Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your host,
Frank the Bank Kodo, President of Lincoln Lending Group and
he won three mortgage for twenty years right here in
Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa Bahiti
and Sinia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with Mahara
and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of experience
in the local real estate market. If you're looking for
real estate or business advice, no matter what your experience level,
the Business Happy Hour team has been there for you
for almost a decade right here on news radio WFLA. Now,
sit back, relax, and get ready for some serious real
estate and business talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts.
Here's Frank the Bank.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
All right, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hour,
your number one show for all things business and entrepreneurial.
Today is no different, except it's the Christmas episode. That's right.
Sandy and I have all kinds of Christmas presents for
you to guys. Is it the right time to buy?
Maybe it is? Is it the wrong time to buy?
I never, it's never the wrong time to buy. But
today we're gonna have statistics, and we're going to talk
to you about why it could be the best time
ever in your life to purchase a home right now?
Could it be the best time? Sendia Akeisha on my
amazing co host. How you doing today?
Speaker 3 (01:15):
I'm doing great?
Speaker 2 (01:16):
Did you realize it was the last episode we're doing
be for Christmas?
Speaker 3 (01:19):
You know what? No, it's all really coming up too fast.
It's all happened in so yeah fast, It's happened way
too fast, always does. And of course I still have
some shopping left to do.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
Oh I tell you what is this? Has this year
been worse for you than normal years when it come?
Speaker 3 (01:34):
And be honest, Leo's are you normally like one of
those people that's ahead of the game. I've never ahead
of the game, neverhead Every year I'm like, okay, next year,
I'm going to start this process early. And I mean
even when I do.
Speaker 2 (01:46):
It, just you know what early is to me? Like
if I started on the twenty second, that's really here.
I am one of those. And I'm sure there's a
lot of guys out there, maybe girls too, that their
Christmas shopping day is the twenty third, Like that is
my day.
Speaker 3 (02:01):
Oh, I've had years like that too.
Speaker 2 (02:03):
Yeah, my wife knows it. On the twenty third, Frank
disappears for a few hours and Franking.
Speaker 3 (02:09):
I think that's a really popular guy thing to do.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
It's a good thing, is it really?
Speaker 3 (02:14):
Is that what we do?
Speaker 2 (02:15):
I know my wife this year we're at we're actually
in the Dominican This last year, I saw that.
Speaker 3 (02:19):
I didn't even know you were going, and then I
see this picture and you're on this beautiful beach.
Speaker 2 (02:24):
I know. I think that was the only post I
put out like the whole time. But yeah, I will
talk about a lot of stuff today. Senna and I
have a great fun show for you. We're going to
talk some real estate statistics. We're going to talk twenty
twenty five on today's show. That is what we're going
to talk about is what are people saying about the
twenty twenty five real estate market. There's some cool news
reports that just came out on some of the real
estate's websites that talks about next year. We're going to
talk some statistics. We're going to talk about my little
Christmas Dominican holiday and how is the Dominican Republic? Did
my plane get shot out? You're going to find that
out probably in the second segment did my plane get
delayed multiple times? Which turned out to be good but
yet bad. All kinds of fun stuff here. Buying a home.
We're gonna talk about buying a home around the holidays.
By the time you're listening to this episode, unless it's
today Tuesday on our Instagram day, might be too late
for you to buy a home before the end of
the year.
Speaker 3 (03:20):
Well not if you close with Frank the bank, right,
you can make things happen very quickly. If you find
a home tomorrow, we could probably still close it. We
probably could, and then you can get the homestead exception.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
And you can. And Sennya just brought up something very
important we're going to talk about as well in today's episode,
and I'm gon write that down here, homestead, because that
is a big question that everybody pushes to buy their
home and close by the end of the year. But why,
that's the question that we're going to answer today. Why
do people do that? What is the real benefit to you?
I was in the airport with somebody and we got
into a really weird conversation about about buying more expensive
homes and how she bought a home. I think like
eight years ago and got in on a pretty dang
good raid and and lower price of the home. Yet
she needs to upgrade into a more expensive home right now.
And the question that was popping up was was basically,
how does this work? You know what my tax is
going to triple? And the answer is not necessarily. So
we are going to talk about homestead and we're going
to talk about do you know what this means portability
of homestead?
Speaker 3 (04:22):
I do?
Speaker 2 (04:23):
All right, So I'm gonna quiz you.
Speaker 3 (04:25):
I do. I don't know that I've ever personally done it,
but you know, just learn real estate stuff, I you know,
know it practically?
Speaker 2 (04:32):
Yes, well, we know we know how to do it.
We don't know if we've ever done it before. By
the way, I angled the camera a little, I'll have
to let you look at this and tell me if
you like how we did this or if we should
double it up or not we like it?
Speaker 3 (04:43):
Like? Yeah, Well, and the break, we'll take a look
at it and see.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
This this might be the way to go. We have
a new logo. Everybody check it out. It's Senning Frank
over here.
Speaker 3 (04:50):
Save logo. Yeah minus Rosa, Rosa, will.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
We miss you? Still going to be here from time
to time.
Speaker 3 (04:57):
Come back on soon she is.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
Yeah, we're going to have her starting coming in at
least once a month, and we're gonna be talking some
commercial real estate with Rosa Vahiti. But in the meantime,
if you guys are shopping for a house before we
get into the Dominican side and what to do around
the holidays in twenty twenty five, if you're shopping for
a house, there's a place that you should go, and
that's how you get in touch with Senya. Senya, how
do they find you?
Speaker 3 (05:17):
You go to the real Deal Tampa dot com or
you give me a call at eight one three seven
five five reel.
