Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your host,
Frank the Bank Kodo, president of Lincoln Lending Group and
he won three mortgage for twenty years right here in
Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa Bahiti
and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with Mahara
and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of experience
in the local real estate market. If you're looking for
real estate or business advice, no matter what your experience level,
the Business Happy Hour team has been there for you
for almost a decade right here on news radio WFLA. Now,
sit back, relax, and get ready for some serious real
estate and business talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts.
Speaker 2 (00:40):
Here's Frank the Bank. All right, Tampa Bay, welcome back
to the Business Happy How are your number one show
for all things business and entrepreneurial? Ten freaking years we've
been doing this on this wonderful channel. That's right. Thank
you for the applause, everybody, We hear your all of
our live studio audience. Here's you here live in the
studio with Rosa Bahiti. Hi doing good.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Thank you. I'm excited for today and all the big news.
Speaker 2 (01:04):
We have big announcements today. So if you guys are
just tuning in, you gotta stay tuned because we have
a couple of really big announcements for the business Happy Hour.
How you doing, reel or sin siniki?
Speaker 4 (01:14):
Wonderful weather? Isn't it lovely?
Speaker 1 (01:16):
Speaker 2 (01:16):
Oh my God?
Speaker 4 (01:17):
Is walking outside and it's just, you know, not too hot,
still very warm where we could be.
Speaker 2 (01:23):
In t shirts, but just you mean you love walking
outside and not sweating by the time you get to
your car. Is that what you're saying. Yeah, I actually
drove to my old little classic car yesterday and I
have no AC in it right now because I don't
drive it enough to like pay attention and take it
and get the freaking AC fixed. But I didn't sweat
all day long. Matter of fact, taking my son to
school yesterday, we had a top down with the heat on.
The heat was on, and my son's literally like, it's cold,
turn on the heat. I'm like, dude, You're like, we're
in long sleeve.
Speaker 4 (01:53):
Let's getting geting colder this week, right.
Speaker 1 (01:55):
Is it?
Speaker 2 (01:55):
I've heard that is there a.
Speaker 3 (01:56):
The heat next week?
Speaker 1 (01:57):
I think?
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Is it next week? The changes for Thanksgiving? We're gonna
have cold weather.
Speaker 3 (02:02):
One day hopefully.
Speaker 2 (02:06):
Yeah, dude, how bad does it suck when when it's
cold coming up to Christmas and then Christmas morning it's
like eighty five degrees and you want it's just not
the same.
Speaker 4 (02:16):
Too bad. It's a common occurrence here.
Speaker 2 (02:17):
But I know, Hey, but guess what you can make
sand castles out of beach sand? Yeah? Right? Or Christmas
trees out of beach sand?
Speaker 4 (02:25):
Right, snow sand?
Speaker 2 (02:27):
Sand Man kept little Elmer's glue. That's the trick. A
little Elmer's glue in the sand anyway, Probably not good
for the environment. Oh man. So it's gonna be a
great show. If you've never listened to the Business Happy Hour,
we like to talk real estate statistics. Senny and Rosa
are both licensed real estate agents. We've got some cool, excitement,
exciting news on that. I own Lincoln Lending Group and
eight one three mortgage dot com. It's your Florida specialty lender.
You can find me on Instagram, Frank the bank Codo.
What's your's Instagram? What's your Instagram? Sen you?
Speaker 3 (02:57):
It's a real true ks n Okay and Rosa loves Florida.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
And Rosa loves Florida. How easy. So we do encourage
you to like and share us on the old Instagram
there because that's where we go live every Tuesday from
about twelve ten to one o'clock and then of course
we are on nine to seventy WFLA News Radio WFLA
every Sunday morning, and it is also a podcast on
iHeart Radio. Feel like I sounded like Bill Clinton when
I just said that I did not have sex with
that woman. That was the best I've ever done. I think,
I don't know. I'm self proclaimed. Sorry. The girls are
like no, no, no, no, you should hear me do
the Donald Trump impersonation. I always get made fun of
because they're like, yeah, that is a homosexual Donald Trump.
My buddy Brad does a really good impersonation that I
try to do. He's like, no, stop doing that, all right.
I'm not good at impersonations, but I am good at mortgages,
and these ladies are good at real estate. So if
you guys are gonna need any of that help, you
can check us out. You can go to Contactfrankdbank dot com.
That's probably the easiest thing to do. Contact Frankdebank dot com,
and you know, what we might as well make this
announcement now.
Speaker 3 (04:02):
Because you're wanting to say.
Speaker 2 (04:03):
I'm wanting to say certain things that I can't say
over here, So how about you do the announcement? Rosa. Okay.
Speaker 3 (04:11):
So I was offered a really good opportunity to enter
into the commercial space. And it's something that when I
first started real estate, my goal and dream was to
master residential after so many years and then go into commercial.
So I've done some commercial on a small scale, so
now I'm ready to take it to the next level,
and then I'm still going to continue doing residential as well.
Speaker 2 (04:37):
Oh thank god. Well, congratulations Rose around the applause. There
you go. That is an awesome move. We're very we're
very very happy. We're you know, I I think, you know,
hopefully we can still work together here on the radio,
you know, I know we.
Speaker 3 (04:51):
Love being here. And after talking with Max, so I
did join with Mac and his term that layer group
Outliary and yeah, he obviously you Frank so much. He's like,
I would love to continue working with him. So we're
going to see what we can do.
Speaker 4 (05:06):
You're back is our guest from last week. He was
supposed to be here today but he's under the weather,
so he's not here to make this announcement with Rosa.
But I know I'm sure we'll have him back another time.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
It would have been perfect too, It would have been perfect.
