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May 16, 2024 59 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Morning. Everybody is Steve j n V. Just hilarious, Charlamage
the guy. We are the breakfast club. We got a
special guest.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
In the building.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
We have a comedian Ali Sad. Welcome, brother man. Thank
you for having me. You feeling I'm good man Man.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Where you from?

Speaker 1 (00:13):

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Houston? Okay? All day, all day man. I like the
way you distribute your comedy.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Man, like you you you dropping specials like little Wings
to drop mixtape.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
And they all funny.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Yeah, thank you all. Going to the independent route keeping
the independent. You know, I'm from Houston. We the capital
of independent. You know, ain't nobody coming out the way
to look for us. We just got to do it.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
That's right after trunk wrap a lot, after after Trump's right.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Yeah, everybody always say rap a Lot. I think that's
our only label too. You know, we have some other labels,
but you know they ain't stick around. You know, we
got what we asked, you know, and then after that
you have the indipendent, you know, switch your house for sure.
But rap a Lot is the a staple. Absolutely, they

should have did a comedy, a comedy thing. We tried
Laugh a Lot, but it didn't. It didn't stick J Prince.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
J Prince reputation for season. But he's a funny guy.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
He is. I've done. I've roasted J Prince a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
How was that?

Speaker 1 (01:19):
I think that we have a healthy respect for each other.
You know. The last time I wrote, I was hosting something.
And it's not like I'm roasting him at a roast.
This is me hosting something. I'm like, yo, man, what
so you got all these bodyguards? It was him and
Floyd next to each other like somebody bodyguards got to
take off because can't nobody see, like, who's gonna jump
on you next to J Prince? You see, I'm like,

and he's small, he a small little look at you.
Look at a lot of dudes around though. Yeah, I know,
and I know most of them.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
So when did you know when to quit? Did you do?
Did he point the fingers?

Speaker 1 (01:52):
I don't never quit. He just I've known him for
so long. It's just he just so as well as
you juggling to me today. Yeah, I don't never say nothing.
I don't need Chief and Steve to come talk to
me in the corner. Hey let me, I mean, I'll
let about you about the ball? Said man, Now I
know you from Houston.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
I don't know nothing in people. I'm about to write
them names down.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Chief and them them the guys like you see him,
then it's the dudes that you see around him. But them,
not the ones. This is the second layer. You gotta
go to the second tier to see the actual dudes
who gonna do something. You got you in the front
of me and them, the big dudes like, oh, them
the ones that did. He was like, nah, it was
Chief and Steve.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Are you supposed to be saying this?

Speaker 3 (02:39):

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Old news. Now everybody know Steve. Okay, okay, how'd you
get in the comedy man? Just being black? Really? You know,
I've been funny since I was a kid, you know.
I know people try to think I was funny because
I was in prison, But no, I was jovially sarcastic
in prison. They was just I was the kid, the
kid on the back of the bus. And then when

I was in prison, I was the same way. Oh
so y'all about to fight? Okay, who's gonna lose this fight? Twice?
What you mean? I said, because okay the mix play.
One of y'all gonna win this fight, and then the
CEO is gonna come in and beat up both of y'all.
So who fight? So that was my logic, you know,
I was. I was just a sarcastic, jovial, sarcastic person.

And when I got out, it was the It was
the goal. It was definitely the goal. And that became
funny how you even gotta start doing the goal because
you start comming to you actually don't know what to do.
You've seen it, but what do you go? You know,
now you got to go to an open mic. I
knew I needed close. That's what I definitely knew I

needed was closed because you know, comics always dressed, and
I'm coming out of prison. I had a my my
sister sent me a Sears, little Sears outfit. You know,
it was a little it was a little shirt from Sears.
It was nice at the round tables. I knew that
was from Sears and some khakis of the round. Man,
it's a fake polo. My daddy bottom, my daddyottom with

polo is really in style. Man. I found these polos
on discount. I said, Man, that is not a polo. Man,
that is a dude with a flag. And it's only
you know, the Knights of the round. Table. Only have
three legs on that horse. Then that horse on they
had three legs. Man. You know they got a store
in Time Square. Nice. Then I was like, who's shopping

in that? But and they and it was probably packed
that nice roundable.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
You never want nice around table the US Polo Association.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
No, that US Polo Association is different. That's a that
you can find them a lot of places, but that
nice at the round table. You get them at palace,
royal list. It's it's it's you don't want them. Okay,
it's a polo man, he got the polo stick his leg.
His horse has four legs. The nice of the round table.
The man has a flag and it's halfway down and

the horses misery. Same shirt not made out of the
same fine cotton. But if you're wearing now, you know
how to put it together. Yeah, you can put any
thing together now, you know. Back then the kids knew.
It's like coming in with with Adidas with four stripes.