Speaker 2 (05:23):
That's it, seven five to five reel. Super easy number
to call. Can they text that number as well? They can, sure,
seven five to five reel. That's a great number for
you to send a text. And the easiest way to
find me to schedule an appointment is just contact Frankdebank
dot com. Can't make it much easier than that guy,
seven five to five reel and contact Frankdebank dot com.
So let's talk a little bit about this vacation.
Speaker 3 (05:44):
Yes, we have a like was this like a pre
Christmas sort of getaway.
Speaker 2 (05:48):
To know, we've never tried to schedule a vacation like
that around the holidays, So a couple things to learn.
Airports are a little hectic. I'll give them that. It
was a wedding. It was it was a friend mine,
Logan McKnight. Congratulations Logan and Megan. By the way, you
guys are they're still the Dominican. But it was a
destination wedding.
Speaker 3 (06:08):
Those are fun. I want to go to one of those.
I've never been doing me either.
Speaker 2 (06:11):
I'm about to be forty six and that was my
first destination wedding and Senia it was awesome. Destination weddings
are a lot of fun. Fun fact on destination weddings.
If you you know, normal wedding, you know, you invite
one hundred people and then what do you expect like
seventy say that's a good guest, you know, seventy eighty
percent something like that show up. Well, I think I
think our friends thought on destination wedding that they would
invite like one hundred and they would get less than fifty. Oh,
they had some very good.
Speaker 3 (06:43):
Friends, very good friends.
Speaker 2 (06:46):
They had like ninety five percent RSVP and they got
the Dominican.
Speaker 3 (06:50):
I mean, I'd be more inclined actually to attend that one,
right right, So.
Speaker 2 (06:54):
They did, and it turned out to be a huge wedding,
a couple fun things. I think it's supposed to be
good good luck when it rains on your wedding day.
I heard that right. It rained, It rained. It was crazy.
It was windy and clear the whole time. And then
it comes the night of the wedding. You see these
clouds and you're like, ooh, this isn't good. They made
it through. The whole ceremony was fine. It was pretty funny.
When the reception, everybody got there and you know, got
in the line to get your drink, your very first
drink and all that and uh and they have all
this beautiful spread of food that they uncovered, and you know,
you're looking at them when you're getting you drink. You're like,
I'm gonna go get one of those and one of those.
And I'm telling you about the time that everybody got
through the bar line and got in line to get
the other food. When I mean the clouds opened up.
They opened up, and it was a torrential downpour, and
the dudes running at the event didn't cover up the
food or anything like that.
Speaker 3 (07:46):
And I mean was it under a time though that
really no.
Speaker 2 (07:50):
A couple mistakes that I think were made. And we're
all standing there like we're starving at that point too,
and we're like, oh damn.
Speaker 3 (07:57):
Like but they do I mean, did they like rush
like move it somewhere under head? No?
Speaker 2 (08:01):
No, no, you.
Speaker 3 (08:03):
Had wet food pretty much, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2 (08:05):
Pretty much. And then the dinner they did leave the
dinner covered. So the dinner, but then it was kind
of weird. It was like off and on and off
and on, and she did not want to go into
the ballroom. She's like, I am here in the Dominican
on a beach. It is my wedding. I don't know
what you would have done as a bride. Like at
some point you cut bait right and you're like, we
just got to go to the ballroom. She did it
like after the like we got rained and back and
forth and back and forth under this tent and then
finally everybody's like to the ballroom after like the mother
mother father danced and.
Speaker 3 (08:29):
I've never been to the Dominican, but no, I kind
of like her style.
Speaker 2 (08:32):
So yeah, if you go tropical. You kind of want
to get married tropical.
Speaker 3 (08:35):
You know, that's very tropical. It's on the beach a
little range.
Speaker 2 (08:38):
So the Dominican was nice. The Dominican was a good place.
It's it's one of those places you pretty much stay
at the resort. You don't really go outside of the
resort so much. We did go to another beach and
checked it out, One Yo Beach, one You, and it
was very nice. Here's my advice to anybody going to Dominican.
You're gonna go to the Puntacana. That's where everybody goes.
There's the Atlantic side and the Caribbean side. If you're
big on the super calm water, you need to go
to the Caribbean side. If you don't really care, they'll
be water's beautiful everywhere. Then you can go to the
other places. Right, But I will tell you the water
we found at a place called cop Kana, cop Kana
and Pootacana unbelievable. Yeah, take her. That's cap ConA and
uh they're all known for their we say that secrets.
Royal Beach. It's an all inclusive resort.
Speaker 3 (09:24):
Those are the best. You know, it's all inclusive, it.
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Really is, and when I walked out, I was like, honey,
I was like that, that was like really reasonable, Like,
you don't because you're not getting nickel and dimed everywhere.
You know, now if you walk out on the beach,
will nickel and dime you for every everything?
Speaker 3 (09:39):
Probably drink a lot more though, you'll have one of
those and.
Speaker 2 (09:43):
You definitely a lot.
Speaker 3 (09:44):
Drink a lot.
Speaker 2 (09:45):
Yeah, I definitely ate a lot. Yeah that that Yeah,
we figured that out this morning. But yeah, yeah, you
eat a lot, you drink a lot. It's fun and
the food was pretty good. So there's an endorsement for
secrets Puntakna. They've got a couple of them. Capcana and
Royal Beach both are great. Capcn on the Water is
probably a little better, but whil Beach was awesome. So anyway, okay,
that's a whole segment on Dominican.
Speaker 3 (10:05):
Yeah, no, that's awesome. Though, good for you. I'm a
little jealous.