But listen, when when a guy says he's sick, he's
just a little sick, because you girls make fun of
us every time because we're he's a baby.
Speaker 1 (05:26):
We are.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
Listen. I am self, admittedly one of those baby guys,
or like I get like a flu or something like oh, honya,
yeah that sounded real. Actually that's pretty good. I'm like, honey,
I don't feel good, but I don't get knocked down
that often.
Speaker 4 (05:43):
I don't recall you actually having a sick day. Since
we've been doing the show with you, I.
Speaker 3 (05:46):
Don't think you've guess it.
Speaker 2 (05:48):
No, No, I don't.
Speaker 4 (05:49):
That officer size routine you got going.
Speaker 2 (05:51):
Hey, listen, I just came from x Force Body. Hey,
shameless plug xportsbody dot com. If you have twenty minutes
a day, two days a week, you can look like
Frank the Bank. No, I was like one hundred and
ninety almost pounds before and the girls never knew me.
But I had somebody in my house the other day
and they're like, dude, you were fat, and I was like,
they're looking at pictures. I was like, that's nice anyway, Yeah,
you really should check out X Force Body though Illy
over there is the owner. We've had her on the show,
we'll have her on the show again. But she really
does have a very unique workout thing where it's literally
two days a week, twenty minutes a day. But this
is about Rosa Rosa and you guys too. Yes, well,
we're very happy for you. And you know, I do
commercial financing and I know, Cenia, you'd probably love to
have some good commercial contacts in there. And I think
it's good to have a partner.
Speaker 4 (06:35):
Absolutely, because like I was saying on the other show,
I mean, usually we refer that business out, you know,
I feel like it is, you know, specialized and you know,
lots of different aspects to it than residential.
Speaker 3 (06:44):
So absolutely, yeah. Sure, I did have a big referral
last year that was over a million dollar commercial deal
and I was like, I'm not ready yet, and I
didn't feel that I had the right resources at the time,
so I did refer it out. But now I can
take those things with ollire groups.
Speaker 4 (07:01):
So Max seems like a great guy. I mean, I
really think the key is to have that person, you know,
where you can go under their wing and they, you know,
provide you the resources, answer the questions, you know, kind
of guide you into it. And that's that's key to
being successful in any business.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
Absolutely. Yeah, would one.
Speaker 2 (07:14):
Hundred percent agree with what Sinnia said. I you know,
we I'm sure Ray is not happy to lose you,
you know, because you you are a wonderful person. But
I think that, you know, one of the best qualities
about you is you're not one of those people who
burns bridges, you know, and we can all still work
together no matter if we're doing radio or real estate
or what we're doing. And we've grown to trust you,
and I know the clients have as well. So what
are you going to advertise now? Because I was about
to say the Real Deal Tampa?
Speaker 3 (07:40):
Which do you still have the deal?
Speaker 4 (07:42):
Hey? If you want to reach me sorealdeal Tampa dot
com or eight one three seven five five.
Speaker 2 (07:48):
Reel that's it, seven five reel and the Real Deal
Tampa dot Com. I'm gonna have to start saying it
with Sinnia on the radio. Yeah, time, I know, hold
on this sorry one't ready? That the real deal Tampa
dot Com. Oh, I know, now what are we like
al toe and soprano or something? Or what am I?
Speaker 4 (08:06):
I know? I gotta work on my radio voice still,
So no, you don't.
Speaker 2 (08:09):
Your radio voice is perfect. It's absolutely perfect. You know
what I'm gonna do. I'll do it again. I'm gonna
back away from the mic ready one two three. The
real Deal Tampa dot Com.
Speaker 3 (08:18):
I figures is too deep.
Speaker 2 (08:19):
That's too deep, the real deal Tampa Berlander. Can you
change the tone of my voice? He probably can. Actually
it's laughing over there. But no, we we're we're gonna
we're gonna do that together. We'll still have the real
deal Tampa dot Com and the.
Speaker 4 (08:34):
Eight one three seven five five reel.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
That's it, seven five five reels. So that's what you
call for real estate. And if it's commercial, I'm sure,
Rosa how we're gonna get ahold of you for commercial?
Speaker 3 (08:42):
So we have the outlier Group dot us and then
they can reach me on myself still seven two seven
six zero eight six two three five gotten herself phone number?
Speaker 2 (08:53):
Look at that? I know what now? The listeners like,
hold on, hold on, Rosa one more time. What's that
zell number?
Speaker 3 (08:58):
Six zero eight six two three five beautiful?
Speaker 2 (09:02):
And guys, if you forget all that stuff and you
go to the real deal Tampa dot com or you
go to contact Frankthebank dot com, we will get you
in touch with Rosa to handle the commercial stuff. Uh.
And I know we'll be seeing a lot more of Rosa.
So congratulations, Thank you guys, thank you so much. And
of course, no matter what, we want you back when
Matt comes back on which where it's yeah, two weeks right?
Because where next week is going to be our Thanksgiving show?
I will be out of town. Uh again, Bill Clinton's
out of town?
Speaker 3 (09:29):
Where are you going?
Speaker 2 (09:30):
I'm going to the farm. Oh, I'm going to the farm.
We do do the farm Thanksgiving, which has always been
a dream of mine. It's like to have a place,
you know, up in the woods that you can go
and celebrate Thanksgiving. And we do this little celebration on
Wednesday usually.
Speaker 4 (09:43):
Because we just shut your turkey on Wednesday.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
Yeah. Interesting, we'll talk legalities here. Turkey is not in Ironically,
turkey is not in season around Thanksgiving? Right you would
think it would be.