Speaker 2 (05:20):

Speaker 1 (05:20):
He's like say, say, I don't think, man, no, these no,
these these really Adidas. Not quite case. It's like do
you remember jams Jams?

Speaker 5 (05:33):

Speaker 1 (05:33):
I old you forty five man, I'm fifty. You don't
you remember jams. We had no Jams. Y'all had the
colorful shorts.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeahs I had Jams.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
I had like the netting side of them.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
Yeah, but you had the ones who didn't have the
net Yeah, those are nothing.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Call them jams, I know you're talking about.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
That was the brand name. You know, you can look
him up that they was Jams can play warm. You
know that's when you had money. Yes, and talk about
the basketball shorts.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
They would kind of like basketball shorts but not really
like a little fanny pack.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
Yeah. Yeah, it's the ladies like swim trunks almost more
so like swim trunk more like. But if you ain't
had that netted them, they knew that there was not
the ones. It was nice. It was not the one
you know, you know it's closed. It's a lot of
knockoff clothes. Now. It's like like and I can tell

like if you have the little bit time bag and
your your straps never changed color, that's not the real.
But it you know, it's like I saw a lady,
it's a it's a it's a grocery store. First of all,
I don't I don't even have to name in the
grocer store. Just know it's a grocery store and she
works in the grocery store. But she had the forty
eight hundred dollars lou of Tome bag and she's walking

into work and I was like, Nah, ain't nowhere in
the world this lady work in this grocery store and
she bought this She bought this bag. I just bought
that bag for my mom. I know, definitely a lady
who's a cashier cannot afford that bag. But in her mind,
in her mind, it's like my brother and my brother
got some ear rings and this is that only seen
three people in the world with him. It was saying

Oprah or Kelly when he was out and Dinah Ross
and he got him in his head and he I'm like,
so man, I told him, say, yo, you need to
take them them fake it rings off? Mean what fake
it rings? See this is the problem. But you then
you owe me forty dollars, But you think that I
think that you got ten thousand, right, You're a crazy person.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
I don't even know why people do that, Like, what's
the point of fronting?

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Hey, what's the what's the saying fake it till you
make it.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
I don't believe that. When I was young, I don't
believe that.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
I don't believe it. Then because of the nice of
the round table, she knew that knew that circle was fake.
I'm just in there looking crazy. My daddy's sad, me pressed,
I'm like this, my daddy bout this. That's your only excuse.
My daddy bout of prison.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
That was your first out of prison?

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Yeah, that was my first shot prison. A nice of
the round table? How long person six yeads six?

Speaker 2 (07:58):
What did you do?

Speaker 1 (08:00):
I used to be a street pharmaceutical rept with very
from very front. Like they when you sell drugs, they
want you to have a jacket, go to like a
CVS or ride aid or somewhere. People come in with prescriptions.
I was, you know, shortcutting it.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
What kind of drug? Was it? Drug?

Speaker 1 (08:16):
Unfortunately? Crack?

Speaker 2 (08:17):

Speaker 1 (08:18):
You said the age said? You said okay? Like that
was that?

Speaker 2 (08:21):
That was just ahead of your time?

Speaker 1 (08:25):
Marijuana. You know, I got fouting us who went to
jail for marijuana is like and they and they knew
it was wrong. They're like, man, this don't even make
no sense. It's a leaf. Now. What I did was
definitely wrong, you know, like with this and and I'm
still sad about what I did. If you look at
the epidemic now, you you realize that you you contributed
to this in some form of fashion from what you

were doing in the in the early late eighties, early nineties.
And then the spin off of these drug induced children
that came from the product of those people who you
infected with that chemical.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
You can play about the crack babies.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
Yeah, so this they this day spent off and these
kids take everything. You know, you know, generations, we had
certain things. You know, you had the heroin, then you
had weed, then you had cocaine, then you had cracked.
But these kids, a man put it on the table.
I'm doing all of it at once. Crush it up.

Just put in the ball ex heroin. Hey that's one.
That's that's at noon. And I still I still got
weed and drank and I'm a snorting little thumb. I
made you. I don't know what I'm doing all day, Like, hey,
what it's called rolling? And I don't I don't want
to do it. I don't want my kids doing it.
I don't want I don't want people doing it. The
fact that you only got six years back then. Is

is because they were giving people football numbers. Who got
six years? Hid six? I had six on the I
did six on the fifteen. Wow, And I had a
fifteen and a ten that ran concurrent. Said, so they
said you only got six. I said, g man, no,

you mean somebody, no envy. I didn't know nobody. I
knew real Harris my attorney.