Speaker 2 (10:08):
It was fun, you know what. Weird though, you know,
you dude, people talk about the Tropical Christmases. It wasn't
very Christmasy, Like they didn't. I mean, they had decorations up,
but I did not feel like it was Look, it's Florida.
Speaker 3 (10:18):
I mean we did get lucky with a couple of
cold days. You know what, it did rain that one
day it is that's probably the same day that it
rained there, but it was terrible. Yeah, you know, I've
been liking the colder weather. I'm like, it feels like
we're in the season.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
So the worst thing about Florida Christmas, I don't know
about you, is when you wake up Christmas morning and
you open the door and it's like eighty degrees. I
hate that.
Speaker 3 (10:40):
Sad acy kicking, Yeah, I hate it a god side.
Speaker 2 (10:43):
I looked at let's let's look at that. Let's look
at the weather real quick. We're going to do the
weather on on the business appyar. I looked at this yesterday.
Let's see if it's the same. I want to see
what Christmas Day is going to be like. That's what
I always want to know. And guys, if you're listening
on Sunday morning, we're only a couple days away, so
the weather could be what I'm looking right now. Bill
Clinton says, the weather's gonna be great. I gotta get
Travis back in here. He does a good one. Okay,
here we go. Oh, Christmas is on Wednesday, seventy four
and fifty nine. So guys get up early with the kids,
open the doors before like eight o'clock for sure, and
it'll be a brisk fifty nine degrees. You might be okay, right,
light a fire quickly. You'll have to go out by
like nine thirty in the morning. Yeah, but that it
won't be bad. It's gonna beautiful weather, though, it says
I just it's gonna be cold in the next few
days here. It looks like it's in the forties. That's
that's gonna be nice. Nice.
Speaker 3 (11:37):
It fluctuates just up and down, you know, be freezing
cold the day before and then you wake up the
next Yeah.
Speaker 2 (11:42):
What do they say we get four seasons in a
day here in Florida? Right, GotY? All right, we're gonna
take a break here in the business happy hour. When
we get back, we're gonna get into some business. I promise.
We've just been having a good time over here. We're
gonna talk about buying homes around the holidays. I'm gonna
ask Cinya about homestead exemptions and portability. Neither one of
us have ported, but we're gonna find out about it.
We're gonna talk about U twenty twenty five real estate market.
Stay tuned the Business Happy Hour, don't forget the real
Deal Tampa dot com and contact Frankdbank dot com. We'll
see you guys in just about two to three minutes.
Stay tuned.
Speaker 1 (12:15):
Now we're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts. You're host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frankdbankkodo, Rosa Bahiti and Senia Akeishna.
Speaker 2 (12:28):
Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hours. Sorry,
was in the middle of doing a little Instagram post
over there because we have to run all kinds of
things at the same time here at the Business Happy Hour.
We love for you guys to listen every week, and
don't forget you can find us on social media. We
are on Instagram every Tuesday, live from about twelve ten
to one o'clock every Tuesday. Like and share. It's our
Christmas episode today. Look at this. We got Christmas balloons
all over the place. They don't light up anymore though,
but our is our Christmas episode today. We're gonna be
talking about buying a home next year in twenty twenty five.
Is that the right time? Win is the right time,
homestead exemptions, purchasing around the holidays, all kinds of fun
stuff we're gonna get started on right now. And I
have a feeling, Senny, it probably has some stats for us.
Am I putting you on the spot. Did you pull
stats today?
Speaker 3 (13:15):
I mean I have the same stats from October? Yeah, hey,
we you know, can definitely go back through those.
Speaker 2 (13:22):
Yes, I want to. I want to hear some stats
because I always like to hear what's going on in
the real estate market. What else we got going on today?
I think that's about it. We got Christmas coming up
in just three days. If you're listening on Sunday morning,
and if you're not, you are one week away from
Christmas Eve. If you're anything like Senny and I, you
have not bought anything. Is there anything under your tree?
Speaker 3 (13:44):
You know what, There's not gonna be anything under my
tree until Christmas morning because I have my little toddler, okay,
and he loves unwrapping gifts. So I think whatever I
sat out there, it'll get unwrapped well before Christmas.
Speaker 2 (13:57):
See to us boys like we do it. Ever since
we're a toddler, we just go under there. And I
mean did you do it as a kid, did you
go peek under the tree or anything?
Speaker 3 (14:05):
I grew up in Russia, you got, you know what,
one gift? Are you joking? I'm not joking. No, I'm
lad really different Christmas experience.
Speaker 2 (14:15):
This is so wait, like so there was it?
Speaker 3 (14:18):
Speaker 2 (14:18):
Is it because you didn't have a lot of money
in Russia or is it?
Speaker 3 (14:21):
I mean that's just how it was. I mean, you
get candy and oranges, you know, but I mean in
terms of a gift, it's one gift, and it's actually
not on Christmas Day. Okay, we do that like our
New Year's Eve celebration. That's how you know, we celebrate
New Year's is like Christmas. That's when you get your gift.
That's when you do the tree.
Speaker 2 (14:41):
Okay, hold on, we're we're postponing the real estate portion
of the show and we're going into Russian Christmas right
now because I have a feeling that's gonna be way
more exciting. Okay, Russian Christmas. Explain Russian Christmas. So wait,
we do Christmas Eve Santa Coomb's and then the next
morning he's left the gifts for us and we get
up and we open them and we're under the tree.
And then we have a celebration on Christmas Day as
well usually and then we still have our New Years
for us.
