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April 21, 2020 33 mins
Appearing on this episode of Money Making Conversations is Shantel Jackson, CEO & Founder, Shoe Gummi, the world’s first outer-sole pad and the only outer-sole proven to prevent foot discomfort caused by high heels.
The Money Making Conversations talk show is about entrepreneurship and entertainment. The interviews give the consumer and business owners access to Celebrities, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Industry Decision Makers. They provide relatable information to the listener about career and financial planning, entrepreneurship, motivation, leadership, overcoming the odds, and how to live a balanced life.
It is essential to understand that everybody travels a different path to success. That is because your brand is different. The challenges you face in your life are different. So stop reading other people’s success stories and start writing your own. The Money Making Conversations interviews will encourage you to lead with your gifts and never use age as an excuse when planning your goals.
“Lead with Your Gifts!”
Rushion McDonald is a two-time Emmy Award-winning and three-time NAACP Image Award-winning television and film, producer. He is a sitcom writer, social media influencer, brand architect, entrepreneur, and award-winning baker.
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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welcome to money Making Conversations. I am the dynamic ra
Sean McDonald. I just thought i'd throw the word dynamic.
I've never put an adjective in front of my name before.
For some reason, I was inspired to do that, and
I apologize. But guess what's my show? So I can
play around with how I say my name. Each money
Making Conversation talk shows about entrepreneurship and entertainment. I provide

the consumer and business owner access to celebrities, CEOs, entrepreneurs,
and industry decision makers. I recognize that we all have
different definitions of success. For some, it's a sizeable paycheck.
Mine is helping people wake up and inspiring them to
accomplish their goals, live their dreams, and find their gifts.
It's really special when we talk about I want people

to stop reading other people's success stories and start writing
their own, and stop tripping over small challenges because there
are bigger obstacles out there that we need to be
preparing for. Skip through those little small challenges. Money Making
Conversation interviews provide relatable information to the listen about career
and financial planning, entrepreneurship, motivation, leadership, overcoming the arts, and

how they live a balanced life. My next guest is
on the phone. Want to thank her for calling in
the show today. She's an entrepreneur, inventor, influencer social media
wise as well, and former American TV personality. It is
her passion for style. You need for comfort. You hear me, ladies,
You hear Matt. Need for comfort that inspires shoe Gummy,

the world's first outer soul pad and the owner out
of soul proven to prevent foot discomfort called by high heels,
please work for the money making conversation. The CEO and
founder of shoe Gummy, Chantel Jackson, Good morning. Did I
let you out there? I put you at that pedalstor
you're supposed to be at for this interview? Well, I'm

you're doing a lot of women right out there with
these high heels because that is a fashion trend that
has been around, uh for ages, for years forever. It's
not going anywhere, and so you are a person that
that that possessed that style. Where are you based at?
I am based in California right now? Okay? So you

say right now where were you previously based? Um? Las
Vegas and I am from Miami. Okay, okay, Okay, so
you're saying Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, So you were
just making your way to the West coast. Yeah, okay, cool.
Now let's talk about They sent me a series of
questions that I'm gonna ask and and some questions I'm

gonna add too, because I'm just a naturally curious person
when I talk about people who are being success. One
of the first questions they sent to me was when
did the entrepreneurship bug bite you? Um? You know what,
I was, honestly at a point in my life where, um,
certain things wasn't working out for me. I acting, I

was going to act in class acting school, and I
was just at a certain point and I was like,
you know what, I'm gonna put my all into this
product and i want this to be my a plan
and I'm gonna go with this and I want to
give it a hundred percent. And that's what I did. Now,

where were you at because we mentioned three cities. We
mentioned Miami, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. When you were
becoming frustrated and you had this idea, what city were
you in? Uh l A, Los Angeles. I'm being a
guy who pursued an acting career. I know the frustrations.
You go to acting classes, you go to auditions, they
tell you know, you don't know why they Why are

they telling you know? You don't know if you deliver
the line right? Did you do the commercial auditions as
well as the theatrical auditions as well? Um? Yes, I
was doing both. But then I was also at a
stage in my life where honestly just got a got
out of a breakup. I was going through a lot
right and just acting it. I wasn't fit with that

bug anymore. And I had this product and I knew
how it worked for myself, So it was just that
a ha moment, like you know what, this is what
I need to go with right now. Now, this is
really interesting because of the fact that you have this
all hard moment, you have this product. This is what's
really interesting about our conversation is that how did the