Speaker 2 (10:10):

Speaker 1 (10:11):
When I first went in, it was a fair case
and they spect to they come in, there were just
gonna give you three hundred months. And in your mind
they stay like that, that yeah, three hundred months. And
in your mind you were like, Okay, three hundred months.
That ain't that ain't nothing. But I know math, and
I'm like, nah, nah, you know three hundred months twelve Nah.

We carried nah. They because they said it months wouldn't
sound like you can do it. Three hundred, three hundred
months out of it sound like days. But then when
you do go to calculating. So then it got dropped
down the state right in the state. The lady came
in and she was wild and the prosecute. She said, well,

I'm recommending ninety nine years. This is when ninety nine years,
this is the thing heavy?

Speaker 2 (10:58):
How much crack you got.

Speaker 6 (11:01):

Speaker 1 (11:02):
Not only but it was five keys, right, So the
thing is that Jesus I think is that I'm they're
not supposed to let me in court because I'm gonna
say something. My attorney at he wasn't talking fast enough.
He's like ninety nine years, And I said a very
derogatory word toward that later, and I asked her who
she thinks she caught. I'm like, man, I am nineteen.
Who you think you caught? Ma'am? Esketball like, So we

come back to court again, got reset off. She's talking
about I think sixty years would be appropriate. Man again, ma'am, like,
you want me to have a life as it is?
So rio my attorney real hair, big shot out the
real hairs. He he would in there, did what he did,
and he came back. He said, man, I almost got

you ten. I said, I almost got to meet ten.
What happened? He said, your your cage started at fifteen,
so you had to take fifteen, the lowest number. But
I got that other ten because I was on Judiford probation,
and so they ran it concurrent and the crazy when
they gave me the ten and the fifteen. My girlfriend
at the time, she's gonna she's gonna faint in court

because she's thinking it's twenty five years she's gonna. I said,
are you really back there doing the movies? Respect man,
respect man. Listen that lady, that lady eighty five thousand
dollars in one thing, fives in the trains bag in
the house. Ask her how much? Asked me how much
she sent me? While you're talking about she and their

faint that dollar not a not a dollar. But now
my my extra check. You know what I'm saying, Kindred,
extra check, not even my extra check? Is you got
to the extra check?

Speaker 2 (12:43):
You side is a derogatory term.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
It's bad, bad an extra person in your life. You
gotta have something like that, you know. You can't just
be like inside, now my my extra joon't Hendre. She
she ain't got no but twelve grand. She bringing money
up to the thing. Look how respectful that is. You

know what I'm saying now eighty four over here out
and man, it was it was she gonna faint, Hendry,
Kindred in according the back too, She's like, I got you.
And then when I talked on the phone, she asked me,
did I want to Did I want her to go
by and get that money for paying? You know what
I'm saying. But she's gonna rob her, you know, rob
her to bring in my bread. You know what I'm saying.

But you know, yeah, yeah, you gotta have a real
First of all, I don't even do drugs. No, I
don't even still do. No. I don't know why I'm
going into that life. I just I got too caught up.
I'm about to say I'm gonna roby.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
When when the judd are telling you're gonna get three
hundred months? At any point that you say, who can
I tell on?

Speaker 1 (13:50):
No, you ain't thinking about no, no new That's that's
that's cold, you man. It's some dudes through me in
a trunk when I got I got robbed. You need
a hug, brother, long. The stuff you going through.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Life, it's amazing.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
I put this on the Specials.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
You got a story to tell everybody.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
You get out the trunk and you the trunk man.
You gotta you gotta see the Specials and you gotta go.
You gotta follow the I'm on three now, I got
the trunk, I got thrown the trunk in two, I
met it out the trunk. I'm out the trunk. You like, call,
I've seen this. The car came through Houston, Yo, get

out the trunk. And I've seen them, dudes. I ain't
telling them. Dudes, you know you don't. You don't tell
on people and you in the streets. But now now
I'm telling everybody. Right now, I tell everybody. Bring people.
Ain't got nothing to do with it.

Speaker 6 (14:44):

Speaker 1 (14:44):
I think Emmy was over there. Yeah right man, Cause
let me tell you. Because when I was young, I
could take the mattress in jail. Oh no, I've been
to jail as a real adult. I was like already
sick or something like that. Traffic stop and driving with
no license, spend the license crazy. Now, my license always

been I don't trust my last.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
I don't trust my license.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
I don't, man, I don't trust my license at all.
Like like, if I come if you and jail, if
I got to come bard you out, I'm gonna have
to senend somebody because my license is is shaky.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Just never know.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
I probably got to stopped somewhere I didn't remember, and
then all of a sudden, you know, I came to
get you out. And now they talking about can you
step on this side to get somebody? It's not exchange, yo,
you for him? Now, I came to get it. We're
supposed to both be leaving together. He can't drop my
car and I don't. That's why I don't trust my license.

