Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your
host Frank the Bank Koto, President of Lincoln Lending Group
and eight won three Mortgage for twenty years right here
in Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co hosts Rosa
Bahiti and Senia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with
Mahara and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of
experience in the local real estate market. If you're looking
for real estate or business advice, no matter what your
experience level, the Business Happy Hour team has been there
for you for almost a decade right here on news
radio WFLA. Now sit back, relax, and get ready for
some serious real estate and business talk with three of
Tampa Bay's top experts. Here's Frank the Bank.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hour,
your number one show with for all things business and entrepreneurial.
I am your host, Frank the Bank Coodo, the owner
of Lincoln Lending Group and eight one to three Mortgage
dot com. We also love our reverse mortgage clients. You
can go to reverse Guru dot com. I am in
studio with my amazing co host Sanya A Keisha. How
you doing sane.
Speaker 3 (01:05):
No, Hello, I'm doing great, glad to be here.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
Oh oh, little feedback on my phone there, I gotta
turn that down. Yes, sorry about that. So you're glad to.
Speaker 3 (01:15):
Be here, Glad to be here, and I'm really glad
to have our special guest back.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Yes, we have Illy Storylo from x forcebody dot Com.
Great friend, Illy. I know you're gonna correct me, but
you are. I'll have a lot to do with my
body and physical transformation. I know you're gonna be like, no,
it was all you, but no, it was a lot
you because uh this store. Actually, sorry, Illy, I'm gonna
invite you to our Instagram right now. I apologize I
was a little behind on that. I've got some fun
stories for you guys today because, like Sinnia said, we're
gonna be focusing today on the body not the face. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:52):
I was going to use that line.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
Yes, I just you beat me to it. I stole it.
I did. I'm so sorry. But Illy. Illy was a
guest on the Business Happy Hour back in two thousand
and nineteen. I want to say it was. She was
probably a guest around September of nineteen, and I know
this date probably better than like my anniversaries because I
changed my life, changed, my body changed, my health changed.
When I had her on the radio show, and the
radio show went a little bit like this. She's so modest,
she's not even say anything. Hi, Lilly, say hi to everybody.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
Thank you so much for haring me, Frank, And I'm
very grateful to be a part of your journey.
Speaker 2 (02:37):
Thank you, thank you so much. You definitely helped start
my journey. And of course, you know, I'm just going
to vate a little bit on the introduction, and then
we're going to get into our stats that we love doing,
and then we'll also tell you about my big MMA
battle last night, as you might see if you're on
Instagram right now. But Illy came on the radio show
back when I was doing it in my office studio,
I remember correctly. And she gets gets introduced to me
and tells me, you know, I'm a I'm a this
is how I pitchered it. I'm a trainer. You know
I have a gym, which we're going to correct that.
And you know I can change your life, Frank, And
I'm like, I'm so busy, I don't have time to
work out now. At the time I was, I was about.
I was as heavy as I've ever been in my
entire life. I was one hundred and eighty nine pounds, okay,
and on my little five eight and a half frame
one hundred and eighty nine. I carried it well, I think,
But Illy would joke with me it's because I wore
those Columbia shirts all the time, so I didn't really
carry it well. I covered it well. But anyway, she
tells me on the show. She says, if you will
give me two days a week, twenty minutes a day,
two days a week, I will change your life and
in sixteen to ninety days you will see dramatic results
in your body. And I literally had to get bleeped
on the air because I said, you are full of
s right. I was like that that is impossible. I
called her out and she looked at me and she's like,
then do it right, And I'm like, okay, we're going
to do this, and I was ready. It was the
right time, and so I did. And fast forward five years,
I'm still working with Illy at her boutique studio, not
her Jim, okay, not her jim. Jim is such a
bad word, and I have I dropped all the way
down to one hundred and forty nine pounds. Okay, I
keep cutting out a little bit. Are you hearing that, James,
it's a little Oh, it's my headroes. Okay, good, all right, sorry,
sorry listeners. Anyway, I dropped down to one hundred and
forty nine pounds and Illy went to me and she goes,
oh my god, are you eating. I'm like, well, you
told me to eat less calories and do this, and
she's like, you need to eat more, right, so she
so long story short, I kind of settled in right now.
I got weighed at the er today. We'll get to
that in a minute. And my weight today is about
one hundred and sixty, right, but I gotten down to
one forty nine, which is a little too thin. But anyway,
I'm going to save the rest for later in the show.
All I'm going to tell you is you need to
listen to this show because I called this woman out
live on the radio, and then she called me out
and she changed my life. And if you don't think
you have twenty minutes a day, two days a week,
you're lying to yourself. And I think that is the
reason that I have maintained this healthy physique and kept
the weight off and feel stronger and more healthy and
have grown. Is because when you don't put yourself in
the position that you have to go to that gym
rat membership and you have to go five six days
a week and you're spending an hour or two there
in an hour getting home and showering all this crap,
it's so easy to say no. And yes it's January.