Speaker 3 (15:05):
That's on New Year's So New Year's Eve is like
the Christmas Eve, you know, the way the celebration is done.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
So but you guys are not is it not the
same Christmas? Is it not? Is it not?
Speaker 3 (15:15):
Say Nichol, listen. Actually Christmas and Russia is by the
like the old Gregorian calendar, so that happens in January.
So in my household, you know, my mom still loves
to celebrate all the holidays, so we do, you know,
the religious Christmas, but we have never traditionally involved like
any gifts. You sit down, you know, for dinner, a
lot of people go to church. This is in January, though,
this is in Janue. When you say religious christis and
they go like with the old calendar, like I'm not
super privy and I just rely on my mom. Oh,
you know, tonight is dinner for this, and then they
got the old New Year, which I still do not understand.
But yes, lots of things happening, including my mom's birthday
is coming up. She's turning sixty on Sunday, we're having
a big party for her.
Speaker 2 (16:01):
So little shout out, shout out to mom, Happy birthday.
So hold on, does mom get to change calendars based
on her birthday?
Speaker 3 (16:08):
And she's like, oh, this is the Greggorian. Well, our
calendar revolves around that. It's like, oh, man, Christmas starts
even earlier because she always wants to do a big
thing for the birthday. So you know, starting the twenty second,
it's just like non stop celebrations for a month or so.
Speaker 2 (16:23):
I gotta go back. So in Russia, you got the
twenty fourth and twenty fifth of December are nothing.
Speaker 3 (16:28):
I mean the americanized ones that are living here. Obviously,
now we see a ones living in Russia. If you're
living in Russia, nothing happens. They still do. I mean,
you know, maybe our family just to kind of, you know,
be in spirit with us, right right, right, they'll decorate
the tree and everything. But no, when I was growing up,
you know, up until we moved here. Yeah, now, when
did you meet present?
Speaker 2 (16:50):
And how old were you? I was nine nine, okay,
so you remember then? Pretty good? Yeah, And now now
let's go back to this New Year's Eve thing, So
you don't have New Year's Eve, like we have New
Year's Eve.
Speaker 3 (17:00):
Oh no, we have New Year's Eve. We have New
Year's I was like, you guys, like that's a huge
celebration where you know, the kids, you know, you get
to stamp till midnight, do the whole thing, okay, and
you get the presence on New Year's So you guys just.
Speaker 2 (17:13):
Doubled it up Christmas in New Year's Eve all in
one time.
Speaker 3 (17:16):
Pretty much. Is there Santa or is it like igor
there is Santa? Say that again, it's Grandpa Frost.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
Grandpa Frost.
Speaker 3 (17:25):
I kind of like that grandfather and I think traditionally actually, yeah,
our Grandpa Frost. He's in blue, but otherwise you know,
white beard and white hair and all that, but blue.
Speaker 2 (17:37):
Okay, I'm going to date myself on this. There's no
chance you remember a Saturday Night Live skit called Hanaka Harry,
do you?
Speaker 1 (17:43):
Speaker 2 (17:44):
So Honukah Harry was basically Santa but in blue, and
that's what I just pictured. I mean, it was hilarious.
But he's obviously a Jewish Santa, and he would give
presents to all the gentile boys and girls. Get it.
It was hilarious. I just thought it was one of
the funniest Saturday Night livee skits ever. Okay, so so
you guys are getting so there is no Santa clause,
it's it's Grandpa Frost.
Speaker 3 (18:06):
Yeah, death Metos say this again, Metros.
Speaker 2 (18:09):
Did medrosth mets. Oh you're pretty good, Death Metals Grandpa Frost. Okay,
I like this, and then and then and then you
have another Christmas though in January, but.
Speaker 3 (18:20):
Like the just the religious, you know, it's not the
full tressle. Yeah, no presence, you know, none of the
fun stuff for the kids.
Speaker 2 (18:27):
So here's here's what I want the kids to take
away from this, because I saw some of my kids
listening to this and my kids friends be happy. Yes,
you live here, right, coming from a Russian right, Frank.
Speaker 3 (18:39):
When I moved here, all your stuff, I mean I
was like a kid and you know, Candyland, disney World
just on a daily basis. Yeah, Halloween, I only got
to do maybe two or three Halloweens because then apparently
I got too old. But I thought, like, for me,
that was like the most amazing holiday. I'm like, oh,
there's people just dressed in you know, different costumes and.
Speaker 2 (18:59):
Yeah, and they're giving me candy and I get to work.
Speaker 3 (19:02):
I think they grow up here. They have a good Yeah.
Speaker 2 (19:05):
I just want to go back to the fact that
you guys think you should get more than an orange
and a present. And I gotta say, the way the
presents are going this year, that's all You're getting an
orange and a present because I've got dangerines on the
counter and I got.
Speaker 3 (19:20):
No presents right now.
Speaker 2 (19:22):
So it's just been a little bit of a busy year. Wow,
So this is interesting. So I learned something today. I
had no idea. I just thought, like, I don't know
the world celebrated Christmas, but I'm pretty naive, I guess
in that fact. I mean, I'm sure there's some other
cultures out there besides the Walmart Holidays. But anyway, be thankful, everybody.
That's what the holidays are about about giving and being thankful.