But it's shaky sometimes, man. But that matt you can't
take that mattress. No, I slept, man. It was funny.
I went to jail in a in a white area
and I thought, okay. And at the time, I was
a spokesman for a bail bonds company and the CUCA
wa I'm now. The slogan was, if you go to jail,

we'll get you out. So it's no way in the
world I'm gonna stay in there. But the you gotta
make a phone call. Now. To make a phone call,
you gotta get a bond first, right, So I said, okay,
let me see the judge. I can get a bond.
The man said, the judge is gone for the day.
I said, but it's nine twenty a m. He's done

all the judging like he's done for today. Man. So
I had to stay overnight to get a bond for
them to even come get me.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
What time did the judge come in.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
Oh, this is my thing. This is my thing in
Bazouria County. I just wanted to let it be known
Bassoura County. The man done at eight thirty and what
so you come on and he's early because the next
day I had to get one. They wake you up
at four thirty. You in there at five. He ruled

everybody sitting in the room. He gone at a thirty,
so I had to wait till the next day to
get bonded out. I'm thinking nobody's gonna know me because
it's all white people, white and hispanic. I'm walking with
a little mattress. And I was on this show on
Comedy Central. This is not happening. This white guy beat
on that on that window. At least come on, man,

I look, I said, what's up? Man? Man? He was
on this is not happening. I said, yeah, and this
is not happening. Man going on all not man and
in prison is loud. I can't. I couldn't take it.
I didn't think it was that loud when I was there.
But I'm nineteen. I'm probably loud too, loud too, and
this dude rapping and I'm nah This ain't what we're doing.

It's sleek time. It's bedtime. This boy rapping, another dude
beating on the he needed diabetic medicine. I say, hey, man,
you can't be doing crime if you sick, bro, you
got to be I was healthy when I was doing
It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
So so when you get out of jail, you get
out of prison, you get your your fake polo.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
Do you remember your first show?

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Yes, just joking, comedy cafe Thursday night, apollow night. I
have on a suit because I working at Most. I
got a job at the marow so I'm working at
most of the men's a peril store. Got a suit on.
This is when you learn observation. So it's a lot
of college kids in there because it's a pollow night,
and everybody up there doing everything. So I go up

and all I said was hey, and them folks boom,
super jacket off. I'm not even I didn't even tell
her it was bad. So it was, man, I'm talking
about them boozers. It was. It was in stereo two.
So I came and sat down and my finding the
drake man, what happened? I said, I think you was

born with them, like you participated and at the time Nikki,
she she asked me, said, did my kids mom be
talking like.

Speaker 2 (19:04):

Speaker 1 (19:04):
And I said, uh, She said what what what your
jacket at? I said, Uh, it's going to stay. They
booted off me because it was it was crazy. So
you go back up there and get you jacket, man, Yes,
spending people man, it was it was so I waited
for two weeks, waiting for two weeks, came back T
shirt and jeans, and I didn't write down what I

was doing because everybody was singing man. And I never
won at this bottle night because people hit you with
the gospel songs. Even though I was I was good
gospel song man. I heard I sang. The dude he
was started rapping and was getting about to get booted
and changed his song. In the middle of the song,
we started singing about Jesus, so like this, how you

spell relief? J U s you like? So I changed
my whole thing, went back up every week for about
a month and a half to the people. As soon
as I would get there. After that, people were like, yo, man,
you're going up tonight. Oh he's funny. So I ended
up becoming the host of that same place that I

got booed and just joking Comedy Cafe and I was
the host for like a year, and yeah, that's how
it started.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
Do you remember the joke that that got him, that
made you say, you know what, I can do this?

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Yeah? I remember the jones that got him. It was
a dude. A dude tried to boo me that was
on a football team and I told him that he
was a he was a nose tackle. It wouldn't hike
the ball because he liked the way the quarterback had
his hands on this ball.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
He was the center. You mean he's the center.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
H I was like, yo, he he, I don't feel
like it.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
I remember it was.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
That's when I was doing jokes, you know, and not
the stories. You know. So now it's it's a different thing.
I don't think I've really in a joke and maybe
ten years.