Yes a lot of people are doing dry January. I
made it five days, but everybody wants to make changes now.
But the important thing is you need to make changes
that you can sustain. And you know that's why I
think they say dry January, because it's like, damn, you
can go thirty days right as long as your birthday
and NFL playoffs and hunting things are not in the
middle of that. So we're going to leave it at that.
Eli's on the show, She's going to chime in. I
want to get right to Senia over here from Aharn
Associates about our statistics, our real estate statistics. I had
a client this weekend tell me he was going to
wait to buy because the market was going to tank
and all these horrible things are going to happen. And
you know what I did send I sent him the
link to the Business Happy Hour and I said, here
you go. In the first ten minutes of every show,
Senia goes over the statistics year over year and tells
you where they are. And I know you warned me.
I know you warned me. It might not be as
good as I want to hear today, but take it away.
Speaker 3 (06:39):
Well, we're not tanking.
Speaker 2 (06:41):
We're not taking I'll definitely tell you that.
Speaker 3 (06:43):
Okay, you know, but people love the headlines, you know,
that's what gets you to click on them, and you know,
see what's going on. We're not tanking good personally. I mean,
I think what we're going through right now is just
a healthy correction to the market.
Speaker 2 (06:57):
Speaker 3 (06:58):
You know it's been challenging for buyers with the high
interest rates. Inventory is still you know, not high enough, right, So,
I mean, conditions are good and I'd say, don't wait
to buy. And one of the reasons is because sellers
are motivated, right, sellers are being aggressive. I finally got
my one listing under contract that I've been working on
for a while because the seller wasn't quite you know,
just going for the push, and he did, and you
know what, as soon as he did, we got our offer,
finalizing the contract today. So don't be afraid to make
your offer. Negotiate, and there's deals to be had. The
people that are saying, hey, it's going to tank, you know,
I'm expecting you know, prices are going to be lower
by twenty percent, there's some softening.
Speaker 2 (07:46):
Wow, helping out my partner over there. Your phone was
blocking your face.
Speaker 3 (07:50):
Oh okay, okay, yeah, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 2 (07:55):
So there are some deals to be.
Speaker 3 (07:56):
Had, There are deals to be had. Sellers, yeah, sellers
are motivat the ones that are putting their homes on
the market. But I think, don't wait, you know, maybe
the next like few months, we'll kind of see. I
think a pickup in activity possibly. You know, price is
softening a little bit. Price softening isn't anything huge. I
don't think anything huge enough for you to wait around for,
because why not just make the offer. If there are
buyers that are afraid, oh, they're not gonna you know,
take twenty you know, one thousand dollars less than what
they're asking. The current list price to sell price ratio
is actually at ninety six percent.
Speaker 2 (08:31):
Well, well, list of sale prices not, So what explain
to a layman's term customer? What does that mean?
Speaker 3 (08:37):
Well, let's just say, so there's a you know, listing
for five hundred thousand dollars. You know the current trends
right now, it's realistic to expect that the seller will
go down about twenty grand. So don't be afraid to
make the offer. And some of the sellers we're working with,
even the ones that are like, well, let's just price
it there and see what happens. They want offers, bring
them the offer. You know, ers are afraid, Oh, I
don't want to offend anybody, and you know, waste time.
It's not a waste of time. Get the conversation going,
see where they're at, and you never know, there's definitely
deals to be had. But for stats, so yeah, let's
just go over our number real quick for November. So
in Hillsborough County, our closed sales volume was down by
about seven point six percent, okay, And Panellas it was
down by two point four percent, which I think we
were expecting a little bit more because of the yeah,
hurricanes and everything. Pasco was down thirteen point one percent.
But along with those numbers, I also want to mention
the new pending sales.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
Okay, well be real quick. Those are the home sales,
So those are.
Speaker 3 (09:39):
The ones that got contracts on.
Speaker 2 (09:41):
Them, got conc So from last year to this year,
November to November exactly, Yeah, that fewer got contracts. So
it was only a couple percent.
Speaker 3 (09:50):
So but yeah, year over year in November though, our
pending sales in Hillsborough were up eleven point four percent,
Panella's County up forty two point three percent year over year,
what yeah, and Pasco up eighteen point six percent. So
I think the soul you know, translate into you know,
more closings. We'll see our December numbers.
Speaker 2 (10:08):
So what more houses went into contract? Yes, year over year? Yep.
Well that seems like a very positive statistic.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
I think so, And I mean part of it could
be because of the hurricanes. There was definitely just not
a whole lot going on because people were busy, right,
you know, with all the aftermath of that, you know,
in October. But yeah, November numbers I think are looking good.
And in terms of median sale price in Hillsborough County
year every year there was no change.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Oh, our listener that I talked to on Saturday. That
is the answer we were looking for.
