rint Freedom Park and we are goingto open it up to everybody that we
know. And we had four hundredattendees. So out of those four hundred,
most of them wanted us to doan anniversary party. So we said,
why not, Let's do it forthe cure. So we started the
Barbecue for the Cure. The followingyear was our first and we started raising
money for cancer. Yeah. Sofirst of all, have a wedding reception
with four hundred people is huge,and then to do it yourself on top
of that, besides getting married,it's pretty cool. But the whole thought
of having the anniversary party not onlycelebrate your marriage and all your friends,
but to raise money to fight childhoodcancer and fight cancer, that's really cool
when you think about it. It'sa win win, yeah, and it's
grown, it's grown light leaps andbounds. We're no longer at Freedom Park.
Thank God for the water Kill Rodand Gun Club. They are so
generous and they help out so muchand it's a great facility, so that
that worked out well. We've beenthere how many about five or six years
now or is it longer than that. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly the
first year that we started, butwe've been there quite a few years now,
and it's getting bigger and bigger.And the guys at Waterkill all you
know, they chip in and they'reon the grills and they're out back making
the stakes and the baked potatoes.So it's fun. I think the first
year I was involved with you wasat Freedom Park. I think, man,
maybe it was two years I didFreedom Park and then we've been at
Waterkill ever since. So it's gotto be at least five or six years
we've been over at Waterkill, maybelonger. They're fantastic. I mean,
they give you a facility and thenthey pitch in on top of it,
so that's really cool. So itbenefits Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital, which
is someone that we do a lotfor here at the radio station, and
Thy Campbell Foundation. Thy Campbell wasa little boy in the Carmel who unfortunately
lost his battle with cancer and hisparents started the foundation in his memory,
and you've partnered up with them.Initially though you had two different there was
two different charities at first that yougot involved. It was always Saint Jude
was well, we always had SaintJude, but at the beginning we had
Sloane Kenning because one of the whenwe first started this, we had a
rich and Jeane Carlston, and Jeanhad come down with cancer and she was
at Sloane Kenning, so we hadthat, and then we had the Jimmy
Fund, and then we wanted um, you know Tie Campbell. You know,
we reached out to them and theywere more than helpful with us.
So we have stuck with just TieCampbell and Saint Jude at this point.
Yeah. So how much money haveyou raw? Let you do it,
because you guys are the ones thatarned it. How much money have you
raised so far? Well, ourgrand total since we started is SI six
thousand, nine hundred and sixty threedollars, so it's real close to sixty
seven thousand, and we're hoping towell, we raised twelve thousand in the
last two years, so we're hopingthat goes even higher at this point.
Sure, that's well, and weexpect it to. We expect people will
come out for this because again it'ssuch a great value. The ticket prices
here is thirty five dollars a piece, or four four hundred and twenty now
thirty five dollars. First of all, the amount of foods you get is
staggering. If you leave here hungry, why there is something wrong with you.
I don't know how to help youif you leave here hungry, because
there's just so much food for theminute you get there to the minute you
leave. And on top of that, the raffles that Jeanie and her crew
have put together over the years,it's just such a wide array of products.