Speaker 5 (21:04):
So, how did you turn into the storyteller comedian? Because
that's that a lot of that's hard for people to do,
Like it's hard, but it's hard.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
Deal deal. I'm I'm on the road with d L
and he he told me, he said, yo, man, the
funniest you're gonna ever be in life is based on
how honest you want to be. And this was after
some people when I was writing jokes. I don't even
blame the people anymore, because I think that when you

have writers, that writers under the pressure of turning in
something to another comic, and so they could see your
show and then turn in, man, I don't have nothing
this week. But if you try to get that check,
so you turn in somebody else's material to the person
who you turned it into has no idea that you

that you just sought it somewhere, and so now are
you a thief? So now I just I switched from
doing jokes to doing everything personally about me and if
you would have to, and people still try to steal it.
But it's hard because now you know, it's a lot
of comics that all of a sudden they went to jail,

but I went to prison. It's a different thing. Jailing
a lot of people in the jail, but prison is
two different things. So I would go up and people
trying to doing jail stuff in front of me, I'm like,
but you know that's not what I'm doing. I'm I'm
walking through my life from ten years old to now.
So it just happens to be the first comedy series

of specials like these. All these specials are tied together.
So if you see three now, which came out Mother's Day,
you can't go see you can't go see four without
seeing one and two and one is one is the
is the masterpiece. But three is the best one to

me thus far that I that I see, and two
has a different, a different cachet to it because I
was showing a different skill set in the actual art
of it, because it's two faces to comedy. You know,
it's having a tragedy. So in two my sister passed,

and well it's late now, you know, you know, twenty years,
I haven't seen it all the time.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
Grief is not linear. I don't know how you're feeling
this morning about.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
It, man, twenty years ago to say.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
Twenty years.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Years, I don't know. Sorry, sorry, man, Well I'm man.
We've dealt with God's crazy, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
People racked them up about seven more, you can say, man,
I can run them off.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
After my sister, with my son, then it was my grandmother. Yeah,
we we had some hard ones, man. So that's why
I heard about all of them, brother, That's why I
did loss, because that's one of the number one things
in the black community that man, death runs through our
family a little harder than just a loss. It's like,
now you got to figure out how to bury them

and and all this. Man, I don't I'm I don't
want not another gold fund. Don't send me not another
goal fund.

Speaker 6 (24:54):

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Let's try to figure out what is the situation that
we need to prepare for when it's inevitable, it's death
is gonna happen, we won't even talk about it, which
is hey, man, I think about death every single day,
every single day. So I live a better life than
most people because I know I don't have the time

to be engaged in things that really I can't rectify.
You know, I'm not gonna hold a grudge behind something
when I can get an apology or I can apologize,
you know, like you know, my whole intent to come
up here because I was mad at you. Man, you
were saying my name wrong, and you did it twice too.

He was saying, Ali. I'm like, this man, know how
to say my name Ali? You know, talking about my
special with somebody. Yeah, I think it's name Ali. Al
I'm like, and they send it to me break, I'm like,
he knows how to say Ali.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
You know he knows because I kept hearing other people
say Ali was listening.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
To other people better. And I asked somebody call up
there and asked them who his favorite box is? Probably
Muhammad Ali, just take the Muhammad out.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
Because when the first special came out, everybody I knew
was talking about that special, especially in the comedy world.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
It was like, Yo, you gotta watch this due Alid.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
You know, nobody say that. Nobody nobody said you know
a lot of ain't nobody saying nobody said that? You know,
It's like Ali wrong, like he said there all. Look,
I don't even know Charlote. I'm like Charlamage, don't like me.

When when I get up, when I finally get to
the bad leading, I'm leading with man, why you're saying
my name? Then I forget. Then I left it alone.

Speaker 4 (26:48):
It's like.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
Whatever. At least he mentioned me. That's all I had.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
But that first special took off though. Did you did
you understand that it would do that or it was
just a risk? Come and throw this on YouTube and
see what man?

Speaker 1 (27:00):
I thought it was really good. And when I do
a special, it takes a while for it to You know,
I have recorded probably three or four specials before that
one and was like, no, it's not special. So Domino
Effect the first one. I knew that it was. I
knew it. It's like the first album I put out
talk a loud saying something that's my reasonable doubt, you know.

So I knew once I put this one out, I
knew it. I had that feeling about I was too
excited about it, and it didn't have any flaws to it.
And that's one thing when I look at something, I
don't want it to have anything that somebody can grab
on to like. But but what about this? So when
when that happened, and then somebody said, well, what's the

rest of the story, I said, what, like, what happened
after that? I said, you want to know?