Speaker 1 (10:41):
Speaker 2 (10:41):
I just said the median sale price year over year
November to November, and Hillsborough County has not changed, No.
Speaker 3 (10:48):
No change. We're still at four hundred and twenty five thousand.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
Speaker 3 (10:51):
Panella's County did go down how much?
Speaker 2 (10:53):
A bit?
Speaker 3 (10:54):
Ten point eight percent?
Speaker 2 (10:55):
Oh? Interesting? Well, but again, like.
Speaker 3 (10:58):
Okay, factoring in the hurricane and stuff, because yeah, the
homes that were damaged, you know, say they were listed
for a five hundred thousand, but they have one hundred
thousand dollars worth of damage. They don't want to deal
with it. They just want to get rid of it,
sell to an investor or whatnot. That could definitely play
a part in that. And PASCO was down three point
seven percent, so their medium is at three hundred and
ninety thousand.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
So so I'm tossing out I'm doing it right now. Soon,
I'm tossing out your Panella's County stat. Okay, it is
irrelevant because of the hurricanes. Yep, that has got to
be it. Okay, So I can't wait to hear December.
Then we're gonna get concessu the slowest month of the year. Two.
Speaker 3 (11:32):
But still those numbers, I mean that's softening. Yes, forget
you know, Panella's county, but overall, for you know, just
our metro area, the totals are three point three percent down.
That's I mean, wait, this is I think it's a
healthy correction to just you know, get us back to
a regular, normal market, which I think we're gonna make
a big headway this year.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
Yep. So so I'm gonna leave everybody with this. We
have a thirty. We have a break coming up. We
got a couple of seconds here, guys. That market is
not tanking. This is the time to buy and Sennya,
how do they reach you real quick eight.
Speaker 3 (12:05):
One three, seven five five real or you can go
to Tampa real Estate dot pro.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
Tampa real Estate dot pro. That's who you got to
talk to because she knows the stats. She'll say you
the house. We'll be back in the Business Happy Hour
with Elistoilova from x Force Body. Stay tuned now.
Speaker 1 (12:19):
We're back with some serious real estate and business talk
with three of Tampa Bay's top experts. Your host of
the Business Happy Hour, Frank the Bangkodo, Rosa Bahiti, and
Senia akeishna.
Speaker 2 (12:30):
Hey Tampa Bay welcome back to the Business Happy Hour.
By the way, we have a huge announcement Senny and
I just found out when we sat down today that
we are now officially on two stations at two times.
Thank you for the applause, Thank you everyone. We are
not only right here at our home channel on news
radio WFLA, you can find it on nine to seventy
am every Sunday morning, but now we are playing at
five am every Saturday morning on twelve fifty w h
and Z. That's your AM channel, twelve fifty w AH
and Z. Or you can find us on FM now
at one oh five point nine FM. That's one oh
five point nine check us out early on Saturday and
Sunday mornings. So thank you to our first time listeners
this Saturday coming up. And don't forget we are also
a podcast, so if you can only hear part of
Itllly's podcast Avilliy Show today, you can pick her up
as a podcast and learn how you can change your
life forever for more fitness and better health by going
to the iHeartRadio app or iHeartRadio website and you can
just search for the Business Happy Hour podcast and you
will see much more of Sinnia and I as much
as you can take of the podcast. Oh and by
the way, we're also on our YouTube channel. I forgot
about that, man. We are everywhere. In twenty twenty five,
all of our videos and descriptions are now being uploaded
to YouTube, so you can just look up the Business
Happy Hour on YouTube and you can watch the video.
So lots of places to see our faces, even more
places to hear our voices. Cinia, I know you had
a little bit more of the stats before we go
into our guest with Illy and talking about new life,
and we'll find out what happened to Frank's face and
all that good stuff.
Speaker 3 (14:03):
Yeah, just just to wrap it up. The one other
stat I want to mention is the media and titled contract. Okay,
so that just means from when you list to the
time you get a contract that has definitely doubled.
Speaker 2 (14:14):
Oh you're there. Interesting.
Speaker 3 (14:17):
So I mean we know, you know, buyers are on
the fence. Things are just taken longer. And that's really
all that means.
Speaker 2 (14:22):
Speaker 3 (14:22):
You know, back in the COVID days, when you put
your house on the market and you have you know,
a million offers by the next day, that's not happening.
Speaker 2 (14:29):
So I'm going to make an assumption. You tell me
if I'm right or wrong on this. My assumption is
because we have a little less buyers right now because
you have some people on the fence. That's probably why
some of them are not going into contract as quickly.
But as soon as these rates drop, which they're going to,
you're going to have an influx of buyers. And maybe
you already know this. What's our inventory right now? Are
we still sitting around three and a half months?
Speaker 3 (14:54):
You know what we are?