I mean, there's something for everybodythere. So you come and you
spend a few dollars on a raffletickets and you have a chance of,
you know, walking away with somethingreally cool. You know, you're you're
putting your tickets and items that youwant, so you're picking what you could
win. And again, it's sucha wide array that everybody will be satisfied
with what's going on there. Andthen again I have to keep going back,
and then there's more food. Youknow, we from noon to three
is lunch than around three thirty,the steaks and the baked potatoes and the
corn and the cop come out.And then I go take a nap for
a half a hour after all that, and then we come back and we
do the raffles, and the rafflestake us quite a while because there's a
lot of different items. And inbetween all that, the string masters are
there. If you've never heard thestring masters before, I'm sorry you haven't
heard them, because they're fantastic.They put on a great show. I
do a little music in between andtry to keep people entertained. And it's
just a great afternoon, it reallyis. We're gonna have a hay ride
going on at the same time.One of your one of your friends,
yes, Dennis for More to Kill. Yeah. He gets the kids together,
Yeah, and it takes them fora ride through the through the fields,
and and it's entertaining to watch everybodyin the kitchen because it's it's quite
an operation that Genie puts together thereand it all comes together really quick,
and it's amazing the amount of foodthat you turn out. Although you're working
on all year along the food.Right. Yeah, we start right after
the barbecue ends, and the nextday we're putting together our thoughts on what
worked, what didn't work. Wedo have a few surprises this year though,
because we've got a beautiful raffle fora barbecue grill. It's supposed to
be a surprise. Oh, goahead, tell them about it. Well,
anyway, we're okay, really coupleand be edited at anyway. Well,
this year, as we do everyyear, as we go around and
we look for sponsors, and oneof our sponsors in particular, it was
Home Depot, and it was expectingmaybe you know, gift card or something
for you know, Joel said,or a bunch of batteries or whatever.
But they sent me a picture ofthis basket, you know, one of
the baskets a shopping cart and ithad flavor briquetts, wood chips and utensils
and starter fluid. And I'm like, wow, you know that's cool.
You know, somebody likes to barbecue, it's going to have themselves a nice
little, you know, burn kit. So then they said, well,
you know, did did you checkthe next picture? No? Hold on?
And I looked and it was likea smoker. Yeah, it's like
two smoker and I'm like, ohmy god, I just I just started
to cry because because like, whatare we going to do with this?
So we're trying to figure out howand I think we're gonna pretty much do
it the same as with the raffles, but it's going to be with this
grill. Jennie went and got someum the gloves. She got skiwers metal
skiwers uh digital thermometer to really dressit up even more and above and beyond
the actual unit itself. So yeah, it's if you like smoking and grilling.
Yeah, it's gonna be a reallynice Yeah, that's the surprise,
and you messed it up. No, I want them to come for the
grill. Oh yeah there. Andthen we have auctions and we have fifty
fifty and then we do lottery ticketbooks. So it's a one hundred tickets
uh five dollars scratch off and fortwenty dollars ticket and there's only fifty two
because we use the DECA cards,you have fifty two chances to earn that
entire book. So we're gonna dothat twice. Then we're gonna do the
grill and auctions fifty fifty, theraffles and games playing. We got a
bounty house this year. Yeah,yeah, that's a first year you've had
a bounty house. It's been awhile. I remember that. I'm amazing,
I remember back that far, butI do well. Actually we've had
them also at the Warder Kill.Yeah, but timing and everybody's doing going
every which way. So with thegrill, of course, the first time
they use it, does Danny comewith the grill the cook or now,
oh we can instruct if they needus, we will help. Oh,
will definitely help. Is this thingon? Yes, it is. Do
I have my radio voice onto thee. You're doing fine, Tree put the
right pads in their plugins. Um, so sixty seven that almost sixty seven
thousand, and that short amount oftime or basically your your anniversary party is
it's pretty amazing when you think aboutit. I mean, it started out
with your friends, really and nowyou've run a lot of friends throughout the
Hudson Valley here and you know,it's it's just I don't know how to
say that any other way. It'sjust a great day. It's a lot
of food, a lot of fun, bring the whole family with you,
there's plenty for the kids to do. He had a there was a face
painting and they had somebody they're doingface painting last time. And they got
to be a bouncy house. Andthere's the tractor rides. So there's plenty
to do. And the best partabout all this is the price is not
that expensive, especially at today's standards, and you're going to get more more
than that in food. But thegreatest thing about all this is at the
end, all the profits are goingto fight childhood cancer and I don't know
how you can make it a betterday than that, to be honest with
you. And it's a family dayand the children under twelve are free,
yeah, so they can come andyou know, play around. It's it's
just a fun day. Yeah,it is a really fun day. Over
the years, it's interesting. Inthe beginning, actually Danny was doing double
duty because Danny had two or threebands that he played in, and he
convinced all of them to come tothe event, and Danny played with all
all of them. I think thebass player usually everybody wants a bass player
either just step on him or toyeah, play with him. But in
the beginning, it was really itwas a lot of work for you because
you were doing what you're doing now, helping Genie too. You too.