Speaker 4 (09:57):
I see them all over the place, even where we're
you know, because they're smart, because they know in our neighborhood,
they're just around the cul de sac.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
They're like, you can't kill us.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
Speaker 2 (10:05):
The turkey doesn't go into season until spring. I don't
know why. So it's I almost think that they do
that because everybody go out trying to kill turkeys right
now and maybe a fee board.
Speaker 4 (10:13):
Do you do it in the spring and then you
freeze it?
Speaker 2 (10:15):
Yeah, you could do that, or you know, or if
one just comes and tries to attack you and you
have to save your life, well then maybe that one
goes on the dinner table. Yeah, exactly, get away, get
away turkey. But anyway, yeah, no, And interesting, a couple
of years ago, my son shot a turkey and we
did that and we saved it and and so I
bought a butter ball for Thanksgiving and then we had
the wild turkey. I should show you the pictures, like
vastly different like the butter ball. There's a lot more
meat on those. I think they actually do stick hormones
and something, and they taste totally different. So it's it's
not the same.
Speaker 3 (10:47):
Danya, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Speaker 1 (10:49):
Speaker 4 (10:49):
Actually this has been a tradition now for a while,
but I usually joined the Mahara family and they invite
my whole family and we go out to dinner, oh,
in a room at Magiano's. And it's lovely.
Speaker 2 (11:00):
That a lot of people are doing that. I'm hearing now,
you know what. I like it.
Speaker 4 (11:03):
Yeah, I don't have to do any of the prep
because I just, you know, it's always frantic. I feel
like if you're hosting Thanksgiving doing all the cooking, it's
like you don't really get to sit down and relax.
You know, everybody else is done eating and you're just
cleaning off plates and so yes, very accurate, very very
happy for the invitation.
Speaker 2 (11:19):
My wife Nicole would one hundred percent agree with you.
She has tried to do that. She's tried to even
take the step where we just order the food. A
lot of people like like the nice restaurants, Maggiano's, Eddie Vee's,
take places like that. You can order a Thanksgiving dinner
and you pick it up like the day before in
the morning and it's all like ready to go. You
just put in the oven.
Speaker 4 (11:37):
And I've done that a couple of times, and I
don't know, mixed reviews like some stuff was good and
other stuff was.
Speaker 2 (11:43):
Like eh, okay, and then you're kind of still stuck
kind of cooking stuff too.
Speaker 4 (11:46):
I guess, yes, exactly, if it just came ready, Hey,
here's the delivery, you know, like hoober eats. That would
be nice, but just.
Speaker 2 (11:52):
Go to the restaurant. Is it busy when y'all do that?
It is busy?
Speaker 4 (11:56):
Yeah, it gets very busy. So we got like a
whole room and yeah, you know, yeah, I loves mingling
and nobody has to really do anything other than you know,
eat and drink, have a drink, enjoy.
Speaker 2 (12:06):
Speaker 3 (12:07):
It's exactly.
Speaker 2 (12:07):
So we're gonna take a quick break on the business
happening and we get ba. We're gonna find out what
Rosa Vahiti is doing for Thanksgiving. Stay tuned, we'll be
back in just a minute. If you're on Instagram, give
us two minutes now.
Speaker 1 (12:17):
We're back with some serious real estate and business talk
with three of Tampa Bay's top experts. You're a host
of the Business Happy Hour. Frank the Bangkodo, Rosa Bahiti
and Sena.
Speaker 2 (12:26):
All right, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hour,
your number one show for all things business and entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial,
I'm just kind of relaxing today. I want to lean
back a little normally, like up in the face of
the monitor. Rosa Dahiti going into commercial real estate with
a side of residential, which is good. I'm actually really
glad that you said that you're not trying to go
strictly into commercial because I've seen too many agents do that,
and not that you're going to fail. But it's difficult, right,
It's difficult. And with commercial real estate, your your closings
are much larger usually, but they're a lot fewer and
far between, so budgeting is important. So I think it's
a great idea that you are going to still maintain
some residential real estate and talk to your contact so
we all still get to work together.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
Yes, yes, absolutely.
Speaker 2 (13:12):
But Thanksgiving what you doing for Thanksgiving?
Speaker 3 (13:14):
So mine's a little bit unique, I would say.
Speaker 2 (13:16):
There's nothing about you unique.
Speaker 3 (13:19):
So I'm going to go to Virginia to see my
aunt and uncle and so my uncle is Asian, he's
from Singapore, and then my cousins are going to be there. Well,
my one cousin, Amanda, is engaged to an Iranian and
I'm Iranian as well, so we're going to have Iranian
dishes Asian dishes. And then my other cousin is married
to a Chinese, so we're going to have a mixture
of different things. And I'm going to bring my boyfriend to.
Speaker 2 (13:44):
The one that I met, Yes, and he's redneck. Yes, yeah,
so what did.
Speaker 3 (13:51):
So we're going to make gumbo.
Speaker 1 (13:55):
Speaker 2 (13:56):
Oh oh do you like you've got to have okra
in your gumbo?
Speaker 3 (13:58):
Okay, so I'm gonna ta we got to add that
because I do love o I.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
Ok yeah, I grow okra. I have a freezer full
of okra. Then I've been picking. You need to come
get some of Frank's fresh okra to throw in the gumbo.
Perfect if you if you're willing to pick it up,
I'll bring something. Remind me tomorrow the next day, I
bring some from the deep freezer and we'll meet with you. Okay,
all right?
Speaker 3 (14:17):
So Chinese, Iranian, Iranian, Persian, and then Cajun Asian.
Speaker 2 (14:24):
And then you said something else Filipino, did.
Speaker 3 (14:26):
You say, or no, Chinese will be that Chinese would
be the Asian dish Asian stuff, and then yeah American.