You know, I do get stressed out when we don't
have presents because I do like to give. So you know,
if you haven't gotten a present from me, you don't
worry about getting me anything because I haven't shopped yet
this year. When we get back, we are going to
talk talk real estate. I've taught I promised no more
Russian Christmas, American Christmas. We don't want to wish you
guy all a happy holiday though on Sunday morning. You've
only got a couple shopping days left before Christmas, So
get out there with all the other guys tomorrow on
Monday and shop away. I'll be at International Mall. Sign
an autograph. We'll see you guys. I'll be back in
just a minute with stats from Senia and what to
know about buying a house in twenty twenty five. Stay
tuned to the Business Happy Hour.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
Welcome to the Business Happy Hour radio show with your host,
Frank the bank Kodo, President of Lincoln Lending Group and
eight won three mortgage for twenty years right here in
Tampa Bay, joined by his incredible co host Rosa Bahiti
and Senia Akishna, top producing real estate agents with Mahara
and Associates. These three bring nearly five decades of experience
in the local real estate market. If you're looking for
real estate or business advice, no matter what your experience level,
the Business Happy Hour team has been there for you
for almost a decade right here on news Radio WFLA.
Now sit back, relax, and get ready for some serious
real estate and business talk with three of Tampa Bay's
top experts.
Speaker 3 (20:58):
Here's Frank the Bank.
Speaker 2 (21:00):
All right, guys, welcome back to the business Happy our city.
And I were just joking. We didn't even realize it
was gonna be our big Christmas show today. And I mean,
she's both wearing blue for for for for Grandpa Frost.
Speaker 3 (21:12):
Oh, there you go, Frost. We're doing wearing the colors
for the Russian Christmas.
Speaker 2 (21:16):
Today's Russian Christmas. It's wonderful for all your little Russian
boys and girls. You got presents. These are oranges, These.
Speaker 3 (21:25):
Are or All you get is a balloon?
Speaker 2 (21:27):
Did they really give oranges? Is that a thing?
Speaker 3 (21:28):
It's a thing. But actually, no tangerines. At least when
I was growing up, there weren't that many oranges. But yeah, tangerines.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
Speaker 2 (21:36):
And then she came to Florida and she's like, there's oranges,
and there's presents, and there's Halloween.
Speaker 3 (21:43):
I'm sorry, I'm.
Speaker 2 (21:44):
Busting your butt to you know.
Speaker 3 (21:45):
It's awesome here.
Speaker 2 (21:46):
Yeah, it's crazy, it's great. I'm just I just think that,
I mean, I know a lot of kids don't listen
to our show, but I really wish that they would.
And they could hear these stories. I'm gonna go tell
my kids today.
Speaker 3 (21:54):
Oh, they wouldn't care. They would still give you that
list of you know, yeah, added a fifteen dollars worth
the stuff of the latest and greatest gadgets and so
whatever else they're asking for.
Speaker 2 (22:04):
I've we've crossed into this weird world now, and I
know we're gonna talk real estate eventually. I know we're
just having fun. It's our Christmas episode, guys, and we're
not even drinking. So anyway, we've crossing this weird zone
with my fifteen year old son where he has not
asked for crap. My daughter will give me a PowerPoint
presentation on everything that she is getting, not what she's
This is not what she's asking for. This is what
she's getting for Christmas? Right, my son? I'm like literally like, bro, like,
is there anything can I get you? Something?
Speaker 1 (22:34):
Speaker 2 (22:34):
He does like tangerines, so I might seriously throw some
in the stocking. We haven't had the Christmas talk yet, right,
and I'm not doing it here on the radio either.
Speaker 3 (22:43):
What's the Christmas talk?
Speaker 2 (22:44):
Can't even I can't say, I cannot say what the
Christmas talk is. But we haven't had the Christmas talk.
I'll tell you off the year, but it's I think
actually I tell you those. I think the birds and
the Bees is easier. So anyway, anybody want to give
the Christmas talk? But no, he has not told me
what he wants for Christmas, and over here like uh
like I literally A'm like, dude, what what can I get?
You're like, I don't know, give me some money?
Speaker 3 (23:05):
No, bro, they all want money teenagers. I mean for
Amazon gift cards.
Speaker 2 (23:09):
Yeah, So you know what I said to that, I said, well,
what are you gonna spend the money on? I don't know.
I go, well, that's what I'm gonna get you. Whatever
you're gonna spend the money on is what Daddy's gonna
go buy you. I don't like that, so any I don't.
Speaker 3 (23:19):
I like that too. I want to get something tangible
and you know, the actual gift because on the money,
I don't know, especially for growing ups, I mean, you're
gonna go spend it on bills or you know, if
you're probably not gonna go buy yourself something nice.
Speaker 2 (23:31):
Like my wife's dad likes it puts money in an
envelope for and I'm like, tell your dad to stop
giving us freaking money.
Speaker 3 (23:37):
And I don't want to sound like, oh, we don't
need money. You know, everybody likes money.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
But it's like you it's like you said, you want
the gift, Yeah you want. I want to see the
surprise on the person's face. Isn't that like what it's about. Yeah,
it's it's the happiness that the gift brings.
Speaker 3 (23:51):
Well, you know what my husband does that I also
don't think that I really enjoy is the list making.
I'm like, you know how well you know me and
like what I want and I want a surprise and
defense though sometimes the surprise gifts and I'm like, you know,
but still, you know, it's the thought. And you know
I always do at least one gift where I'm thinking, oh,
I know he wants this, and you know, you spend
time and you know, really pick it out. It's it's special.
I don't know it makes it more special. I don't
want just a list. Okay, I need new new earbuds.
You know knew this, knew that.
Speaker 2 (24:28):
That's so funny because I just said that fun out
of it. Honey. You heard that right, You heard what
she said. I did mention, I do need some EarPods.
I'm the same exact way. I freaking hate telling people
what I want for Christmas, because listen, not for nothing.
At this point in your life, if.
