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March 4, 2023 17 mins

George Noory and spiritual healer Steve Noack explore his near death experiences from a pair of car accidents, how the accidents opened up his healing powers, and why he was chosen by his spirit guides to return to Earth instead of staying in Heaven.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on
iHeart Radio and welcome back to Coast to Coast George
Nori with you, Steve Noak with a Steve. So, after
these several near death experiences, what abilities did you pick
up when you came back? Oh? Boy, that was that
was fun figuring out. So I'll tell you how I

figured out was. I was a retail store manager at
a store and an elderly woman fell outside of the
store and on the cement and she was hurting. And
at the time, I wasn't really a people person, you know,
I didn't have that empathy. I didn't embother that love
because I didn't have it for myself. So anyway, another store,

so I went outside see if she was okay, and
she was in a lot of pain. She was hurting,
and I put my hand on her back, and you know,
about a minute later, she looked at me and she said,
I'm all warm and I don't have any pain. And
I could feel the warmth going up my arm, and
I'm like I went back to my work after the
EMTs came and I thought about it for hours and

hours and hours, and I racked my brain and that's
when I started to have real bad like symptoms like
time loops and things would happen, and then I would
walk through it again and I would already know what
was going to happen. It was very, very hard to adjust,
Like I thought I was going crazy, to be honest
with you, it changed my personality. This energy that just

seemed to become present and me guided me to where
I needed to be, and that's what caused the change.
But people around me got scared. They wanted me to
see a shrink until I had the proof of being
able to charge people up and cause what's known as
action potential on their nervous system. And it took me

a while of studying figuring out what was happening. But
I can cleanse their cellular memory, and that's what's linked
to their subconscious. That's where we get stuck in these
repeating patterns and bandwidths and synapses that we solidify in
our body and system basically, but that's the root of it. Yeah,

I can harness a large charge and basically send it
to someone via quantum entanglement because I've learned how to
harness my zero point energy. Now what that is is
a fully grounded state of an energetic system. You become
your own individual field, so you're free from the fields

around you. But it's it's very powerful to harness who's
doing the healing, Steve, You're doing the healing or are
they doing it to themselves? No, it's mostly I'm helping people. Remember,
I'm just allowing it to flow through me. They're open
allowing it to flow through them, and it basically kind

of fills their container. It goes through their neurological system,
removes the stored charge is it begins to enlighten their
neural pathways and they become a more let's say, authentic
version of themselves, you know, free of the self critic
and a lot of issues that people deal with mentally.

It's really starting in the subconscious and that cellular memory.
We have a regular guest you probably have heard of
his name, Daniel Brinkley, and he has had three near
death experiences. And I keep kidding with him, Steve, that
they keep sending him back. They don't want him, and
they keep doing this. But in your particular case, after
you had the two, did you feel that they were

similar even though you were four and one and thirty
in the other I felt like they were linked, Like
I felt like I knew that they had told me
they were going to come back for a certain time period.
I also experienced shortly after that arcturions, so I'm not
sure if you want to hear about that, but yeah,

I feel it was all linked, and I can't explain
all of it. I can only tell you what I know,
what I experienced, and what works, and what they've taught me.
The Octurians are from another planetary system. Yeah, they were
like interdimensional when they came here. The first time they
showed up, you know, being me being the skeptic, I'm

trying to separate at the time, you know, hearing spirits
other things going on around me that I had just
become aware of. So I'm like, okay, whatever got away,
you know. And they told me about the Galactic Federation
of Light, the Divine Council of Nine, the evolution of
humanity to a more expanded consciousness, and how we had

to clear a lot of the storage data that was
created on this planet, similar to a self cleanse on
your own nervous system, but on a planetary level. I
told him to go away and looked up what they
were talking about and it you know, it was supposedly
real stuff. So then they came back again and talk

more about like self purification and the steps I needed
to do to carry out, unifying my fields positive and negative,
achieving zero point, and being able to carry a charge
of love that would be able to be dispensed to
people so they could remember that they are love. You know,

when you deal with your clients, are the issues more
physical or are they somewhat spiritual? It actually ranges. I've
had clients hire me as they're having surgery following surgery,
and then I have clients who come to me with
mental health issues. One client I just hadn't He didn't