Speaker 2 (14:34):
American, So wait are you gonna have a turkey. You
guys aren't frying a cat? Are you? Sorry? I had
to Sorry, There's worse things I could have said. Okay, sushi,
we talked about that. Ray and I actually ran and
I had sushi yesterday. We joked about sushi cat very cat. No,
they didn't have it on the menu. We were very disappointed.
It was kind of a mainstream sushi place.
Speaker 4 (14:58):
Probably wouldn't call it cat.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
No, I don't think they call it kat. I've been
to like a legit Chinese place over in Europe and
and dog was on the menu. Is up, but they
called it something totally different, and I literally I didn't know.
So I asked a guy and he's like, yeah, no,
Americans don't eat that. And I'm like, what is it?
He's like canine and I'm like, who whoa wha whoa
canine caa? I remember what ca nine means. Anyway, Yeah, side,
So that's going to be really fun Thanksgiving.
Speaker 3 (15:23):
Yeah, so I'll send you guys pictures of all the dishes. Yeah,
it's going to be different varieties the sch mortgage board.
Speaker 2 (15:29):
That's gonna be awesome. And and you guys, so you're
doing Italian.
Speaker 4 (15:32):
Well, I mean they still do you know the turkey
and the traditional.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
Oh okay as soon, still doing turkey and dressing and
all that. Yeah, with some with some alfredo sauce something
that'll be fine. Yeah, we just I'm I'm very traditional,
like we are just turkey. I'm pretty much the same
exact menu for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Turkey, cranberry stuffing, squash,
cast role green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet fried sweet potatoes,
and then some pies.
Speaker 3 (15:57):
And that's it simple, that's it delicious.
Speaker 2 (15:59):
Yeah. Twice a year and matter of fact, before you
all got here, I text with my mother in law,
my mom and my wife and I was like, all right,
we might as well get ahead of the game. We
got seven days to get this stuff prepared. What do
you want? What do you want? What are you to do?
Speaker 3 (16:12):
And so Karen will be there, Karen there listening.
Speaker 2 (16:21):
My mom's gonna be like, no, I'm not, she would.
My mom's going early to the farm. She's like, can
I go early? And I said, of course she can't.
Speaker 3 (16:28):
So she can get all set up and she's ready
to go.
Speaker 2 (16:31):
I bet they love it. They complain about the cooking
all the time. And I'm like, you know, let's let's
do it as a family up here, and which means
I fry the turkey. I get to be outside with
the turkey and the beer, and that's it.
Speaker 3 (16:42):
One of my friends, she's Puerto Rican and we I
hired her to do the catering for my friends giving
the other day and she said she dumped whatever beer
she had in the fridge on top of that turkey
and it was really good. So a tip if you
want to go a beer.
Speaker 2 (16:56):
On the turkey, I do. I usually drink a beer
while making the turkey. It makes it better.
Speaker 4 (17:00):
And we're a little bit on the turkey now you do.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
You got to be beer backing. Actually, we do that
when we smoke turkeys. So I'll get to smoke one
this year. All right, maybe we should talk some real estate.
We should talk some real estate. But everybody, so next week, no,
I'm sorry, two weeks. Next week is going to be
a surprise show. I think Sinny is gonna run the show.
Speaker 4 (17:17):
Oh god, figure, I knew you were gonna put me
on the spot. You could just spring this.
Speaker 1 (17:21):
On, man.
Speaker 2 (17:21):
I'm like, I literally did. But no, James will get
her back. He's gonna he's gonna take care. He knows
how to do radio. So we got that. And and
she's gonna have a surprise guest host. We don't know
who yet. We're talking about a couple ideas, so we're
gonna pick out something. So that's gonna be your Turkey
show next week on Tuesday. So stay tuned for that,
and I will be tuning into you because I will
be I'll be hunting actually when you are on the show,
so that'll be a lot of fun. How about yeah,
how about some stats? How are we doing? Senny always
brings these stats from year over year, month over month?
What are we looking like?
Speaker 4 (17:55):
I do, so you know our October stats, they should
be out next week. Hmm, But I did want to,
Oh glad I'm not there teeter off. Yeah, yeah, true
that we'll see what those look like. But I'm teetering
off last week because I know Rosa chimed in. You know,
we have little pop ups on our mls that come up,
and I just wanted to go off that a bit
because the stats that I do, I just kind of
use the same format that way, you know, we're looking
at the same metrics. You know, each time we announced
the numbers, but the ones from last week which were
for October, but it was for Stellar Stellar stats okay.
So Stellar is the largest provider for MLS in Florida. Okay,
but obviously there's many of.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
Them, and mls of the multiple listing services if you
guys are not sure, this is where the agents get
all of their data from. That's where everything is put.
Speaker 4 (18:40):
Yeah, and that's where you know they get their info.
So this just includes wherever Stellar is at. And then
the numbers that I just wanted to kind of clarify
a little bit on because she mentioned the average sales
price right, which was it four fifty eight.
Speaker 2 (18:54):
Okay for October.
Speaker 4 (18:55):
Okay, but this is multiple areas, and when I do
my stats, I always use the median price, okay, because
there is, you know, a difference if you guys want
to know, for our particular market, so Panela's Pasco, Hernando, Hillsboro,
our average is actually five oh four oh okay, and
those numbers are always higher. Our median sales price is
for twenty eight five in Hillsborough, and I guess for
our MSA is four eight nine. So I mean it's
it's a big difference. And the reason why We usually
use the median is because the average includes those outliers.
You know, if you have you know, a couple of
those multimillion dollar properties, you know, when you average those in,
obviously it's skews for.