Speaker 2 (14:55):
Speaker 3 (14:55):
Yeah, so Hillsboro is actually only at three point three Again,
this is for single fear family homes. I know, condos
are different. I just don't even really include that in
my stats, right, but yeah, three point three months supply.
But that is about twenty seven percent higher than last.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Year, which is awesome.
Speaker 3 (15:12):
But it's good. Yes, we need the inventory.
Speaker 2 (15:15):
But it's still at half of a normal market. You
taught me that a normal market is six months of inventory.
Speaker 3 (15:19):
Yeah, I mean we're still I think in the real
estate business, we're still saying, hey, right now it is
a buyer's market. Yeah, you know, buy the books when
you learn it, you know, in real terms, it technically
should be a seller's market. But I think because of
all the other factors, you know, buyers have you know,
more choice, there's you know, less competition because people are
on the sidelines. But I really think that's going to change.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
I think people, well, here's this, here's the scary part.
It's going to change overnight. And that's what people have
to understand is when the rates drop, it's not like
they it's not like they drop and it takes three
weeks for them to drop. No, if they drop, they're
going to drop quickly. And when that happens, you're going
to have more buyers. And if you don't have as
many houses as you need in a healthy market, you're
going to have something called competition, and then it is
going to be supply and demand, and then all of
a sudden it is going to be a seller's market. Overnight.
Speaker 3 (16:04):
Yeah, so I think. I mean springtime, that's usually kind
of the hottest time for real estate. Anyway, I wouldn't wait, No,
you have one. Start your shopping now, get a going,
get the good deal, you know, make sure you have
a great agent like me. You'll negotiate a wonderful deal.
But on that note, for the sellers. Yes, you know, hey,
if you still have pictures, you know from last year
and you happen to get them up when your Christmas
tree was there. Yeah, my big pet peeve is I
hate seeing pictures in January with all the Christmas decorations.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
Get a Christmas tree.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
So either yeah, have the photographer come back out take
new pictures without the Christmas tree. Or there's even the
software where you can like remove stuff, you know, using
technology and descrictate the pictures.
Speaker 2 (16:44):
So how do they reach you again?
Speaker 3 (16:46):
They can reach me at eight one three seven five
five reel or go to Tampa real Estate dot Pro.
Speaker 2 (16:52):
Got a Tampa real Estate dot Pro that's where you go,
or eight one three mortgage dot Com. Either way we'll
get you in touch with Senia Tampa real Estate dot Pro.
Now I want to I gotta get Illy going a
new year, new things, but beforehand, I will address the
elephant in the room and or in my eye. I
had amazing fight last night with a giant armoiir in
my bedroom. Walking to the bathroom at five in the morning,
I decided I was going to cough my face into
the corner of an arm will, which subsequently knocked my
butt out cold. So I slammed the side of my
head into the bathroom door, picked myself up off the
ground with a bloody face and said to my wife
I'm hurt, and helped myself out. Long story shore, I
went to the er right before the show today and
this is the result. They luckily were able to glue me.
But I think I'm gonna have one of those what
do you call them, like boxer scars or whatever, where
it's like she's like, no, you're not gonna over yeah.
Speaker 4 (17:54):
Like if it was me, I'm like, man, i'd probably
just be You'll be fun.
Speaker 2 (17:58):
Thank God. So that's Illy. So that's what happened to
my face. We can talk about it later. I'm sure
we'll do a post. I want to focus the rest
of the show on Illy. Illy a dear friend. She
says I'm not going to have a scar. So now
I'm holding her to that. I guess I'm a derma.
She does well. She's the one I called actually because
because she was coming on the show. I'm like, Elly,
I don't know what's about to happen here, And she
was setting me up with a guy in clear Water
and all this and I'm like, you know what, I
better just go to the one here first, right next
to my house to find out what's wrong. And if
it was serious, then I was going to move to
the other one. But Illy, thank you for that advice.
You are a great friend.
Speaker 4 (18:31):
As long as you didn't wait too long, because then
then I want to do it.
Speaker 2 (18:34):
Yeah. And by the way, when you wait a little
while and they clean it out, that is uncomfortable. Needless
to say, I'm like tears coming down my face. Illy,
X force body not just a gym. It's a way
of life. It is an easy habit to create. I
said it earlier in the show. I went from one
hundred and eighty nine pounds one hundred and forty nine pounds.
And that probably took me for that full weight loss,
probably sixty days. That's it, maybe ninety when I hit
the real low. Ninety for the real low.
Speaker 4 (19:08):
Major dramatic difference was three months.
Speaker 2 (19:12):
Three months, okay, ninety But before.
Speaker 4 (19:14):
And after pictures of the studios.
Speaker 2 (19:16):
It's it's unbelievable, and I'll try to find them and
put them on the screen. I don't really know how
to share it on the Instagram, but I'll probably put
it on the post that we put out, but it's
a pretty embarrassing picture is taken to me at a
pool in like twenty eighteen. And then my buddy who
took the embarrassing picture sent another better picture after Illy's help.
