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January 26, 2024 3 mins
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Tyler, it's water. So thisis LA's number one hit music station,
one oh two point seven Kiss FM. If you ever hear your name called
for pay your bills, do notdo anything else. Drop what you're doing
and called us back because I wantto get you that free money to help
with your bills. We've paid hundredsof thousands of dollars worth of bills and

want to keep on doing that.Okay, So I remember for on New
Year's Eve in Times Square, wehad Mickey and Minnie on and I rehearsed
with Mickey and Minnie what we weregonna do because it was a something about,
you know, the Disney Parks,and they came the night before and
we ran through everything and they evenwhen you're with them, like off camera,

they don't speak there. You don'tknow, right, they don't yet.
So we were going through things andthey were with their handlers, and
it's just like seeing their faces,seeing their outfits, being around their energy
completely changes you. May makes youfeel so safe and good, Yeah doesn't

it? It does? Yeah,Vickey Minnie especially right absolutely, And it's
next level when you see them withyour kids, like when you see it
through your kid's eyes, it's awhole other experience. Okay. So there's
something called the hug rule, andSicinity has the details. It's that characters
may never let go of that firsthug. So when you go to Disney

and you see one of the charactersmay be Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck,
whoever. You go up to themand you it's time to take your
picture, maybe you wait it inline and whatever, and your child runs
up to them and gives them ahug. That character is not going to
let go of the hug. They'renot going to break the hug until the
kid breaks the hug. And theirrule. The reason they say this is

because they never know. You neverknow how much that child may need.
That hug warms and breaks my heartat the same time. And so this
is actually don't know why particularly it'sblowing up right now in social media,
but it is and I'm here forit. And so there's a lot of
different examples of people that are sharingtheir stories now. And some parents are
saying, my daughter hugged snow Whitefor four full minutes, and you imagine

like four minutes. That's like weplay songs that are not even that long
here on kids like Cinderella hugged myson for three minutes. It's two Agora
Hills tracks. Yes, Mini huggedmy daughter for over two minutes. And
when I went in toget her,Mini waved me off like man, yeah,
yeah, if we did this inour relationships, we'd be walking around

interlocked. But I do think thatit does make me think about when I
do hug a child or my nieceor anyone else's kids. I want to
do that. Yeah, I wantto break the hog sometimes I probably do.
I'm going to have this rule formyself with my kids. How many
things that Mickey and Mini do shouldwe be doing in our own lives,
all of them? If we couldget the WHO Rule book, wouldn't it

be great? Yes exactly. Butif you take one thing away from this
show today, don't break a child'shug or I wish I knew about this
role because the first probably times whereI was probably like like doing pictures of
Mickey Mini at Disney, I waslike, all right, kids, come
on, like you know, Iprobably was like waiting they move on,
yes, And I probably made mykids stop hugging them or whatever reason because
I didn't know about this role solet them break the hug. Don't break

them hug. Don't break the hug. This weekend into real life out in
the wild. All right, whatare we doing here? Free Gas That
starts next. It is Friday morning. We're on Kiss. Everything is falling
into place, and it's a freegas Friday. Next. Plus DJ triple
XL that's got a Friday Mix.Let's go

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