Speaker 3 (24:43):
You need something, you want it, you just go buy it,
buy exactly. I'll just put it on Amazon cart myself
and I'll get delivered.
Speaker 2 (24:49):
And you know what we should do. We should shut
off Amazon for two months, just so we there's stuff
we need we want now that it'll never work. Never mind,
I think we're actually at the point now where like
you can't even order anything on Amazon and get it
by Christmas. I think that day's come. I think it's
like trying maybe tomorrow. The next day, they're gonna be like, nop,
won't make it by Christmas.
Speaker 3 (25:08):
I'm glad you said that, because I actually no, I
put stuff in the yesterday. I'm still getting there by
Christmas hopefully.
Speaker 2 (25:14):
Oh God. So back to the same surprises, guys. I
love surprises, same with Senia surprises. So don't ask us
what we want. Yes, there is one or two things
I told my wife I want and and and here's
the thing. If we if we say we want it
and we don't get it, that equals disappointment. There's there
was one year I'll never forget. All I freaking asked
for was a black light. That's all I asked for.
And I got it from from Santa, right, or my
parents or whatever. And I was like, I just going
a black light. And I had a whole bunch of
other random people get me like black light posters, right,
so they would glow in my room. Do you know
what that is? Anyway? And like I'm kind of old,
but here's the best part. Christmas morning, I got all
these posters, I got all this glow stuff. Guess who
didn't get a black light on Christmas?
Speaker 1 (26:00):
Speaker 3 (26:01):
Yeah, yeah, that was not You must have gotten cold
that year, dude. I was.
Speaker 2 (26:06):
I was upset. I was upset. I was like I
was a spoiled little American punk who was upset. But seriously,
then I have all this stuff that glows, and it
doesn't glow except for in a black light. You know
what I mean?
Speaker 3 (26:16):
All you black light lovers, I didn't they get it
for you? Did you ask to explain?
Speaker 1 (26:21):
You know?
Speaker 2 (26:22):
I think it was like it was like one of
those things where I was old enough to know that
I really shouldn't be disappointed, but they could see disappointment
like what I was like, Yeah, all this stuff needs
one of these lights to glow.
Speaker 3 (26:32):
I was like, they didn't getting you one?
Speaker 2 (26:34):
Yeah, but the worst nothing that was open on Christmas,
so I couldn't get it on Christmas. And of course
I had gotten money. I was like, I'll just buy
my own damn black light right now. I got it
the next day. Anyway, that's right. It makes you listen
to your kids list. And for Senny and I, you
better know us well enough to get us some surprises. Sennya,
let's talk some real estate. Should we do that?
Speaker 3 (26:53):
Let's talk some real estate. What's what's the states?
Speaker 2 (26:55):
What's Do you have any good news for me?
Speaker 3 (26:58):
I mean I I don't think it's bad news. Yeah,
I think it's good news anything. The best news is
that we've got elections over with. And the other thing
I want to say is that despite like our year
over year, so like for closed sales in Hillsboro, we
were down four point nine percent, Penela's County down thirteen
point nine percent, and then pass go down eleven and
a half percent. Dang, And that's October October, October October.
But historically, just during any election year, I mean, there
is that general slow down right right exactly. Plus you
know we're in the fourth quarter now, so I don't
think it's bad news. I think this is just something
we also expected. Plus we had the hurricanes, you know,
that didn't help.
Speaker 2 (27:41):
But I'm going to be real interested to see the
November ones me too, right, because I think that's where
we're going to see because it's usually October sets up November, right, yep,
So this we might, but then again, it's going to
be so weird.
Speaker 3 (27:53):
Like you said, it's holidays, it's holidays, and because of
the hurricanes though, like our new pending sales were okay significantly,
so usually that translates into the sales that we expect
to close, right you know typical closing is about thirty
forty five days. Yeah, so yeah, we'll see how much
lower that number will get in November. Maybe it won't.
I'd be people just kind of rebounded and as soon
as you know, things were okay, they went out and
went under contract.
Speaker 2 (28:22):
Well I am speaking of the timing and all that.
I just I think things are definitely a little weird,
and I just think people are like slowly coming out
of this funk right from this this hurricane funk right
in the central Florida area. When you when you when
you come out of a funk and you start going
into the holiday season, it's like it's it's you find
what I'm saying, this is kind of hard to pick
up steam. It's like we the train is kind of
like coming out of the station slowly. But my prediction
is twenty twenty five, this train is going to pick
up some serious steam. And you know, the weird thing
that I see going on right now in politics, and
I just don't remember ever seeing this before. And you'd
tell me, is the incumbent or whatever you call him,
the President elect, Donald Trump. It's it's like he's everywhere,
he's doing stuff, he's meeting with people. It's like he's
already in the White House. Do you feel that way?
Speaker 3 (29:16):
I do it.
Speaker 2 (29:17):
It's weird, right, it's different at least.
Speaker 3 (29:20):
I mean it's a good thing, right, He's preparing And
I mean that's my prediction as well, and I think
everybody else too. You do see those headlines, you know,
you know, markets sinking da DA dyn and I'm like,
you know, they're really just headline gravers for you to
click on something when you analyze the numbers, like, I
don't see anything that drastic. If anything, I actually think
that we're going through like a healthy rebalancing. You know,
this is a little bit of a correction that we
do need, right, but we all, I think in the
real estate community, expect twenty twenty five to definitely pick
up steam. And this is yeah, this is all good stuff.