But I can't speak enough. But we have a few. Actually,
it's a sure. I tell you what. We're gonna start
Elly story in the next segment, so we can start
totally fresh. But Ely has a very interesting story. Illi
immigrated to the United States from a communist country and
so she has a very unique perspective. We talk about
all the time. I don't you knew Senia is actually
from Russia. That you have an amazing story. And there's
a why behind this because you you you realized your dream,
you came to America and you did it, and now
you have helped so many people, including myself. I have
to thank you for that, and that's why I refer
so many people over to you. Over to xports body.
By the way, exportsbody dot com is where you go
you have a little break here, so go to xportsbody
dot com. In the break you can start learning about it,
and then Illi will tell you more after we get
to know her and her fight for freedom and for
your health. We'll be back on the Business Happy Hour
in just a minute.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour Radio show with your
host Frank the Bank Kodo, President of Lincoln Lending Group
and eight won three mortgage for twenty years right here
in Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa
Bahiti and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with
Mahara and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of
experience in the local real estate market. If you're looking
for real estate or business advice, no matter what your
experience level, the Business Happy Hour team has been there
for you for almost a decade right here on news
radio WFLA.
Speaker 2 (20:55):
Now sit back, relax.
Speaker 1 (20:57):
And get ready for some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts.
Speaker 2 (21:02):
Here's Frank the Bank. All right, Tampa, welcome back to
the Business Happy Hour Radio show. Now we are on
twelve fifty wh and Z and one oh five point
nine FM Saturdays at five am. You can always catch
us Sundays at the same channel we've been on for
ten years nine seventy WFLA. So amazing guest Sanny and
I have you just heard the stats? It is the
right time to buy. Uh, don't waste time. You got
to call seven five to five reel or go.
Speaker 3 (21:27):
To uh the real estate pro. Oh my god, Tampa
real Estate dot.
Speaker 2 (21:35):
Pro, Tampa real Estate dot Bro.
Speaker 3 (21:37):
I got her, I got I'm the one that I've
been like using for a while. But I don't have
ros anymore.
Speaker 2 (21:42):
By the way, Hi rosa Tampa real Estate dot Pro.
That's how you're to find Sania. And you can always
find Frank the bank online and I'll get in touch
with you. Just text me directly. My cell phone numbers
all over Instagram. Illy, my good friend, owner of x
forcebody dot com. I've I talked in the beginning about
what was so special how I met you. I told
you're full of it. But the one thing before we
get into your story, into the workout stuff, is is
you told me something in that first day I met
you Because I said, Elly, I can't do diets, and
You're like, you don't have to do diets right, And
I'm like, but but Illy, I'm a foodie. And she said, Frank,
go out tonight after your first workout, go to outback
and order exactly what you would normally order, but eat
half of it. And that changed my life. It really did.
All of a sudden, I started paying attention to calories,
which will blow your mind if you look at how
many calories you eat of bs, like one sandwich at
twenty five hundred calories. No bueno. But I took her advice.
I started eating half of the meal. I still enjoyed
what I ate. I only worked out two days a week,
twenty minutes a day. All my friends are like, what
are you doing? How is this working? And next thing
you know, they're all trying it out. So illy, tell
us your story, take it away. The mic is yours.
Speaker 4 (22:57):
Where do I start?
Speaker 2 (22:58):
I know right about a little bit of where you're
from and a little bit of that story. Okay.
Speaker 4 (23:02):
I was halfway through college in Bulgaria. I was twenty one,
and I came to America Tampa Bay Student Exchange program.
That day I landed in Tampa, going over the bridge
to Saint Pete beautiful sunset time. I became obsessed, like
in love at first sight, like this is where I'm
gonna live. This feels like home, and everything is a
it's history from there. Yeah, it's I mean, Bulgaria is beautiful.
Bulgaria is a gorgeous little Eastern European country. I'm not
from Colombia everywhere, going to get you from Cologni. But
it's communist post communists. I don't even know which one
is worse, whether it's the communism or what happened after
it collapsed, because it's basically the same thing with a
different name, right, and the you know, even you know
my cousin, I love her, Ellie. She goes, Ellie, let's
open X force here in Varna, and I'll run it
for you. Let's let's start it. I'm like Ellie, I
don't feel safe starting a business over there still, because
the it's like the mob in the in the sixties, right,
if they watch you, if you're somewhat successful, they it's
still going on. They're going to protect you, exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2 (24:30):
Yeah, that's only happy.
Speaker 4 (24:31):
It's still the same situation, unfortunately. And I'm very grateful
for America and uh, it's the best country in the world,
and the possibilities are endless and you've proven it.
Speaker 1 (24:49):
Speaker 4 (24:50):
I work hard, Yes, I don't know anything else. I
just know I work hard five am to sometimes seven
I just make sure I'm getting eight hours of sleep
rest of the time I'm working hard.