product come about and how did you realize that it
was its Aha moment can be functional and everybody else
would want to participate in this a hard moment idea. So,
just to be really honest, being obsessed with high heels,

that is that was my inspiration behind Shoes at Me
wearing and being in shoes for over eight nine ten
hours in a day. Um, honestly, I didn't know what
a pair of sneakers were or pair of flasks into
the world unless I was working out. So high heels
was my thing is my thing, and I just had

to come up with a way for it to be
more comfortable. And shoot, let me with it now. So
it was a lifestyle invention, a lifestyle invention to make
your life more comfortable. Now, I'm a guy, so please
explain help me. You'll know the women already know. We
got these high heels. The ladies look fantastic in these
high heels. What are they? What is the what is

the pain that comes with wearing high heels? So, just
with being in high heels, your foot is in an
unnatural position. Um, two, three, four or five If that's
that's not a position for your foot. And then the
weight bearing down in that position is what really kills

you on the balls of your feet. Okay, So I'm
in my studio. You know, I'm on my little tippy toes.
I'm trying to I'm trying to feel your pain here,
Sean Tel. Okay, so I'm on my tippy toes and
you're saying, imagine standing like this for eight hours a day,
that's what you're saying, right exactly. Or some women can't

even stand up being the pair of hills an hour
or two hours. And just imagine you're in that position
and over standing stand right over, seventy of your body
weight is on the balls of your feet for hours

right now. Din't imagine this what stops your foot from
just sliding right on out um of the high yell one.
If you have a closed toe shoe, then your foot's
not going to slide out, but it can slide and
be crunched in the front, right, that's what we're talking about. Yeah,

if you have an open toes too, you have that
little piece of that little strip in the front that helps.
But a lot of women's feet because of the arch
or the steepness and the shoe do still fly forward.
And shoe got me helps with that as well, right,
so it stops their toes from going over to the
edge on the edge of the shoe, right that you're

talking about. Okay, to have six sisters, so I've watched
them do this high heel walking um dance for many years. Well,
but I gotta play like I don't know to get
more information. Okay, I can sit on this phone act
like I know everything because you won't tell many things
because but aartists are walking away and go, well, I

didn't learn anything from the interview because of the fact
that this you you invented something that was on my toes.
And I'm just to be honest with you. Rochean McDonald
would not have stood there long. I would have been
out of those shoes a long time ago because that
just wasn't so so you have let me just help
help me out here. Because I've heard words like high heels.

I've heard words like pumps. Now pumps are lower version
of high heels. Correct, um No, not necessarily like um
open toe shoe a pump. Those can be in the
range of a two inch three inchield four inch five pump.
A pump is a closed to shoe, whether it's round

at the front or appointed. Wow. So now we we
we we got the experience. So you're saying that, hey,
I'm gonna put this acting thing is not really doing
it for me. I have this idea, I'm gonna go
all in. This is gonna be my plan A. How
do you go to plan a with this idea, because
it's still just an idea. Did you do samples? Did

you go to somebody, did you start telling them at
flea markets or pop up boots? How did you get started? So? Um,
before I figure this is gonna be my plan a,
I have been wearing my product for years already. Um.

One day I was sitting and I thought, looking at
my shoes, honestly, how can I make this more comfortable?
I went to my shoe repair guy um at the time,
and I asked him, what is an amount of rubber
that I can put on the bottom of my shoe? Um,

and I can still walk in it safely and comfortable.
So uh, we came up with in size or an
amount of rubber. I picked up the shoe about a
week later, and I wore that shoe, and I kid
you not, I was taking my shoes twenty and thirty

pair at a time for him to put this extra
rubber on the bottom of my shoe. Mm hmm. So
it was just like an idea. It's really it's really
amazing that you were able to not saying that you care,
not incapable of so many women out there probably feeling
the same pain and then you decided to just to
take action on it. And when you took action on it,

it enabled you to create a business. Now, how do
you get into the business aspect of what you're doing?
That's the that's the that's the key. Now you know
you you went from a person who are wanted to
be an actress. You got this idea, Now you're putting
it in action. How do we get into a business
mode with it? So before anything, I thought, you know what,

let me see if this is even a thing anywhere
else or whatnot? What went to your girlfriends or you
just want to your family members? Who did you go to? Um? No,
I immediately went to a patent lawyers. If I'm sorry, Richana,
I was a little bit of pro I've been. I'm