You were really the forest behind us. You got a lot of great people
that help you, a lot ofvolunteers. Well, we're so blessed with
having a nice crew to get itall fell on you initially, and then
on top of that, you know, Danny was hauling all of his equipment
there for the band and setting itall up and then singing, and in
between singing and changing bands, hewas running around to make sure he thinks.
But now you've taken on, youknow, you're just doing all the
other stuff besides the bands. Yeah, hang out with you, Yeah,
you hang out with me. We'rehoping that our doves are going to be
back this year. We're hoping they'regoing to be there because that became a
very special part of this a fewyears back when they did it the first
time. Yeah, the wings ofMemories from Yes Rhinebeck, and they will
be here if they can show we'rehoping, we're hoping and I'm I'm thinking
positive. Yeah, yeah, Andit's a really nice part of the day.
They released doves in memory of allthe children that haven't made it.
And I think every year we've hadsomeone else that we've lost that that we
release the dove in memory of.And even though that's a sad thing,
it's a very it's a it's nota dry eye in the house when we
do it. And I think,honestly, everybody feels better after we I
know I do. It feels betterafter you do it, because it's it's
really a nice way to remember somebody, and it's it's a very hopeful way
of remembering somebody. I guess itis the best way to put it.
I think it is. Anyway,I love it. They let me.
They trusted me with one of thedoves at one time, which I'm still
surprised but and I didn't do anydamage. So but the doves fly all
the way back home to Rhinebeck.It's Rhinebeck. I think they are run.
Yeah, And every year they comeback, they have all the doves.
So I guess they must get homeor right it seems like it,
or they buy new ones. Idon't know how it works, but I
guess they must get home. Well. I believe they do raise them and
they train them as they lose them. So yeah, I think they have
one now that charl was telling usabout that it didn't fly anymore, and
so it would pretty much be sittingthere on display. Or if you'd wanted
to hold that, it wouldn't letyou hold it doesn't fly anymore. That's
interesting. Doesn't fly anymore. Huh, yeah, you know. And then
we'll get on with age. Wow, imagine that maybe you don't want to
fly anymore. It's got flown out. Take them up in a plane.
You're gonna fly. But that's anice touch. And during the course of
the day I always find it.There's so many great people you guys can
attest it to so many. Imean, we have a great following.
We see a lot of the samepeople every year, but every year,
especially in the Alaska, but we'vehad a lot of new people. We
have a lot of new ones.Get buying tickets at this point. Oh,
by the way, we should talkabout that. You can get tickets
ahead of time. What's the bestway to do that. Well, we
have our home phone, which isnot is not a cell, it's a
landline. We look at it everyday. A little light flashes instead of
a thing that you don't hear.And our whole number is area code eight
four five four seven one four twofive two. Then you could just leave
a message and we'll get back toyou. That number again is area code
eight four five four seven one fourtwo five two eight four five four seven
one four two five two. Youcan call here, or they can go
on Facebook. Rights they can goon Facebook. And I used to be
in a band called Stuck in theMud, so you can find me on
Facebook at Danny d A n nY stuck in the Mud. All one
word s t U c K IN t h E mud stuck in the
mud, Danny stuck in the mud. And there's a QR code on there,
isn't it today? You know,we took the cure codes out.
It looks a little bit too muchpaperwork, so we took that out.
But the phone numbers on there aswell, correct. So that's how they
can get a hold of you andbuy tickets. The flyer. The numbers
are on there and the flyer.Yeah, the flyer I have up on
all our social media and I'm gonnareally hit it hard over the next couple
of days because we really want weyou know, we do this because we
love to do it. But wedo it because it's really rewarding to see
the turnout that's been growing, andwe want to continue to grow it.