tell me at first, but he said I had an
entity for thirty years and worked with other people to
get rid of it, but it was causing a mental
health issues, you know, problems with in his family. That
self talk, that and that sinking, heavy feeling of dread
that just doesn't go away. It's a charge. It's energy
that we've embodied, So it really ranges. It can be spiritual,

it can be physical. Of everything you've done with your clients,
is there one story that sticks out that you could
share with us. Yeah, I would say this. This little
boy that I worked with, believe, he was in Canada.
And I like to donate time too when I can,

good for you to kids like that and stuff. It
helps me keep that pure feeling and that's what I'm about.
So he was on oxygen. He was on a I
guess a respirator for his lung, and he had a
few other issues. And the next day the mother you know,
sent me a message on Facebook, I believe, and she

said all the oxygen levels came up, they took him
off the machine, his lung came back. And you know,
to me, it makes me feel more in touch with
the oneness and whatever we would call God. Makes me
feel closer to myself, I suppose. But the turnaround, I
never know what's going to happen, and it's the energy

flows through me, it flows through them because they're a
part of it already. You know, how have people found
out about you? Well, you can go to my site.
It's Trinity quantumhealth dot com. That's Trinity Quantum health dot
com and we've got that linked up for you at

Coast to Coast dot com. Tell me more about this
quantum field. Sure. The way I saw an experience that
like if you're talking about science perspective, right, and I
think science and spirit are supposed to become one at
this time. Who are supposed to bridge that gap? But

science says it's a theory of all fields and relativity
in one. Basically quantum mechanics and relativity combined into one system.
The way I experienced it, it was like it was
like the blueprint of creation, like a foundation, and we

seem to send out signals and what I was also
shown was a screen that was around us or around
me at the time in the center. I was sure love.
And they were explaining to me, as you send out
energy into the screen and you create a memory, you
receive a signal back, and that runs through your nervous system,
and this is how you experience emotional reality, you know,

and your reality differs based on what you have in
your nervous system. That's what you're living through that your vehicle.
So they were showing me this field held all the
memories and all the records of everything. And I think
some people call the acashic records yea, but that our
minds and our heart create reality because our thought seeds

into our heart and then that becomes action to our body.
So that's why we have to be mindful of thoughts.
Depending on what you get darker light, we can use
both pods as have been negative to create. And that
brings me to what's happening I think in mankind now
it's called neural hijacking. It's the neuroscience term for when

your emotions becomes so large they override your rational thought
and they're hijacking. You need to discharge this charge contained
in the cellular memory running through the subconscious like a
program that just gets angry and triggered at everything, because
it's not who we are at the core. It's not
how we were born, you know, it came from the world.

Do you have clients who sometimes come at you with
a skepticism they just don't believe it's going to happen?
Oh yeah, of course. Yeah. I actually like working with
those because being a skeptic myself, I'm still a skeptic,
you know, I'm still an ordinary person. Do you pinch yourself,
going is this really happening? Yeah? I really do. All

the time, I'm like, is this really me doing this?
And there's times where I feel like I may have
quantum leaped here from the future meet and doing a
lot of multidimensional work with timelines, dimensions and realities. Reading
the CIA papers, I'm well aware, you know, past present,

the future exists within the now, and I believe achieving
zero point and applying our mind as the force with
this quantum generator, we have in our chests how to
gain movement through spatial differential and things like that. But yeah,
I really do. I'm lucky and thankful to be here.

Do you sometimes ask yourself, Steve, why me? Why did
this happen to me? Absolutely? Especially when I see friends
in high school pass. There's still things I don't have
all the answers for, like I know what I was
told and kind of like what I have to do
to become love myself before I leave and leave a

clean image. But when I see friends that pass in
high school or people around me, I'm like, why me?
Like all the times that I was spared, you know,
I mean, it has to serve some functions, But yeah,
I asked why me a lot. Do you think they
could have kept you had they wanted to, or you
would have died at four? I think what I had

was some type of an exchange, an agreement for some
type of type of exchange, whether that was with my
higher self or your spirit guide, yeah, or my guides
or the Eloheam that I met during my trip, whatever
it was, it's coming through me and it's singular and