Speaker 2 (25:05):
You taught me that. It's kind of like some of
like the five pillars that you taught me about, and
I have never forgotten. And I get mad at myself
when I don't nail one of those, like drinking my water,
getting my sleep, you know, getting my exercise.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
You know.
Speaker 2 (25:19):
Either way, I'll let you talk.
Speaker 4 (25:20):
Yeah, and almost sleep is not just another pillar. I
look at it as you have exercise, hydration, nutrition. Sleep
is like the foundation that holds everything together.
Speaker 1 (25:33):
Speaker 2 (25:34):
Without sleep, none of the other world.
Speaker 4 (25:35):
Doesn't matter how well you're doing and everything else. If
we're missing the foundation to sleep, sooner or later, something's
gonna give, something's gonna crumble. As far as health, good
fitness leads to better health. So anyway, it's better sleep.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Speaker 3 (25:53):
I mean, if you're doing all the rest, you should
be getting better.
Speaker 4 (25:55):
Sleep too, if you're disciplined enough to make time for
it and provide the proper conditions for better sleep.
Speaker 1 (26:04):
Speaker 4 (26:04):
Because a lot of people say, oh, I'm okay, I'm
on six hours of sleep.
Speaker 2 (26:08):
I got friends that say they're okay at four and
a half and five and I look at them, I'm like,
you are not okay, right, And here's a quick side
note is you feel the difference. But when you continue
putting your body in that position of getting five to
six hours of sleep, you don't feel the difference because
you don't know the difference. But if I get under
I've totally this before. If I get under seven hours
of sleep, I feel completely different than if I get
over eight hours of sleep.
Speaker 3 (26:33):
Me too.
Speaker 4 (26:34):
Difference And actually the science backs it up. Yeah, because
there was a study done with two groups of people.
One of them was drunk. They got them drunk to
the legal limit I think it's point eight sure, and
then the other group was sleep deprived to six hours
versus the eight hours.
Speaker 2 (26:56):
Shut up.
Speaker 4 (26:57):
So the people they were at point eight drunk had
the exactly same cognitive function and ability to the people
who slept sleep six hours because six hours is considered insufficiency.
Speaker 2 (27:11):
You heard it here now, guys, we're endorsing drinking with sleep.
Speaker 4 (27:15):
Yeah, No, it's you have the same cognitive capacity as
the people drunk at the legal limit of drinking.
Speaker 1 (27:21):
Speaker 3 (27:21):
So pretty much, if you don't get enough sleep, it's
like you're just walking around drunk.
Speaker 4 (27:24):
So that's how I feel exactly. Imagine how this translates
into your day to day functioning, day to day conversation,
day to day. And I used to, like Arianna Huffington
said in one of her speeches years ago. I heard her,
she goes when people brag were sitting at a meeting,
and I go, oh, I got it. I got four
hours of sleep. I'm great, And she goes look at them,
and I go, this conversation will be way more funny
if you got eight right, Yeah, because you were.
Speaker 2 (27:55):
Your half of yourself right.
Speaker 4 (27:57):
And then when it goes into muscle building, ninety nine
percent of the muscle building happens when you're sleeping. You
can go to the gym seven days a week, right,
And if you're not sleeping in.
Speaker 2 (28:08):
You're not recovering, and you're not building the muscle.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
You're not building the muscle, and that can cause for
their Yeah.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
Mean which I get upset at myself after knowing all
this and doing this with you for five years. I
get upset with myself when I don't sleep, if I
if I if I work out on a Tuesday and
I have to get up real early on a Wednesday,
and I get a sleep, I'm like, I literally think
to myself, Damn, I wasted that workout, right, because I'm
not recovering the way I should from that workout. Why
I like to do it on Friday so I can
sleep in. So tell us a little bit. So you
you know, you came over here, you got out of communism.
You literally created the American dream. Your hard work and
your tenacity led you into this field. It's what you
decided you wanted to do. What is this X force thing?
You know, I could talk about it forever, but it's
a it's not a gym, it's a boutique studio. The
beauty of this is I don't know if you have
a rule, but I don't think I've ever been in
there with more than four people at one time at most, right,
and you have a trainer, I'll throw that out there.
But there's something to these machines because it's different. And
I try to explain it to people, I'm gonna butcher it.
But you know, the machine adds negative weight and you
push up the machine and then it changes the way.
I'll let you explain it, because it does something. There's
a reason that we do a full body workout two
days a week, and we don't break it up. Why
do we not do back and buy and chest and
try and leg day and all that stuff?
Speaker 4 (29:26):
Well, which which question? First of all, the why how
did X force body? Uh? It's that that's the final,
the final step of the journey, the final destination. But
it didn't start with X force body. I was always
passionate about fitness right and about gym related activities, running, jogging, yoga, dancing.