past that. I went to patent lawyer. Okay, Yeah, So
I went to a patent lawyer and we had to
do what is called a patent research, which searches the
database first to see if there's anything else in the
US patent database. That is what shogun me is and

we've seen that it was not, and that's where we
moved forward. Had to get all the terminology the lane
going together to start to create my patent application. Wow,
Now on your website said it took two and a
half years for your patent to go through. Yes, okay, Now,

were you're afraid that somebody will steal your idea? What
was going what was running through your mind in a
two and a half of your period? Let me ask you.
Let me back up. Were you selling your product at
all at that time you had to shut it down
and just wait for your patent to come through? No? No, honestly,
at that point, I wasn't selling products. I was still

in research development phase, like the start start. So as
soon as I went and got a patent attorney, I
went and found a company that did cat designing and
products development to help me start to get my shoe
gummy uh designed together to make it a consumer product. Okay,

and so so now two and a half years that period,
you just just preparing because you feel very confident that
you're gonna get through. You just don't know when that
date's going to happen. You're still in Los Angeles right now,
are you gathering Are you gathering momentum work working on designs?
Because I'm on your website and your shoes are amazing.
By the way, are those your shoes? Are These are

shoes you can just put the inserts in on your website.
Um uh, those are my shoes. Wow. When I say
I'm a shoe sell the shoes are fantastic. Oh tell you.
So these shoes off the chain right here. I'm looking
at the shoot on your home page. These the red,

the yellow, that black. Oh my god. Yeah, you know
what I call it. That's my good bad habit. Well,
we'll keep it up, keep this good habit going because
of the fact that I'm just saying. You know, the
thing about it is we all know that as you
look through life, as you deal with different situations, you

have to be a believer in yourself. You have to
have the right people around you. The fact that you
came up with an idea basically to find comfort for
your personal lifestyle, and then now you're able to use
it to for financial benefit, it's pretty amazing. I'm talking
to Sean tell Jackson. She's the founder and CEO of
A shoe Got Me. When we come back, we're gonna
talk about some other ventures that she's involved in. All

I'm enjoined his interview. I always like talking to entrepreneurs,
because ideas are really ideas that you know, somehow people
developed through common sense, and they turn that common sense
and they used that common sense to turn it into
a business, and they turn that business into a money
making lifestyle. We'll be right back from more with Chantel Jackson,
the CEO and founder of Shoe Gummy. It's finally here,

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Dot AI HW this with Sean McDonald and you're listening
to money making conversation. I got to talking off air
so much with Sean tell I forgot I was doing
the interview. So I had to get up back on
the air so we can confinish because we can finish
this interview and grand style. Chantel Jackson, You the CEO,
the founder of Shoe gut Me, Shoe gumm Me. Now

let's let's I gotta at least find out where the
title came from the name of the brand gum meat.
You know what I I I can't honestly tell you
where it came from. It was just like I was
writing down Maine and that one just came across my

mind and it's out better than anything else, and so
I kept it. And honestly, I've been told to change
it is not right. Um, it sounds like something to eat.
But I was like, this is what I want to
go with, and that's what I'm gonna do. What crazy

person told you to change it? What crazy person told
you to change that, we won't say no. Just soon
listen to them because the fact that you know, I
don't know what Google means. You know what I'm saying,
I don't know what Google means. Apple that's a computer company.
Apple is fruit. So when people you have to go
with it. What inspires you? That's a story behind everything

that you do. You know. And when I heard the
word names shook got me. I'm gonna tell you how
I found you. You know, I'm on Instagram. I'm I'm
rolling through and now I see I come to you.
You know, you got over a million followers, your social
media influence. I just got my little, my little thirty
seven thousand follows on Instagram. I'm big on Facebook now,
don't don't know shopping down. Yeah, I'm big on Facebook,

but on instagral to build my Facebook. I'm trying to
build my Facebook up. Well, you know, it's really hard
because your Twitter is like ridiculous. Twitter is ridiculous. Now,
so you you're you are a queen baller on Instagram
and so and so. I bring this up because you're
an entrepreneur and you're an attractive entrepreneur. Does that help

you or hurt you when you're trying to get your
brand out? Because as a brand, your great model for
your brand. Just talk about that for a little bit,
because you know, we're in me two generations where where
people could look at an attractive woman and just have
miss misdeed ideas in their heads versus the business aspect
of what you're trying to create. Talk about that balance
that you have to create being an attractive woman in

a male dominated business. Well, you know, honestly with shoegunning
in general is dominated by women. So and it doesn't
hurt for me to be a tractive and be my
own spokeswoman. I am on the box of my product.