That's the purpose. The more peoplethat are there, the more money we're
raising. And you know, thereis gonna come a day between Saint Jude's
and organizations like Tie Campbell where they'regonna figure it out, they're gonna cure
childhood cancer. It's gonna happen,Mane. It's getting close. It's getting
close. I mean Saint Jude alone, it's you know, when they started
the overwhels survival rate was like fourpercent, and now they're up to over
eighty percent in fifty sort of hisnineteen sixty one when Danny Thomas started,
So that short amount of time they'vegrown to up over eighty percent and some
of the cancers now are ninety fiveninety six percent cure rates some of the
different leukemias that they've figured it out, so they're getting closer. You know.
The thing that fascinates me about SaintJude is it is completely run by
charity. They don't get any governmentgrants, they don't get any funding from
anywhere, and it costs two milliondollars a day to keep the doors open
on that hospital. Think about thatfor a minute. And all the research
they do they share freely around theworld. Now, most organizations charge for
the breakthroughs they have. Saint Judedoesn't charge. They share these protocols all
around the world. So I say, oh, you know, people a
lot of times when you have acharity, they want it to be a
local charity. They want to knowthat the money that they're donating is helping
the local community. Well, withSaint Jude, you are. Many of
the protocols use that Vasser and midHudson are protocols from Saint Jude that they
would have not ordinarily had. Sothey are actually a local They are benefiting
the local hospitals here and they dothat around the world. Their researchers they
have are from all around the worldas well. They have the best around
the world working in their research facilitiesthere. But yeah, it's a local
charity. I understand the physical hospitalsin Memphis, but they share the protocols.
If you've been treated for cancer,if your child has been treated for
cancer, advassor or mid Hudson.There's a pretty good high percentage that the
protocol used came from Saint Jude,so you know, you're it is a
local charity, you know, andDanny and Jennie couldn't be more local.
They are a local charity. Thisis a barbecue for the Cure is certainly
a local charity. All the moneythat comes in that the barbecue that day
is going to these two charities isgoing to all the proceeds are going to
Saint Jude and Tie Campbell, whichand Thy Campbell is right here in Carmel.
It's it's a local charity and that'simportant for people sometimes they like to
know that their money is staying inthe community and it is, so I
mean to me it is anyway,that's the way I look at it.
Well, that's that's one of thereasons we chose also something local like Ty
Campbell, and you actually get tosee the works behind another foundation and they're
just wonderful people. On top ofthat, So between the Saint Jude,
which is global and they have somethingthat really hit home, so Dy Campbell
fills that gap. Sure, Um, so I want everybody to go through
today one more time, but itso from twelve to three thirty is lunch
and lunch is a pretty broad termmusing there because there's all kinds of food.
I mean, it's it's hamburgers andhot dogs and salad and fruit salad.
But there's pulled pork. I think, what what's the menu this year?
There's pulled pork, there's chili,there's we're gonna have a new dish
called penny Rosa, which is likea penny alivaca. We're gonna have big
zd M sausage and peppers. Wehave barbecue chicken legs and thighs, and
we're gonna have some girl chicken thisyear. We have that ready, and
the hamburgers, hot dogs, andall the salads cold salads. We're gonna
have fruit a fruit bar with alike a tossed salad. You can make
your own salad, and it's allthere. There also will be beer,
wine, water, and soda andthat's all included. That's all included.
And then at three thirty the guysfrom Waticill will be coming out with the
steaks and they cook up the Londonbroils and they're about two and a half
inches thick and they put them onthe slicer and make it nice and thin
and you could have your sandwich withthat, or you could just have the
roast beef baked potato corn on thecob and whatever is left from the lunch
will also be out. Sure.Yeah, And I forgot that the beer,
the wine, the soda and thewater that's all included. And you
know, it's just I think aboutit all the time. You know.
The first time I went, Ididn't really know what it was. I
mean, I didn't know what itwas on and I'm and I remember Tina
and I were like, oh mygod, look at all the food we
have here. And back then therewasn't anywhere near the amount of food there
is now. I mean, it'sreally grown over the years. I had
hair back then. Yeah me too, I had yeah down but oh yeah
the wing year she uh got threefeet cut off to a drum roll?