it's divine, and it seems to make people feel like
they're young again and feel that that pure feeling that
we had before the filter of the world, you know,
and enter a state of transmutation. You know. I think
that's what we're missing. Every human can do this with
their mind and their heart. They can self cleanse their

nervous system. During this episode, when you were four, when
you walk up in the hospital, did you have anything
wrong with you in terms of broken bones or anything. Yeah,
collapsed lung, oh god, something else around the chest area, internally,
broken ribs. So you were in pain. Oh yeah, broken

collar bone, broken shoulder blade at four years old. Yeah,
and the side of my face was all road burned
because of how I was under the car. Any other
thing that saved me was my big wheel. From what
my parents and sibling have told me, your big wheel
got caught underneath the back tire or you would have

been crushed. Yeah. Yeah, most likely it was a miracle,
wasn't it. It was it was a miracle, But I
had to realize it was a miracle. You know. I
had to work through my shadow. And that's an important
part of this process. It shouldn't be scary to accept
ourselves and hold ourselves accountable to love, you know what

I mean. And that's what I had to do. And
during the second episode, Steve, when you were in when
you were thirty ish and that happened to you, was
it the same spirit guides that you might remember when
you were four that came to help you this time. Yep,
that's what triggered all the memories. Was I recognized it immediately.

It was the same voice. You know. It wasn't female,
and it wasn't male, but it was soft in that sense,
and it it like sends a shot through your nervous system.
That's all I can say. Similar to like some of
the people I work with where you're just transmitting bioelectricity

and they're having muscle spadsms and certain reactions because your
charge is so strong. Yeah, it was a same voice,
and I recognize it immediately. What percent of clients that
you have have physical issues as opposed to spiritual or
mental issues. Jeez, I would say probably only like thirty percent.

If I had to put it on, I would say,
it's a lot of it's mental and spiritual. And for me,
the remedy has been up to this point, whether I
get taught something else or not, has been cleansing the
cellular charge because this can discharge the stored pain in
your body and also correct all those repetitive thoughts within

your mind that are linked to the things traumatic experiences
energy stored to our body. We're going to take calls
with Steve Noack next hour. If you have had a
near death experience, definitely share that with us. Or if
you had just a general question, do that you use
reiky in your practice, don't you? I mean you could

say it's reiky, but it's actually all of it is
universal life force. You could call it holy brass, holy spirit.
But that's really what got me started with me studying
reiky to learn how learn what was going on with me,
learn how to control it, things like that. That was
my first step. Yeah, and it works absolutely to me.

It works. It just depends on the life force or
the channel that's giving it, because if they have a
lot of clogged things and unresolved issues stored in them,
that it's hard to really facilitate. Would you say, charge Steve?
Would you say you're more psychic now or more of
an energy healer? I really dislike the term psychic because

it's so dirty, But I think everybody's bioelectrical system has
the ability to discern data, because that's what we're dealing
with here, energy and data. What do you mean it's
the term seems dirty to you? What does that mean
to me? It seems you know, people mentioned a psychic,
they immediately wonder fake or not. But there's a lot

of programming attached to it, that's what I mean, like
an arcade game or something. Now, Yeah, I think everybody
has a natural ability to open up their nervous system
and discern quantum reality for sure. But yes, I became
much more sensitive to everything. Are there any clients that
you will not accept? Do you turn them down? Not? Usually? No,

I would say probably the one or two clients that
I had to turn down were the people who wouldn't
you're the self work because that's part of it, Like
you have to be present for your own healing. If
your mind is elsewhere, if your energies elsewhere, it's not
going to be as effective. How do they feel about
themselves after sessions with you? Wow, The range really varies.

It varies on what they're embodying as far as programming
or issues physically, but I would say basically most everybody
feels lighter, more present. They have clearer neurological function. They
have an embodiment of an energy that allows them to

move past stagnation at places in their life where they
would second guess themselves. They feel a lot more clear,
a lot less noise. Listen to more Coast to Coast
AM every weeknight at one am Eastern, and go to
Coast to Coast am dot com for more

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