Speaker 4 (27:53):
So they oh, so you had never even planned to
make it to keep on going with a series.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Well, somebody ad ask me about what happened after that,
and I said, okay, Well I stopped at sixteen, so
let's do from sixteen to nineteen and then we get
we did the first, we did two, and then I said, yo,
let's finish up. How I even got incarcerated? People know

I was there, but let's see how I got there.
And then we did three, and we recorded three and
four in DC at the same time, So we did
two shows on that Friday and two shows on that Saturday.
So four comes out Father's Day. So we strategically put
one on Mother's Day, one on Father's Day, and four

is two hours long, you know, versus the one thirty
that I've been doing. And it's getting to the pinnacle
of how what I went through I was inside and
how did I get jovial to come out out and
want to pursue comedy. So after this series, we're going

to start another series called in the Shadows, which is
the walk with me doing stand up, getting being in
a public in a public space, trying to be private
because I'm on parole, and on parole most people don't
realize parole people. We try to stay out the way
because we know anything can get us back incarcerated. So

now you're trying to fight for your innocens from a
disposition of being incarcerated. And incarceration is especially mass incarceration
is it's crippling. A lot of it cripples a family
because it's wear and tearing on a family. And it's

not just you. You know, people think that my mom
was locked up right with me, you know, and because
I'm there and she's concerned about me every day. It's
like when somebody go to jail. My mom, NICKI would
always say, why you always go get trade out of
jail when he locked up? I said, man, because something
can happen just by being in there. Is the oldest boy.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
Again, I mean.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
The oldest boy, the oldest boy. You know, he's the
only one that's been in trouble thus far. You know,
hopefully nobody else is ever gets in trouble because my
oldest daughter, Jaden, she's a chef, she's she's the she's
a spinoff version of me I'm talking about. Man, It's

nothing like having somebody respect your daughter in the streets
like they respect you. And they always hey, man, I
saw your daughter. Man, she's a g man like appreciate you.
You know you raised I raised a good one. But
you know that that raising daughters, you also have this fear,
this constant fear because you've been incoss rated.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
And you know.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
How people that's not really good navigate. And you know,
I've sat down and I've talked to people who have
attacked women and you know, and did all these these
file things in the world. So when you out in
the street, everything I see is a red flag. It's

just like you're like, man, you know, hey, listen, this
is a sign that triggers them, you know, but you
can't tell women. I'm I should be able to do yeah,
but but but you know, I should be able to
do too, But I don't go.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
And then you don't want to raise your kids out
of field. But it's kind of.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
Hard not to, kind of hard not to because everything,
everything that you've experienced, you know. Even with my sons, man,
I'm I'm very fearful of him having children out of
wed lock with people that that don't serve him. Well,
it's like, I'm not that father who like would tell
my daughters this. No, I'm more on my son. A man,

keep your penis in your pans, bro, before you end
up in a situation that you can't get out of.
Then some of these young men out here nowadays, man,
they need some real talking to. I don't want to
hear about another young lady losing her life because her
brother didn't understand no, absolutely or she want to leave.

You know, it's a man and I have girls, and
I'm and I'm I'm really concerned about the state of
mind these young men because I'm like, yo, man, what
is your deal? But I understand, I know where it
comes from. I don't understand these situations, but I understand
they don't. They don't communicate enough. They on this machine
all day on this phone, and you you you don't, Man,

I got turned down. You know you need to take
that walk, what I'm saying. And just at a at
a table with friends, you decide you fin to go
higher as somebody and they look at it. Look, look,
look shoes on. You're gonna pick the wrong one every time.
So hey, where you see me? I'm pregnant. You can't
go to the next one. You know, you got to

take that long walk of rejection back and forth. I man.

Speaker 3 (33:08):
Girls, Also, we didn't have a sense of entitlement because
think about even the note we used to write.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
It was would you go out with me?

Speaker 1 (33:14):

Speaker 2 (33:15):
No, even a maybe? So you were prepared for whatever.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
Man, do you understand having to ask the slow dance?
After ask the dance, because now that you be dancing,
somebody walking behind you no, and man, I had to
go over there. Would you like to dance? And no? Cool? Right,
that's cool, envy go ad, would you like to dance? Ah?

She like light skin, like light skin. I see what
this is. I'll never ask her again. She got a
type already, g you already got a type. You gotta type.
I'm right, okay, cool, all right? Not so because he
like all.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Right, all right.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
And that's when I think that was. That was a
little raor where people trying to be like and I
remember the bow legged era. You remember the bow legging
air when dudes tried to stand like they were bow legged. No,
do nothing, girl, dude. The South girls love girls love

a bowt legged dude.

Speaker 4 (34:31):
I'm sloop for.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
I didn't even know that. I wanted to do understand
like I'm.

Speaker 5 (34:38):
Not a man, but I'm on the other side of it,
though I did. It was something about some of them athletes,
the way they're standing in there.

Speaker 4 (34:43):
There's a lot of your legs are like, you know,
a little like parentheses.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
Yeah, don't be pigeon.