Speaker 2 (19:38):
A couple dollars properties or something.
Speaker 4 (19:40):
There not too many of those. But I mean, yes, exactly,
So I mean that number is just very different. So
we normally talk about the median sales price.
Speaker 2 (19:48):
Okay, okay, so that's positive. I mean it's still going
on all the time.
Speaker 4 (19:52):
I mean it's still Yeah. You asked me to actually
pull our you know, national stats.
Speaker 2 (19:56):
Yes, that's always yes. Hold on, you guys are gonna
have to wait for the national stats because would to
take another break here. This is our short segment on
the Business Happy Hour. When we get back, we're going
to see what the national real estate stats are and
how does our local area compare to the national stats
here on the Business Happy Hour, don't forget the real
deal Tampa dot com and contact Frankdibank dot com. We'll
be back in just a minute.
Speaker 1 (20:20):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your
host Frank the bank Koto, president of Lincoln Lending Group,
and he won three mortgage for twenty years right here
in Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa
Bahiti and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with
Mahara and Associates, These three bring nearly five decades of
experience in the local real estate market. If you're looking
for real estate or business advice, no matter what your
experience level, the Business Happy Hour team has been there
for you for almost a decade right here on news
radio WFLA. Now, sit back, relax, and get ready for
some serious real estate and business talk with three of
Tampa Bay's top experts.
Speaker 2 (20:59):
Here sprank the bank, Hey, Tampa Bay, Welcome back to
the Business Happy Hour, number one show for all things
business and per the business the management. Sorry I can't read.
I'm trying to read and talk and do all this
stuff at the same time. I love being on the radio.
Love having my co hosts over here, Senya Akeshaa from
Mahara and Associates and Rose Vahiti from.
Speaker 3 (21:20):
The outlier Outlier I.
Speaker 2 (21:23):
Know, outlier in Lire whatever, but commercial. Rose is moving
over to the commercial side. Sanni and I are so
killing the residential for you guys. And right before the break,
Senia was going to talk about some stats. We talked
about the median. By the way, we were talking about
the median home price, right.
Speaker 3 (21:40):
So you brought up the median.
Speaker 2 (21:42):
Can you tell people what that means if they're like,
because I'm about to talk about the actual price, what
does that mean median compared to happen?
Speaker 4 (21:49):
Well, I mean basically, you know, from our math days
back in school, you know, you would just line up,
you know, all the sales prices and then it's the
one that you know goes in the middle.
Speaker 2 (21:58):
Yep, yep. And guys that she brought back school here, Okay,
I haven't taken a test in many years. Everybody got
my mortgage license, but that that is a test. Like
the median is not the average. It's not adding in
the million dollar listings and the ten or the one
hundred thousand dollars listings. It's just looking at that middle number.
And what did you say it.
Speaker 4 (22:17):
Was for our local area here? Almost four oh nine.
Speaker 2 (22:22):
Okay, that's our median or our average median. That's our media.
Speaker 4 (22:25):
Yeah, the average is five oh four. So you see,
I mean that's almost one hundred thousand dollars difference. That's
why you know, I don't feel like good I can
really reflects. You know you're shopping around for one, right,
or if you're looking to sell your home, oh I
could get.
Speaker 2 (22:37):
You know, good good point, good point, call and all.
Speaker 4 (22:40):
Listen. Every real estate is hyperlocal. Yes, you know, if
you want to sell your home, it's not even taken
into kind of all the Hillsborough County. You know, we're
looking specifically at your subdivision and not bearing out too
far from that because yeah, you know, it's all very local.
Speaker 2 (22:54):
So for an appraiser will tell you that your sales
need to be really within three months, right, I mean
two months is what they I mean shorter the better.
Outside of six months. Most underwriters don't even want to
look at the comparables because things change drastically in just
a few months, and they want you to be under
a mile away. But to Sinia's point, neighborhood is paramount.
Like you know, you've got Carewood Village right, and then
you have Country Place right, or north Dale or something.
I'm not like saying, you know, it's a worse neighborhood,
but there's a difference. Right, people are going to buy
in Carowood probably are not the same guys buying a
country place, and so you can't look at you can't say, oh, well,
my house is in country place, but I'm going to
comp it to a Carowood comp even though it's under
a mile.
Speaker 4 (23:36):
Even specifically, yeah, I mean you do go right into
the subdivision first. If you don't have enough comps from
that subdivision, that is when you zero. But ideally you
want even concentrate it to the subdivision percent.
Speaker 2 (23:46):
So how do we stack up nationally?
Speaker 4 (23:49):
Well, nationally, yeah, so I pulled that, and I mean
I think, you know, because we've been talking about how
things have been a little bit you know, quieter and
slower activity. That is the picture, you know, all across
the US, and that just means activity, you know, is slower. Okay,
so things have just been a little bit quiet, quieter people,
you know, sitting on the fence. The only one that
has actually had an increase in sales volume was in
the West.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
Really yeah, out west, like California out west.
Speaker 4 (24:18):
Yeah, so like I'm guston California, probably Colorado, maybe Washington.
But overall, you know, I think we're all kind of feeling,
you know, the same kind of slower pace.
Speaker 2 (24:28):
Now, those stats go through October.
Speaker 4 (24:31):
So these know, they also pull these for September. Okay,
so even which gnar like this isn't we're not getting
October numbers until the end of this month, got it.
But for the media and sales price, which yeah, they
categorized by media not the average. I mean, there's really
not a downward trend yet. Okay, I mean not huge
increases that we were seeing, you know, a couple of
years ago. But you know, I don't have any of
the ones you know that went down.