You know. Um, this is something I do day in
and day out. I wear heels. I'm sexy. I want
to be in my heels. I want to be comfortable.
I don't want my my my I don't want to
be at an event and I'm thinking, um, oh, I

gotta leave because my feet hurt. Like this is what
I did, right, right, right, right right, So it comes
naturally and just with this, it's generated towards women. So
it's it is easy or easier? Now, tell me do

you go to conventions? Do you go to do you
pop up? How is your brand sol is majority online
that your product is sold? Or do you do conventions
and conferences? And women are like essence or you know,
the celebration of UH Sisters and UH circular Sisters in
New York City large scale female conventions. How do you

promote your brand because you have such a tremendous following.
So as of right now, it's my own online based
sales which have been doing tremendously honestly because of what's
going on right now in the world, things have slow
down a lot. But I am blessed with still getting

customers here and there. Um, but it's not stopping um
my show, and I still have to continue on. You know,
I have other things too to produce and work on. Still, well,
let's talk about those other things, you know. Uh they
said you have other products, uh that you want to
talk about. Let's talk about some of your future ideas

fancy goods. Uh so fancy goods. Honestly, let me kind
of take it back a little bit. Okay, Shoe gut
Me has been primarily my thing for like five and
a half years now. Congratulations, year and a half, Thank you,
thank you. It's been a long time coming. And when

I say a long time, just with so much uh
wanting to quit heartache with why can't this just be
something easy. Like pe who have no idea but with

shoes got me about a year ago. Um, I was like, uh,
this is just stagnant right now, I have to do something.
So I came up with fancy goods and I just
went out on a whim and produced an eyelash company. Um,
that's something something else that I'm obsessed with. I'm gonna

go to the website. See if I see some apply light,
I see the eye lashes, I definitely see that. Okay, cool,
continue you Um so which I love you know I
love about you Sean tell you are your brand? Yes, yes,
very true. You know if you got about the shoes,
you got them. Now you saying, you know some eyelashes,
that's me and so it's nothing phony about what you're

saying in this interview. You you sell the lifestyle that
you live, which means that you're authentic. That's awesome, yes,
which honestly it makes it easy like and just to
create content for myself, Like you know what, if I'm
getting up getting dressed, I'm gonna put on my own lashes.
I get free content videos all that to continue to

post and all that good stuff. It just comes easy
but with starting Fancy Goods, I was like, you know what,
I'm gonna take this amount of money and I'm gonna
see I can flip it. We all know, like, well
some people know eyelashes is a real saturated market. But
I was like, you know what, I'm gonna take this.

I'm gonna see what it does. And in about three
months I had this company up and running from getting
samples from vendors, taking pictures, building the website on my own,
and honestly, it's almost coming up on a year of
launching Fancy Goods and it's doing pretty well. So it

so you like a little you've becoming a little, a
little mogul over there in the beauty beauty brand business. Correct,
because now you got the shoes, You got the shoe,
got me things happening and shoes, and now you have
the lush lashes. Yes, okay, cool, Now you didn't you
didn't have to deal with any patent issues with the

lush lashes. Correct, No, no, cool, no patent issues. Okay cool.
Now we're going to the skin care products. Now you
have naturally beautiful skin, and just talk about which beauty
beauty beauty Okay, uh so a former agent of mind.

She came to me with an idea about a sponge,
and she knows how I pride myself in skincare and
all of that good stuff. Uh, so she brought this
idea to me. She asked about certain types of phones
and things like that, so I pointed her in the

right direction. Uh. She's also a steamstress, so she had
all these industrial machines too, So together the sponges and
all that good stuff. So we got the We got
the right home. We put it together for a year,

a year and a half, tested it out ourselves, and
I just thought it was time to go with it.
And so maybe not even a month ago, we launched that.
I built the website for us, and we are active. Honestly.