Speaker 4 (34:49):
Told though, that's where it's different.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Told and slew for. We ain't getting no love like
your shoes ain't look right. If your knees not, man,
I ain't never like and look it's the only knock
neeede basketball player I even respect the Kenni smeth. I
just didn't and I didn't even know he was knock
need man. It's just something about them I'm talking about.
I just seen some girls so look like their legs
and an x. Man, what's wrong with you? Man? How

do you even getting knockne They should get a check.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
I want to ask you a question you said about
your son.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
When you're telling your sons about you know, I guess
women to stay away with, stay away from. How do
you have that conversation with your with a son when
you might be talking about his mama mm hm and.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Saying I didn't say that.

Speaker 6 (35:36):

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Listen, listen, listen, simy son. You see how you ma? Man,
you don't want one who do that? Sud right there,
This is what you don't want that mother. See all
this fat mither, all the fat mile. But my younger
son he has he has a little crisis going on hisself.

That that's Hassan. Hassan is thirteen and you have to hey, bro,
you need to respect your mother, respect your sisters. He's
in he's entitled. And this is and this is my fault, man,
these these kids, it's slightly my fault and slightly the
lady who lived in the house. This is the thing,

this is the thing. You have to give him chores.
He doesn't have any resp He's not responsible for anything.
So I think when you don't have chores, you're not
gonna you're gonna have a lack of respect for a
lot of things. You know, when you have chores, Man,
that's a but I had things that I had to do,
and so I'm structured in that way now that man,
I had, Hey, before I do anything, I gotta do

this and that that goes when you become a grown man.
You know, Hey, man, let me take care of this first,
and then I get to that if you don't have that,
but you got to get that young, I get that young.

Speaker 4 (36:58):
You're you're a special. Part Four comes out on Father's Day.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
Like you said, how much is how much of that
involves like your dad or does it even involve?

Speaker 1 (37:06):
Man? My dad? He I put him all through the
rest of them, and he has a small piece. And
four because he had why I was incarcerated. My pops
had at fifty almost sixty years old, got locked up
for an assault, right, and he my daddy thought he

was on some big boss mob type thing because his
two brothers was locked up. I was locked up. Then
he gets locked up, so he sends five hundred dollars
on everybody's books while he and while he locked up,
and gonna write a letter. Yeah, just sent you some bread.

We're not we're not in the family. Like say you,
you didn't see me nothing until you got locked up.
I don't even understand this. Like I've been locked up
like four years now. He gonna, yeah, sent you some bread.
Since we down here, man, I rode back, hey, man,
try to go home in the next couple of years.
He had less time than me. He beat me on anyway,

but he said money to his brother his brothers, Oh yeah,
appreciate you. Yeah. They thirstyself. Like my uncle Mac he's
a g but my uncle Alfred, he's a sucker.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
He's a sucker.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Sucker. Man. My grandmother, right, dementia, had dementia. I'm putting
money in her books. The money coming up missing. He
writing checks, had my grandmother sign them, and she had dementia.
She got dimension. You're stealing the boss. Yeah, that's wild,
and then putting in a bad position where her bills

not getting paid. And I don't know who my grandmother
was when she was younger, but you know, dementia, they
be staying stuff in their life. So I'm I'm taking
care of her. One day because my cousin were rotating
and I'm over, I give a coke and coch is low.

I come back to grab a coke to fill it up.
She grabbed my wrists and say put my glass down.
I said, what say? Put my glass down before I
drown you? I said, when was you drowned grown men
in your life? She must have been a mob, but
she owned the cafe, so I don't know when she
was doing it, but at some point she was drowning

full grown. That's that ain't no regular threat. That's why
before that one up, I put it down.

Speaker 3 (39:31):
I'm like that.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you I just I'm not messing with this.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
Later, you sound like d L.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
Sometimes when just in regular conversation you man called you
all Now you said you sound like somebody else me
and d L has a total different voice. Yeah, we
have a totally different cadence.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
Yeah, but you can just hear it every now and
then you said it three times.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
He said, you just know that, you just know, you
just you just looked in the files. You sound like
Bill Bird to.

Speaker 2 (40:13):
Which one, which one of those guys you think has
had the most impact on on your career?

Speaker 1 (40:16):
My career, how the whole?

Speaker 2 (40:18):
Just anybody?

Speaker 1 (40:19):
D L. Definitely d L. Dick Gregory, Bill Bellamy. I
can put him in order the Dad's White Billy watch it.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
Did you?

Speaker 1 (40:35):
Yes, very well? Like but I don't have no by
way you say, did you know? Yeah? Because you did?

Speaker 2 (40:48):
You know?

Speaker 4 (40:48):
Dick said, yeah, very well.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
Know how that was. You took experience to you know what.
I heard it once you said it. I'm so a dope.
I didn't even listen to me. I'm fifty.