Speaker 2 (24:57):
Yeah, I think that's highly positive, right, I think that's
positive too. But we talked last week about these memes
that we see in these little videos and people are
coming out they're like the world's ending and for prices
are following. It was the one that came out like
Tampa got ranked of a dropping market or something like them.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
Like no, no, well listen, for for sellers, it's positive, right,
you know, I think overall buyers, you know, buyers look
for a good deal. But right now this is the
time for buyers to still negotiate, you know, because the
sales activity isn't you know, on par with you know,
everybody's you know, going crazy. So this is the time,
inventory is still not at the levels we need them
to be. So you know, when the frates do get cut,
which we're hoping they will, you know, we really that
inventory is going to get sucked up.
Speaker 2 (25:43):
It's it's gonna get It's like, what do we have
now a couple months worth of inventory? Maybe do you
have that? Really?
Speaker 4 (25:47):
Speaker 3 (25:48):
Like for us, I almost caught up, or it is
I would say, no.
Speaker 4 (25:51):
Three point six months.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Oh, three points.
Speaker 4 (25:53):
Six months is the equilibrium for us. The stats from
October for you know, that whole Stellar region, which you
know that goes pretty much all across like the middle
of our state. But I mean I don't compare us
to like Okala, No, you know, so they're at five
point six. Okay, but I mean even that you can
see the difference for you know, three point six, they're
five point six for that big region, right. You know,
for us here, we definitely need more, We.
Speaker 2 (26:18):
Need more inventory. So we're gonna reiterated, I can literally
not talk today. We're going to reiterate to you guys
that if we've said it a million times, it is
more true now you've got you've got a new White House.
You know, Congress said things are going to happen. You
see how the stock market is reacting to all of this.
I mean, have you all looked at your investment accounts.
I just looked at the beginning of the week or
end of the week. I was like, holy crap, like
everybody talking about it, Oh, look at your investment account dude,
a lot of your accounts are double right now. They
have gone up so much consumer confidence is there, which
Ray and I were talking about, You're going to have
more sellers coming into the market, and when those rates drop.
The one thing that's holding the sellers back are the
interest rates. Because there's there's the seller that has to sell,
and then there's a seller that kind of wants to sell,
but the kind of want to sell, which I would
even say, I'm in that bucket. You know, my wife
is always looking for something else, no necessity to sell whatsoever.
Like I'm my kids and I are going to fighter
on this, right but physically we're going to fight you anyway.
The rates. Like when we looked at this house, I said,
we look at this house a novel lot, right, and
this beautiful house. But can't I can't say that I
want to go from a two point eight seven five
to a six and a half for a house that
already costs more money. So the smart news is when
rates drop into the foes, it's going to be a
feeding frenzy because those sellers are going to list and
then you have limited inventory.
Speaker 4 (27:52):
Well those buyers that have been on the fence, like
I actually since the election, I feel like I've been
getting more calls.
Speaker 2 (27:57):
Speaker 4 (27:57):
You know, so the people that are waiting for you know,
it to hit, you know, all the news and everybody's
doing the same thing. Then you know, it's not fun
to compete when you're a buyer. You know, we all
know that during like our you know, COVID real estate.
Speaker 3 (28:11):
Oh man, you got back fast and be a christ
nice when you can, you know.
Speaker 4 (28:15):
Take your time, find the home that you love, negotiate
and you know a lot of sellers are you know.
Speaker 2 (28:21):
Which when when is that time?
Speaker 4 (28:24):
Right now?
Speaker 1 (28:24):
Speaker 2 (28:25):
Exactly everything you just said that people we have to
do is now, Yes, it's now. When when that COVID
crap happened? Like saying like you're talking about Rosa, Oh
you gotta think fast, act fast. No, you got to
put a freaking offer inside unseen is what you had
to do.
Speaker 3 (28:39):
Yeah, there's no time to even look.
Speaker 2 (28:41):
What market do you want to be in? Like, this
is the market, buyers, this is your market. There is
some new there's some word that Trump's could probably do
some sort of first time homebrier thing as well. I'm
starting to hear rumbles of that. But I we cannot
stress enough that this is the time.
Speaker 1 (28:57):
So what do you do?
Speaker 2 (28:58):
What do you do? Well, the first thing you can do,
you can go to the real deal Tampa. I'm gonna
do that with you. You want to do.
Speaker 4 (29:07):
But even if they do that, I'm going to send
them to you ahead and get your preapproval right, you know,
and then we can even start slowly looking at homes.
You know, see what's out there, you know, get your gauge. Okay,
you know, I definitely know I want to be in
this area because so many people, you know, don't even
really have that narrowed down no, no, So it's nice
to you know, check out the different parts of town
and you know, not not have that pressure.
Speaker 1 (29:29):
Speaker 3 (29:30):
So, Frank, what is your best piece of advice to
the buyers that are waiting and have been waiting, and
specifically towards the interest.
Speaker 2 (29:37):
Rates marry the house, date the rate. That that is
the only piece of vice. I just I literally just
heard that on some big national TV thing I was
watching the other day. The other guy said, date the rate,
marry the house. I'm like, that's not how it goes anyway.
It's marry the house, date the rate. And what we
mean by that is the rates are gonna come down, right.
We know they will come down again, it's all cyclical.
But what's probably not going to come down the price
of the house. So I'm trying to tell you to
talk to Cinya and Rosa. Find the house. Now, you're
gonna have to suck it up a little bit on
the interest rate, but you will be able to refinance.
You know, everybody's talking about the FED rate. The Fed
just cut rates again, right, So even though it's not
directly tied to the thirty year fix, I'll be honest, right,
it still shows where the economy is going.
Speaker 3 (30:22):
And you mentioned a four percent rate, So there's a
reason you're.