Yeah wow, donated it to uhwalk so love actually. So the water
Kill Rod and Gun Club is locatedat five forty three seventy six and Hopewell
Junction, New York. It's veryeasy to find. Um. Again,
our hats off to them. Sothe amount of prizes that you have for
the raffle has grown over the yearstoo, Yes, um and now Home
Depot obviously has stepped up with thisreally cool it's it's a secret, but
it's not a secret anymore. Grillsmoker, smoker, a grill combination that
I know, if my son islistening, he's his eyes are, his
ears are worked up. Now Igot him interested. I'm sure a lot
of other people as well. Andthat's going to be raffled off. So
you know, for not a lotof money, whatever amount of tickets you
buy, you could go home withthat grill, which is pretty cool.
Well, also we've had Stoppers Shopand Foam and Wash, you know,
put in some generous offers there.Yes, and then we also had Hanniford
m a group got together. Um, I'm going to congratulate Jen from the
Hanniford in Pauling. She went ona conference call and got gift cards from
all of the Hanniffords and I wasable to purchase my stakes with the grill,
you know, with those gift cards. So Hanniford has purchased our stakes,
Stopping Shop has purchased our water andour soda, and we've just been
very blessed this year with donations.And it's interesting that you say that Janie,
because you've been blessed, but thecharity has been blessed, because that's
just more money that's going to gotoward that. You don't have to spend
it. I'll go toward the proceedsin the end. Every little bit counts
it. Well, it's gonna makeit higher, obviously, you don't have
to lay that out. And it'sit's it's great. Um. The string
masters are going to be there.They put on a great show. They're
there all day with us, umand they don't take a lot of breaks.
Homer is like a machine on thedrums. He never stops, keep
looking for the wind up thing inhis back. They wind him up and
he just goes all day long.As long as you keep feeding them a
little beer, a little water.He's okay, but very talented band.
I've I've had them at quite afew events myself, and they're they're really
and they're they're talented, but they'reentertaining as well. They put on a
show. It's not just music,it's a show as well. So it's
dinner earn a show. How's thatIt's a good way to build it.
Yeah, that is perfect. Andif anybody knows a line dancer instructor,
Please have them come because it's acountry band and I think we would love
to have some line dancing. Yeah. Well, we did have a little
bit time. There were some peoplethere knew how to line dance. But
I know a couple instructors. I'llhave to reach out to him and see
if I can get him to theshow up. Some assertive individual that just
doesn't mind going up to people andsay let's go and dance. Let's go.
Yeah. Well, if you've beento any of the clubs, they
some of them are very popular,you know. I know the one down
on the waterfront there, Billy Joe'sRip Works. He has a couple of
nights a week that he does itand it's packed and they have a leader
who kind of instructs people that havenever done it before to teach them how
to do it. So, yeah, would be kind of cool if we
had that there. We can workon that. I know a few people
to do it, so we'll seeif we can reach out. Well,
if they're listening to the sound ofour voice, yeah yeah, yeah,
Well again we're talking about the barbecuefor the Cure. It's Saturday, July
twenty ninth, which is this Saturday, from noon to six at the water
Kill Rod and Gun Club five fortythree seventy six and Hopewell Junction, New
York. Jeanie's gonna be there,and Dan he's gonna be there, and
Tina and I will be there,will be there all day. We'll be
there early in the morning till lateat night. And we won't stay.
I mean, you won't leave untilall the gifts have been raffled out and
all the food has either been eatenor packed up and sent home to wherever
it was going. And then,as Jeanie says later that evening, they
start on the following year. Soit's it's pretty amazing, really, Yes,
So I'm curious now this is thethirteen it's thirteen years since you started
this, and I'm sure neither oneof you ever imagined it was going to
turn into this, No, not, But but what looking back on that?