Speaker 2 (29:56):
Yeah. I mean I originally was thinking we weren't going
to feel anything from from Trump and the team and
all that until January. I was I was thinking it
was going to be like late January, what is it,
the twentieth or whatever day they do the inauguration. That's
what I kind of felt like this steam was going
to pick up. But I think him being out there
and being so present. He just did his first I
think press conference like yesterday or the day before with
the press, and I spoke for like an hour, you know.
I mean, I think we learned more in that hour
than we learned in four years of what's been going
on in the world. But I love seeing him on
the world stage because I feel like we're not going
to miss a beat. And was going through my mind
the other night, was this isn't gonna be a three
and a half year president. I mean, this guy is
already is already feet in the fire right now. So
I'm hoping it translates into big business. And speaking of
I did write this little I thing sleeping now. I
did write this down. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Meta, They've all contributed
over a.
Speaker 3 (30:52):
Million dollars and they heard there their meeting with them.
Speaker 2 (30:55):
Yes, and they've all started taken meetings with him. Bezos
and zuck have met with him. He just like committed
I think it was like one hundred billion dollars to
the CEO of I can't remember this giant Chinese tech
firm or whatever. He invited the president of China to
the inauguration. Never happened before, by the way, We've never
had a head of state at our inauguration before. And
I don't I don't. I haven't heard of he's going
yet or not, but my lord, I mean i'd go,
you know. OK So anyway, interesting things leading to where I'm.
Speaker 3 (31:24):
Going to talk speaking of that too, Remember that stat
that you know Rosa throughout what you know during election
year that also historically sales went up nine out of
eleven of the last elections, and prices also increase. Out
of the last seven of eight.
Speaker 2 (31:42):
They did, they did, and I think we're in for
that too, which which brings you know, Sinny and I.
What we're going to say here we're gonna go into
the four segment, is this is the time. I know
we say it a lot, guys, but all the stats
are showing us this is the time. Like, you've got
to get in the market right now. Now, do you
have time to close before Christmas? The answer is no.
Speaker 3 (32:03):
I let's you have some cash unless you have some ooh,
there you go.
Speaker 2 (32:06):
See. I forgot about these cash buyers.
Speaker 3 (32:07):
I mean, bank maybe doesn't love the cash because he
wants to do your loan, but us real estate agents,
we love cash buyers.
Speaker 2 (32:13):
That is a great point. That is a great point. Everson,
Thanks for watching over here. Shout out to Everson watching
our show, longtime, longtime listener, first time caller. Right, he
doesn't understand that one. When we get back, we're going
to talk about the housing market and what could happen
in twenty twenty five and what does homestead exemption mean.
I've been saying it for three segments. I promise we'll
do it in this last one. Stay tuned for more
of Sennia and Frank on the Business Happy Hour.
Speaker 1 (32:36):
Now we're back with some serious real estate and business
talk with three of Tampa Bay's top experts. You're host
of the Business Happy Hour, Frank the Bank, Kodo, Rosa
Bahiti and Senia Akeishna.
Speaker 3 (32:48):
Hey, Tampa Bay, welcome back to the Business Happy Hour.
Speaker 2 (32:51):
We have been just having Christmas fun. We talked. We
learned about Russian Christmas today with Grandpa Frost, who's coming
to my kid's house because all they're getting oranges and
one present that I haven't even figured out yet. What
else Christmas episode Boo got a little presence in here.
We talked a little bit about the statistics of the market,
that things are not that bad. We talked about what
Donald Trump is doing, that he's already got his feet
on the ground. He's out there kicking butt right now
and hopefully it means it's going to be a big
start to the year. So Sin, I have this article
in front of me. It says this is from Real
Order Magazine dot com. Here real estate news leading economists
way in on the forecast of what to expect for
home sales mortgage rates and home pricing in the year ahead.
The title is Rosier twenty twenty five Housing Outlook. It says, here,
let's see predicting much stronger home sales after hitting a
fifteen year low this summer, we will still be increasing.
They're expecting home prices to continue to increase through twenty
twenty five. An article I read two days ago said
that they believe that we will have at minimum a
three to five percent increase. I think you and I
have seen three to five percent this year, probably higher
if we were to go back and look at stats,
so I think we could be looking at ten percent
this year. But the bottom line to this is if
we're looking at any increase, it is sending in a
nice job to tell you you need to marry the
house date the rate you got to buy now at
today's prices. Just do the math. If you buy a
five hundred thousand dollars house and it goes up five
percent before you buy it, you know that, Mathew, how
much that is twenty five thousand dollars? And people are like,
but I don't want to spend an extra half a
point my interest rate. That'll cost me one hundred dollars
more a month. So let's do the math one hundred
times twelve in one way.
Speaker 3 (34:52):
I think for that they just really need to see
the visual.
Speaker 2 (34:54):
You think that's what it is.
Speaker 3 (34:55):
I do, yeah, because then when you see it on paper,
it's like, hey, okay, so twenty five thousand dollars more.
But then when you break it down payment wise.
Speaker 2 (35:03):
It's like twenty years it takes to make up the
difference if you're paying one hundred dollars more for your rate. Now,
if you're paying five hundred dollars more, let's just go
crazy on this five hundred dollars more, it's still going
to take you four years to make up the difference
in what you paid for that house. We should bring
a board in here. That would be fun. Okay, She's like, no,
we're not. I'm breaking up hard. I've figot hot to
way to write on the screen. But that's the point
is all these things. This is this is a new
article saying if mortgage It says here, if mortgage rates
fall to six percent, as as NAR predicts they will
likely do in twenty twenty five, home ownership could be
made more affordable to about six point two million more
buyers as when they were at seven percent, Well guys,
they're already at six percent. It's just the retail banks
don't tell you this, all right, So they drop to
five percent. That probably opens up to twelve million more.