Speaker 2 (30:27):
Thinking that because statistically, if you look at every mortgage
across the country, four and a half percent is kind
of like this super secret magic number. Four and a
half is low enough to get the guys who are
in the threes to make a move. It's also low
enough to get the guys who are worried about first
time home buyer prices to be a little more affordable.
It's about a twenty percent reduction in your mortgage payment
from where you are today. That's what Grant Cardone even
got out the other day, and he was calling out
literally the administration saying you have to drop it to this,
and I think Trump listens. I think he's going to
hear it, and I think you see consumer confidence. I
think a big reason people were not in the market
is because the unknowns what was about to happen politically.
And the best thing that I think could have happened
was that the country was very much in agreeance. And
I think that was a good thing for us. So
it's going to change. It's time to buy. Now. We
can talk a little bit about what to buy. Have
you all messed with manufactured housing? I have, yes, yes,
you sending you. Have you touched into the manufactured housing
a little bit?
Speaker 4 (31:31):
A little bit? Yeah, Actually I sold one. It's probably
been three years ago or so.
Speaker 2 (31:35):
So I want to just we only have a minute here,
and what we can talk a little more at the end,
but I just want to dispel the rumors that you know,
there's a bad investment. It actually could be a really
good investment for you and your family, if you want
a certain amount of scare footage, if you want a
little bit of land, if you still want to stay
close to the city and not have to pay too much.
A modular or manufactured homes. They are beautiful.
Speaker 3 (31:56):
Yeah, and they can be hurricane rated too, and there's
hurricane strap yes.
Speaker 4 (32:00):
Yeah, well I think there's all these you know rules
or whatnot. Let me know, it has to meet, you know,
certain standards, and.
Speaker 2 (32:06):
We have to have special inspections on the foundation and
the straps and the tie down. So it's not like
Dorothy and Toto. You're not gonna fly away. Okay, maybe
it was like a nineteen seventy six one maybe, But
with the newer manufactured homes are ensurable, they're cheaper. It
may be an idea. So I encourage you to reach
out to Sandy and Rosa and talk about manufacturing and
they're financial. They are financially because I think that was
a myth for a while.
Speaker 4 (32:28):
Well you can finance them because I think for a while,
like people thought that maybe you can't get finance.
Speaker 2 (32:35):
And when we get back from the break, we're going
to talk about financing on manufactured home. Stay tuned.
Speaker 1 (32:40):
Now we're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts. You're host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frank the Bangkodo, Rosa Bahiti,
and Seniasha.
Speaker 2 (32:52):
All right, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Real Business
Happy I was trying to figure out how to read
the comments because it sounds like my boy got in
trouble today. That's right, you heard it live on the radio.
We're about to find this out. Anyway they like to
have fun. He's going to kill me for that one. Sorry, buddy.
All Right, it's only twenty thousand people listening to you.
Oh man, don't use your phone in school kids, that's
what you should not be doing. Listen. Education. Speaking of education,
we're talking about something before we let manufacturing housing. Oh yeah,
that's right. And Sennia, you were bringing something up there
in a manufactured housing is that people are scared of
what what do they feel like they couldn't.
Speaker 4 (33:29):
Do in manufact Well, I think they wouldn't be able
to you know, get financing for them.
Speaker 2 (33:33):
That's right, And a lot of people that is the case.
And I'm going to tell you why they think that,
because if you buy a home in a manufactured home park,
you can't get financing, all right, because you don't own
the land.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
Speaker 2 (33:45):
You can get financing if you own the land. And
a lot of people talk about this rule of nineteen
seventy six. The manufactured home has to be built before sorry,
after nineteen seventy six, or it's not financable. We actually
have one investor out of forty five different investors who
will do manufactured homes pre nineteen seventy six.
Speaker 3 (34:04):
So then you can get an insurance carrier to insure
it as well.
Speaker 2 (34:08):
Oh someone has sold manufactured homes before. That's a Rosa
Vahiti over there with outlier group. Uh yeah, it's freaking impossible.
Speaker 4 (34:20):
Was actually in a mobile home park, like it was
a really nice community, you know Hoa's They had like
old clubhouse and the land did come with it.
Speaker 2 (34:26):
Oh okay, then then I stand corrected on that. So
there must be some parks that.
Speaker 4 (34:29):
You are I think, yeah, there are parks that you
know you could do that.
Speaker 3 (34:32):
Well, you got to go to the real exampa An
hoay maybe yeah, yeah, exactly mean Okay.
Speaker 2 (34:38):
I stand corrected. So there are some parks that you
own the land. That is the point in bringing up
the manufactured home thing is that if some of you
are hearing this and you're like, gosh, dang it, like
I got to spend a half a million dollars to
get that three bedroom house that I that I really
want for me and my kids. No, you don't have
to if you're willing to go into modular or manufactured housing, which,
like de Rosa's point, they're not going to fly away anymore.
You know, you're not going to Kansas and Toto and
all that stuff. It's you can get financing on these.
You can get faha, you can get VA, and you
can get conventional. So all the major loan products are
available for manufactured housing. You can even do non QM,
which are the products that when you can't qualify for
conventional where you need a bigger down payment. But it's
not it's not that scary anymore. And to to Sendi's point,
you could find one in a park with some nice
amenities apparently, But that is the number one question you
have to ask and you need to talk to your
agent about this to help you find the right place.
Is are you going to own the land, because you
do not need to own the land when you buy
a manufacturer. And I'm sure there's companies out there that
will finance them if you don't own the land. But
it's not like a regular mortgage, so probably be more
like a car loan almost.
Speaker 3 (35:41):
Because they are considered motor vehicles at that point when
they're not on own land.