What what is the most amazing partof this when you when you look
back, I mean there's a lotof to look back on. Now,
there's so many years we've had justthere's been a lot of great things that
happened. There's been some things thathappened that you probably wish didn't, but
that's part of doing an event likethis. But what sticks out in your
mind as something that really was amazingthat you didn't you didn't think was gonna
happen, you didn't see coming,anything that you could think of. Well,
I have said for years that itwas going to go viral, and
everybody kept laughing at me, andthey're like, yeah, right, well
I think a couple of years agoit went viral and it is viral now.
So we do a lot of laughsabout that. Yeah. Yeah,
So and we have a lot offriends, and we're making more friends.
Yeah. So the amount of peoplethat we've met and become friends with over
the years, you know, andI just want to thank everybody that's been
working with us on this. Yeah, Danny, anything anything that sticks out
in your mind. I mean,there's been a lot of cool things that
have happened over the years. Well, we used to be the Partners in
Hope with Saint Jude and then wegot married in because of the anniversary thing,
I said, well, you know, let's pick a battle here,
because you're you can only put outso much. So we stopped doing Partners
in hope, and we're actually puttingin more with the barbecue, and we're
having so much fun doing it thatway, and I think it's a blessing
straight across the board for everyone.It is because it's drawing a lot more
attention to Saint Jude and High Campbell. You know, I know, I
get a huge response from this nowwhen I talk about it, and you
know, you can say barbecue,barbecue for the Cure now and people know
what you're talking about. They understandthe yearly event, and it's one of
my favorite events will year. Ilove you know, we have a great
friendship and I love you guys.But that day it's a lot of work,
but it doesn't seem like work.It's a lot of fun. I
mean, it's a fun day foreverybody that's Sarah, and I can only
imagine people that are coming. Ifthey're having half the amount of fun that
we're having doing it, then it'sgot to be a great day for everybody.
Because I really enjoy it, andI haven't seen anybody that didn't enjoy
it that was there. There's somuch to do. The food is just
NonStop, and the raffles have gottenso much expanded I mean, there is
literally something for everybody in those raffles. I can't think of anything that's left
out, and when you had to, you know, the attract, the
ride for the kids, and theyget a bouncy house. Now a lot
to keep Tina out of the bouncyhouse. She'll be an here all the
time. But you know, Tina, come on, let the kids get
in there. You're take it toomuch time in there anyway. But I
appreciate, I'm humbled an honor tobe part of this. I'm glad you
let me get involved with you.And we're looking for just a bigger and
better year. Every year is whatwe're looking for, and this year I
think is probably going to be thebiggest one we've ever done, just based
on the fact that you're selling ticketsearly like we've never done before. So
let's hope that's a good sign again. It's this Saturday, July twenty ninth
at the War to Kill rodd andGun Club from noon to six. Come
on out and join us thirty fivedollars apiece one hundred and twenty for a
four pack. You're gonna get lunchand dinner and everything in between. Plenty
of Raffles a really great band ofgreat live music all day long, and
I fill in the gaps in betweenthe live music. They got to take
a break home, or even Homerhas to take a break once in a
while, not very long, buthe does. So come on out and
join us. We're looking forward toputting it on and we'll be waiting for
you there at to Roger Kill Roddand Gun Club, right, yeah,
exactly. Thanks so much for comingout spending some time with me. Thank
you very much. So also,we're humbled and hun to have you being
part of our event. It's thankyou, uncle Mike. It's a big
family, Danny, is what itreally is, and you're blessed. You
do have a great group of peoplethat work with you, and you know,
you guys started it all and theykept it going. Now thirteen this
is thirteen years. I realize it'sthe twelfth annual, but it's thirteen years.
The year that we didn't have it, you still put all the work
in, you were still planning onhaving it. So it's thirteen years and
it's gonna keep going. So thanksfor stopping bying. We'll talk to you
real soon. Thank you, andhopefully we'll see everybody there. I hope
you enjoyed this week's episode of clearView Hudson Valley, and I want to
remind you that all the episodes areavailable on a clear View Hudson Valley podcast
available at iHeartRadio dot com. Hi'mUncle Mike, and if I don't see
you out and about, I'll catchyou on the radio. Have a great
week, everyone,