Speaker 3 (35:58):
People in the market going to go. You know, frenzied
I think I think you're right. And I mean, like
we talk about inventory, Yes, it's definitely, you know, way
higher than it was, but it's still not where we
need to be because if everybody gets off the sidelines,
I mean, people are going to be fighting over properties.
Speaker 2 (36:15):
Again, right, And what happened last time they thought over properties?
Speaker 3 (36:18):
You know what happened. I mean, it happened to me.
I had to you know, pay twenty grand over asking price,
and you know, do my letter really convince you know,
the seller to you know, go with our offer. But
I mean it was a tough tough market to buy in, right.
You know, For one, it took a long time to
even find something that you like enough to make your home,
and then you know, trying to beat out the competition.
It's just not fine. It's much easier when you don't
have the pressure, take your time, find the place you want,
and then go for it.
Speaker 2 (36:47):
Yeah, okay, everything she just said exactly what she should do.
Marry the house, date the rate you got. You don't
want to buy when everybody else is trying to buy
and that window is definitely closing. That window could be
closed in thirty days from now.
Speaker 3 (37:00):
And it moves quick. Oh yeah, you know it's crazy,
but it really does. I mean, as soon as there's
you know, the happens on the radio and you see
different headlines, oh, you know, market's rebounding. Then people all
of a sudden, it seems like as a crowd, you know,
go out there. Oh okay, yeah, and it happens very quickly.
Speaker 2 (37:17):
It does, and like almost overnight, like it is that quick.
Speaker 3 (37:20):
And by the way, numbers don't reflect that, but I
mean the market and the consumers, yeah, when they move
on it, and then all of a sudden, yeah, my
numbers look very different the following month.
Speaker 2 (37:30):
So you know what happens, it's when the news says it.
And then and they're about to cut the FED rate
for the third in a row. If we haven't seen
this happen in a decade, when so this could happen
this week, this week, there could be a third FED
rate cut I actually think when's that news do out?
I think that news is due out. Let me, let me,
let me use the old computer here, put fed right,
fed rate cut? Here we go December. I feel like
it's coming expected to make a third cut on this
what oh that's tomorrow, Okay, tomorrow, I know. I'm glad
I looked it up. Tomorrow, Wednesday, December eighteenth. That could
make its third consecutive interest rate cut of twenty twenty four. Guys,
if that happens, that's a pretty big deal. And and
eventually people are going to listen to this news and
they're gonna start buying all those are the news.
Speaker 3 (38:18):
That they listen to. So I know that, you know,
you guys, you know, as lenders a kind of predicted
and I know the rates not affected directly with that, right,
you know, because you go ahead and probably lower the rates.
But I think when people hear oh fed to cut rates,
then they still equate it with you know, mortgages and
going out there to get the house.
Speaker 2 (38:38):
And it's a it's more of a feeling than a fact. Yeah, right,
and that's and that's what's going to happen. And I
guarantee you're going to see on the news all over
the place tomorrow. You may have already seen it. If
if you're listening on Sunday morning, you're going to see
rates cut for the third consecutive time. That's going to
be the headline rates.
Speaker 3 (38:52):
That's a positive news.
Speaker 2 (38:54):
So dang right, So you got to get out in
there buy now. We only have a man and half
homestead homestead exemption. The reason people want to buy their
home and close by the end of December because you
get to file a homestead. What is that sending? Do
you know what a homestead is?
Speaker 3 (39:05):
Yeah, you get to save a bit on your taxes.
Speaker 2 (39:08):
That's it. That's it. You get a fifty thousand dollars
exemption on your taxable value of your house. We promise
to talk about portability. We got to do it quickly.
You want me to do it.
Speaker 3 (39:16):
You have to file homestead, by the way, by March.
You do have to move in on the home by
the end of the year.
Speaker 2 (39:22):
Yeah for thirty first Yeah.
Speaker 3 (39:23):
And then go ahead and file that extent. Thank you
for forget. Some people do forget they close and there's
so much going on, right, but sorry, I do have
a question for yeah, go because I actually I have
a guy who were trying to get him to close. Hey,
you know, get the homestead exemption. Let's do it before
the end of the year. But he is closing like
on the third of January. Is there a tax advantage
to that?
Speaker 1 (39:42):
Speaker 3 (39:43):
Okay, So I was trying to figure out the logic
other than just holidays and trying to get everything out
of the way. Okay, what's that notability?
Speaker 2 (39:51):
Was he already a home? Was he already homesteaded in
another house? I don't know.
Speaker 3 (39:54):
He's not our buyer. We have the listing, but so everything's.
Speaker 2 (39:57):
Be his saving grace. In thirty second, I'll tell you
guys what a ho portability is. If you are homesteaded
in your house now, and let's say your house is
worth three hundred thousand dollars, and you go and buy
a six hundred thousand dollars house, they will give you
your tax rate. If you port your homestead, you need
to talk to the property appraiser. They will give you
your tax rate for three hundred thousand. So if your
taxes are only at like three thousand dollars for three
hundred thousand, then the first three hundred thousand on your
next house will only be three hundred three thousand dollars
and there's a.
Speaker 3 (40:27):
Cap I forget what it is.
Speaker 2 (40:28):
There probably is and look it up, Google it, and
then the other half you get the full rates that
can only go up three percent a year. So it's
very important to fill these homesteads. It's been a great
Christmas show.
Speaker 3 (40:38):
Cent yes, so Merry Christmas everybody.
Speaker 2 (40:41):
Merry Christmas guys, and we will see you next week
on the Business. Happy, Happy holidays.