But my parents said, get a real job. This all
this is going to the gym. It's not gonna pay
her bills, get a degree, get a real job. I go, Sure,
what's the closest to fitness, or go study physical therapy
here in America. I couldn't transfer my speech pathology major
from Bulgaria because I didn't even speak English. I had
to start with three semesters of English as a second language.
So I'm still working on it.
Speaker 3 (30:20):
And I don't get rid of the accent.
Speaker 4 (30:23):
Well, my son always makes fun of my accents still,
like Mom, it's not how you say it, okay. And
I was taking my prerequisites for the physical therapy program.
I was at some point they accepted a bunch of
my credits from back home, which was almost the same.
I started working in a nursing home physical therapy because
I figured I'm going to be in healthcare, I might
as well get in the door and start the experience
part of it. And that was my full time job,
and then part time I was teaching barroom dance for
fun in the studio in clear Water for fun, maybe
two hours a week would go dance. The girls are
burning calories. Then one lady one night comes in talks
something to the owner. Next thing I know, she's renting
a part of the studio and she brings these Nautilus machines.
So this is where it's all connected to X Force
because the Nautilus machines and anyone who's heard of Nautilus machines,
they're the fitness equipment that revolutionize the barbell. Okay, up
until Nautilus, we had free weights, right, And just like
before the car, we had a horse the horse care
and people when the car came was invented, They're like, whoa, no,
I love my horse. I'm used to my horse. This
is evil, this is weird, this is right right, And
they didn't want to even because they're familiar with the horse.
This is why we call them horsepower, right, those people
are but this is you know when something new comes
right yep, and anyway, barbell equipment. We're going from the
horse to the something more efficient, safer and better.
Speaker 2 (32:17):
Right yes, and that's the nautiless machines. I gotta catch
off because we got to take a quick break. We're
gonna come back into the last segment of the show
and we're gonna get right in to x force And
what's the difference. What are the nautilus machines? Why do
they work? Why can you work out two days a
week for twenty minutes a day x forcebody dot com.
You better check it out right now. Maybe you get
to see pictures of me without a facial industry looking
into injury looking better. In just a minute, stay tuned.
Speaker 1 (32:40):
Now we're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts, your host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frank Thebangkodo, Rosa Bahiti, and
Senia Aisha.
Speaker 2 (32:51):
All right, guys, we're back on the Business Happy here.
I don't want to waste any time. We are learning
about x force body right now, two days a week,
twenty minutes a day. This is not a joke. I
called Illy out five years ago and she absolutely changed
my life. I will find a fat frank pitcher and
I will put it up, I promise after ninety days.
People literally this is sad. But people literally came up
to me and they were like, are you okay? You
do you have cancer? Like legit one And I'm not jokingly.
Multiple people came up to me because I lost so
much weight so fast. They literally came up thinking I
was sick.
Speaker 4 (33:23):
It's incredible. The the healthy body took us off to people.
If you're healthy, something's wrong with you.
Speaker 2 (33:31):
Well, They're like I used to be kind of fat,
and I'm like, well, thanks for telling me.
Speaker 4 (33:35):
A healthy way of eating. It's considered a diet. No,
I'm not on a diet. It's normal eating.
Speaker 2 (33:40):
I mean normally normal Colorican. All right, So take us
from Nautilus X Force is now the new Nautilus. And
we went from the horse to the car, and now
we're going to what the Lamborghini exactly?
Speaker 4 (33:52):
We go to the private jit.
Speaker 2 (33:55):
You're talking language exactly.
Speaker 4 (33:58):
So I tried the Nautilus workout back then. I became
obsessed with a feeling I started doing it myself. And again,
that wasn't the reason why I decided to do what
I do. It's because one morning, when I was pushing
the next wheelchair at work, I realized I was still
sore from my lifting workout. And I look at my
patient and I realized, why do we get old in
the first place. It's not because of age, because we
have clients. Eighty three year old guy shows up on
a Monday morning saying, Eli, I got a hole in
one this weekend. Eighty three years old, right, Frank, it
was ninety degree weekend. I'm like, how many holes did
you play? He goes eighteen holes eighty three years old
on the golf course at a ninety degree weather. I'm like,
that's that's what I'm doing this for. And I look
and I go. So, we don't get old because of
our age. We get old because with age we start to.
Speaker 2 (35:05):
Lose what motivation? What mamuscle?
Speaker 4 (35:09):
Exactly? And you don't both right, And we lose motivation
because we lose muscle, we don't feel well. You don't
need a PhD In exercise science to give me an answer, right,
So I said, if these patients had my stupid workout
twenty minutes twice a week as a permanent part of
their life. They would never be in the wheelchair because
we're talking more muscle for injury prevention, more muscle protecting
your spine, more muscle protecting your joints, and so many benefits.
I mean now they call it, I mean this is
fifteen years ago. Now, Oh, muscle is the organ of longevity.