It's come at a time where things are so slow
right now. But if you don't put that, if you
don't put that foot forward out there, then you don't
know what's going to happen. We know the thing about
I just we all know why it's slow. We all
understand that people people don't you know, people right down

struggling to find out how to put their they foot
forward in anything right now. The thing I like about
you is that you're not letting conditions stop you from
moving forward. Because I tell people, I tell people all
the time, this is a good time to chop, it's
a good time to plan. See right now, I'm planning
for the third and the fourth quarter right now because
I know right now this country, this country is gonna

get back on his feet. And when he gets back
on his feet, it's not going gonna be walking fat,
It's gonna start running. And what you don't want to
do is sit on your rear, end on your behind,
or mope around and talking about, oh man, what I'm
gonna do. No, you're planning, you're thinking, and throughout this
whole interview, Chantelle, that's all out. That's my biggest takeaway
from you is that you're not a person that sits

around and mopes. You're not a person to go if
it's not happening over here. Oh always me, I just
is not gonna happen for me, you go. What's planning
a over here that I can build on? Is that?
Is that something that came from your parents? It's something
that just a natural quality in you. Um. I would
definitely say my parents have helped with that, especially my dad.

My dad on the pest control service in Florida. So, um,
he's an entrepreneur himself, so I have taken those good
qualities from him. Well, also my mom like he's a
very hard worker, still go to school and she's uh

three years old. I believe I love it, love it,
love it. I would tell people, don't let age determine
your dream. Don't let age tell you can stop being
something that everybody else tells you you shouldn't be. I
would look at people at my age. I go you
to my same age. I'm really shocked because I know
I don't look like you. It is when people will
decide that they need to retire in life, is when

age jumps on their back. Chantell, I don't think age
is ever gonna jump on your high heel. When Lush
wind skin tone product self at all, You're gonna be
in front of the curve. You're gonna like it's it's
a whole lot of people. By the time you're making
the A r P. You're gonna have a whole lot
of shoes and gummies and our last yes for that

group of people. See, that's what I love about you.
You are You're not gonna stop. So doty, could your
tone kind of dropped down a little bit? We said, well,
it's kind of slow right now. Don't worry about that.
Oh no, for sure. Honestly, like I still have so,
like you said, work to catch up on names that
I was cooping off that now I have more time

to do. Um. Um, it's definitely a blessing that my
my manufacturers in Maine and they're still open. So I'm
working on color samples, um getting different coloring in place. Um.
I have a larger and a smaller size for me
that I'm working to get cooling cut for. So it's

still a problem for me. Are you still popping your
well again? I wanted. I got six sisters. I love
them to death. We're talking later. I would I got
a twenty two year daughter. I would love for to
get her right, get her right, because she's not wearing
nothing you have on your website and she's five ft
nine inches all beautiful, young lady, beautiful, young, very smart

on a student studying to be game designed at the
University of Houston right now their online But you know
she's been an honor student for the last four semesters
in a row. Dean's List so to put her in
a pair of your shoegummies and your stylish high heels
and your lush lashes. I think will be a great
birthday president because her birthday President, her birthday is in June,

so I might surprise that was with your with your
with a whole lineout from you, with a picture of
you in the box. I go, I know her, you know,
you know, I know like to tell people. I know
famous people see shot tells famous and so I said,
she said, she said, she said, daddy, you know her
absolute lest mcgirl. I lost Angeles by way of Vegas

and Miami. Her daddy, you know, made pesticide business. That's
where he came from. Mama's still in school, she's doing nothing.
Want to thank you for coming on the show. I
really want to appreciate you, and I want to tell
you an inspiration. I want to tell you that they'll change.
I wanta tell you that you're an entrepreneur and you're
you're changing the game for a lot of young women
out there. My daughter, she's just twenty two, and I

want her to know that you are an inspiration to her.
And I appreciate you taking the time to coming on
Money on Money Making Conversations. Thank you chantel oh, no,
thank you. I appreciate the opportunity and we'll talk soon. Okay.
Her birthday is in June now, so you know we're
gonna talk June four, that's her birthday. If you want
to hear more Money Making Conversations episode, go to Money

Making Conversation dot com. I'm Rashan McDonald. I'm your host

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1. The Podium

The Podium: An NBC Olympic and Paralympic podcast. Join us for insider coverage during the intense competition at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the run-up to the Opening Ceremony, we’ll bring you deep into the stories and events that have you know and those you'll be hard-pressed to forget.

2. In The Village

2. In The Village

In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

Listen to the latest news from the 2024 Olympics.

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