Speaker 2 (35:45):
Technically are considered motive mobile well mobile home, manufactured home. Yes,
they are considered motor motor vehicles, and they do have
tags and stuff like that. So let's say we talked
about rates rates are good enough to buy, you could
still be in the fire.
Speaker 3 (36:00):
Potentially with and I was wondering because we didn't touch
on what they are. Yeah, I was hiding it and
I figured, but I wanted to.
Speaker 2 (36:06):
Know that you could be in the high fives if
you want to pay a little bit for it. Most
rates right now are in the low to mid sixes.
We still will commit to beat any written estimate. That's
kind of our claim to fame is you know, send
us the estimate. You don't need an application and we'll
tell you what we can do thirty year fixed for
you and not and then you can do an application
after you see that.
Speaker 4 (36:25):
But to reiterate the you know, marry the house, date
the rate, This is the time to find the house
to marry. You know, it's so much harder when you're
competing with others, and it sucks when you fall in
love and then somebody else get that gets that house.
You know, it's so much better as a buyer to
just not feel the pressure, you know, take your time,
really find the one. And like you said, but the rate,
you know, when they go down, then you do the
refie and you know, just yeah, you know, find the
home that you love.
Speaker 2 (36:53):
They're going down, guys. But Senia Grain is a great point.
It's the house that you can't change.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
You know.
Speaker 2 (37:00):
You got to find the house you want and just
buy it. Buy it now when you're when you can
actually get like, are the cells covering closing costs right now?
Are we getting?
Speaker 3 (37:09):
Yeah? I just locked in a great deal. But yeah,
we got one percent towards closing costs and I mean
my clients are putting down twenty percent and it's a
million dollar sale.
Speaker 2 (37:19):
So dang, Yeah, that's like good one, but that the
home was on.
Speaker 3 (37:24):
The market for one hundred and thirty days. So I've
been shopping with the buyers for a long time and
finally we we got someone that was a little bit
more motivated.
Speaker 4 (37:32):
So all right, yeah, we get motivated, and like the
other stud that, we don't really go over much, you know,
to kind of show that, you know, things happen a
little bit slower, like our days on market has almost doubled. Okay,
it's a good you know, like a year ago, which
just means, you know, you put your house on the market,
you're probably you know, there's a good chance that might
take you know, forty five sixty days for you to
get an offer and get it under contract. Okay, you
know we're before I mean for a little while it
was immediate, but even and you know last year that
media in time was about thirty days or so.
Speaker 2 (38:03):
I'm going to be really interested to hear the stats
for and I know you can you're not gonna be
able to give this to us till December, but November
I would like to hear the days on market post election.
That is, that is where I think we're gonna see
a change I think that. I think the days on
market when you tell us the october'stats is going to
be horrendous because I don't know about you, most of
us didn't even work for three weeks.
Speaker 4 (38:25):
Well that's the other thing too, Like I think October
numbers are going to be skewed just because I mean,
we really weren't doing too much real estate during those
four weeks, you know, all of us that live here,
I mean a lot of us taking care of our
own you know properties, you know, get through the hurricane,
preparing for the hurricane.
Speaker 2 (38:40):
Digging us out of the hurricanes.
Speaker 3 (38:42):
It would be good, though, if you research the past
elections too, and.
Speaker 4 (38:46):
What those didn't you give us like numbers on that before.
Speaker 3 (38:49):
I actually have some stat.
Speaker 4 (38:50):
Stats from like, yeah, post election real estate market.
Speaker 3 (38:53):
I have them on my phone.
Speaker 2 (38:54):
I have but yeah, on the phone that's on Instagram
right now.
Speaker 3 (38:57):
So I can pull them up the next time I'm here.
Speaker 2 (39:00):
Yes, yes, okay, I am interested to know that because
I I think days on market, I think that's going
to change drastically. And I think with the with the
you know, consumer confidence in the market right now, I
think we're gonna see that change and guys, listen as
soon as these rates take just a tiny bit. Why
do you want to be the guy who lost the
house to the up to the dude who saw it
after you? Right, you can. The rates are gonna do
what the rates are gonna do. Just get the dang house.
So start with your preapproval. Uh, contact Frank thebank dot
com or the Real Deal Tampa dot com. At the
end of the dot com, the Real Deal Tampa dot com.
There we go. Yes, not the same without you, Rosa.
Speaker 3 (39:41):
I got yeah, I'm sorry.
Speaker 4 (39:43):
We will need some practice.
Speaker 2 (39:44):
I love it, Mama canesss. Thank you for joining the
real business happening. Hey, hey, Kevi, I gotta figure out
how you're seeing the messages es well send you you.
Speaker 3 (39:54):
Can seem I can't see.
Speaker 4 (39:55):
Well, I wonder if we see different ones because maybe
I don't.
Speaker 2 (39:57):
See I don't even know where these messages appearing. Anyway,
Thank thank you guys for listening. It's been a great show.
Next week it's going to be a big surprise. It's
either going to be Senia running the show with another host,
or it's going to be a rerun and we're going
to play the show we played last week that we
had last week with Mac from Outlier Group because we're
going to have him come on in the following show
and we're going to talk a little bit about Amazon
Jungle and such. It was a lot of fun story,
but we're going to focus on commercial real estate in
a couple of weeks. I hopefull you guys have a
great Turkey Day.
Speaker 3 (40:26):
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Yeah, Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (40:29):
Yes, and we'll see you guys a couple weeks. Don't
forget Frank Debank Coto on Instagram, realtor Sin on Instagram,
Rosa loves Florida on Instagram, The Real Deal Tampa and
contact frankdibank dot com. Have a great week.