Speaker 2 (35:47):
Speaker 4 (35:48):
I've been saying this for fifteen years. And you gotta
live to weights, you can. You know, Tennis is a sport,
Golf is a sport, football, pickleball, that's a sport. Doesn't
make you stronger, makes you good at the sport, but
there's a very high injury risk anyway, So that's it.
I called my mom and I said, sorry to disappoint you,
but this is what I want to do with my life.
And I gave my two weeks notice at the hospital
and I became a Nautilus trainer for almost five years
before twenty sixteen, which we just celebrated nine years in business.
And this is a story. So x Force is now
the Nautilus machine, but it's a negative so it's even
better than the Nautilus. The latest version of it, which
gives you way better results in less time. And we
train full body only twice a week because after fifty
plus years of research, we know that you don't build
muscle in the gym, and the gym is the way
you break it down. You build muscle on your days off,
when you're sleeping right, eating right, drinking water right. The
workout is just the stimulus that helps your body change,
and it's actually your body changing your body. It's not
the workout or just the sleep, or just the water
or just the food right right. That's it. So you
train the body as a unit, give yourself enough recovery,
which the research shows the sweets potties at least forty
eight hours between lifting. If you're doing more, you're not
going to progress faster because with exercise it needs to
be dozed properly to be sustainable. Just like the doctor
doesn't tell you, oh, take this medication.
Speaker 2 (37:38):
No, they give you a prescription, how to take it,
when to take it exactly.
Speaker 4 (37:42):
If you need chemotherapy, oh just go do chemo. No,
there's a specific schedule because if I take the whole
bottle of medication is going to help me faster. So
if you do more exercise. It's going to help you. No,
it's it. Everything needs to be dosed perfectly.
Speaker 2 (37:57):
That's the premise of skipping the two days is.
Speaker 4 (37:59):
That recover because we need the recovery.
Speaker 2 (38:02):
So we've got the full body workout, we've got the recovery.
I'll jump the water for you real quick. A gallon
of water. A gallon of water a day. It's not easy, guys,
but you got to turn it into a.
Speaker 3 (38:11):
Habit or as close as possible.
Speaker 2 (38:13):
It's five yetties. Buy a yetti cup like this one,
fill it up five times and you've reached your goal.
That's all you gotta do. And then calories, calories, you
want to lower.
Speaker 4 (38:25):
It depending on if you're just trying to get stronger
and make sure you're eating enough because like as I
told you one day, you gotta eat more. Under eating
is just as bad as overeating. Depending on the goal.
If you have thirty pounds of fat to lose, then
you're going to decrease the calories temporarily. And then we start,
which is what you.
Speaker 2 (38:46):
Did to me. I got down to that very skinny
level and then you're like, yo, calories, buddy, But.
Speaker 4 (38:51):
Were you ever hungry no, you're eating balance, normal meals
enough carbs. Without carbs, we cannot build must.
Speaker 2 (38:58):
Right, and you had me eating snacks in between, which
is another cool thing. You know, it kept you kept
your metabolism going. It's the opposite. I told you about fasting,
and you're like, no, that's the opposite. That's not what
you want to do.
Speaker 4 (39:09):
That's if you're not lifting, if you're not trying to
build muscle, you can fast forty days if you want, right, right, right,
but now the muscle requires fuel.
Speaker 2 (39:19):
Speaker 4 (39:20):
So it's so.
Speaker 2 (39:22):
We got about a minute twenty. We're going to continue
this on Instagram, even though we're going to end the
show on the radio so you guys can hear more
about X Force. We're going to hang out a little bit.
But early in the last minute, where do we want
to tell the radio listeners?
Speaker 4 (39:35):
Just keep it simple, guys, keep it simple. It's very simple.
Just enough working out, plenty of sleep, water, hydration, and
you'll be golden.
Speaker 1 (39:47):
Speaker 2 (39:48):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (39:50):
Speaker 3 (39:50):
So the eighty three year old, I mean, that's impressive.
Is it ever too late to start?
Speaker 4 (39:55):
Never too late to start? Even research shows? Even if
you started ninety and you've never touched a weight in
your life. You can significantly increase your straight strength.
Speaker 2 (40:05):
I believe it, and I think i've met that guy before.
I think he goes to your other location before. Guys,
if I can do it, If Frank the Bank busy,
Frank the Bank can do it, you can do it.
It's all about the new year, new habits. Get out
of the gym and that gym rat mentality. Two days
a week, twenty minutes a day. Here's the best part.
Go to xporcebody dot com. Get the free workout with
Illy one time. You'll learn about it. She'll give you
a free workout. Donat a lot before the workout because
you might throw up, but I do promise you you.
I like to scam, but it works. Go there, look
at the videos xforcebody dot com on Instagram or Facebook.
You'll probably see me on there. Illy, thank you for coming,
thanksgiving me