Speaker 6 (41:02):
I was just saying.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
I was saying, and I would say, none of that. Man, man,
it's a nice next, that's a nice shirt. I don't
have to say, pouls mind. I'm gone, I'm kids. He said,
you know, Dick, You're like, yeah, no, Dick. I'm like,
I'm like, okay, just like you and then but but
but but you but you're making sense though, Charlemagne, you go,
Dick on the wall. You know, what I'm saying to do, like.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
I like we had we had a Dick Gregory up here.
We had he was up for like an hour forty
five minutes.

Speaker 1 (41:34):
That's all.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
That's all.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
That's all he gave you our for.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
That was that's the interview. That's how long the interview was.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
No, No, that man, I've done. Let me let me see,
let me see after the show, Dick Gregory right now,
I all got a COMPLI. So we talked two shows.
I think it was six hours each night. After the show. Yeah,

and so I have very close times and I don't
care what nobody say. It was too many people around
that night when that man told me in my face,
you're going to take my place if you can maintain
your attitude, said Ali, because you you a firecracker, yeah,

he said, he said, man, and I understand because you're
a Libra and you and he he was a Libra.
So I'm I'm very good with balance. I like balance,
and then I don't. I don't shuck and jove, I'm
not gonna say nothing to you that about you. I
won't say in your face. I'm not even gonna say
it under silence. So I'm ready to say it in
your face.

Speaker 2 (42:46):
I don't do the.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
Somebody said, yes, you know who's the somebody? N you know?
Now I'm gonna say who the somebody is? And they
said it. They I'm just I don't play them type
of games. I'm just a straight forward person. And in
its business, this business, it's a lot of phony ballogneas
man that you can just tell me no, bro, I

got tough skin. I don't need the fake and shake,
and so when you try to handle me like that,
I get a little I get a little touchy. And
I'm not one that I don't miss worth. If I
say I'm gonna do it, that's done. I'm not feel
I don't. I don't play a lot. I wish I
could with people, but I just don't play a lot

with with the goofies. I just I can't do it.
And it's a lot of them. It's a lot of
people say say things and then act like they didn't
say it, or because you have more popularity, you can
throw something out there and people gravitate towards it. But man,
I always think about Benny Blanco. You the way you

handle people, that person is gonna eventually come back, you know,
what I'm saying, and I tell people, Man Benny Banco
from The Bronx man, that man just wanted to talk
to him. So I don't even handle young comics like that.
It's certain things I'm gonna tell you. I don't want
you in the green room when I get there. It's

not your green room. You know. It's a certain code
to how I came up. I don't go in the
green room in my home club. If you're the headliner,
until you invite me into that green room, I'm outside.
Disrespect It's just a it's just a code. If I'm
the feature or the host, I'm not going in the
green room.

Speaker 2 (44:35):

Speaker 1 (44:36):
Man, what if I'm on the show, We'll watch this
Dick Gregory between each show. He used to sleep, just
like Damon Wayne's. They sleep in between each show. So
you're gonna keep walking in out of the green room
while they're in their sleep.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Disrespectful, disrespectful.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
It doesn't it doesn't make sense. But it's so many
people think that they entitled to a space because you
was there at that club doing the open mic. That's
the open mic is not the show, but it's it's levels.
So it's levels to all of it and then stand up.
I think the barriers have gotten broken due to a

combination of things. When people used to talk about the
internet comics, they are they taking our they taking our slots,
just not taking your slot. Way the people who were
doing sketches, they weren't taking your slot. The comedy club,
it was like this, we have a building. Yeah, we

need people, people, we need people, just as can you
come on Wednesday and Thursdays. We have Faison Love on Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
but we're going to make this money on Wednesday and Thursdays.
And we had a magic show on Tuesday before you came.
And if I had defense, i had comedy defensive driving

on Sunday. I'm trying the doors open so we can
have a place to do comedy. You was looking people
was looking at them as skipping the line. No, it's
no skipping the line. In his business. You can jump forward.
But then what make you have to come back? Mhm.

Skill set When you first started, you know how to
do stand up. You on the screen. Now these people
that you were that you were getting on the screen,
now these people right here, there's no added It's like
I'm gonna hey, y'all. Y'all saw what I just did.
I'm going to cut that and I'm gonna come back

and say something different.

Speaker 6 (46:45):

Speaker 1 (46:46):
Then then what happened was the internet guy started getting
success and then they start big dogging the stand up
experienced stand up saying oh, I'm I'm making my money
you have. But then pandemic happened. Now everybody got a

home with their self again because I can't my editor
and my people not in here. I don't have nobody
to do these schedules with. Now. Now comics were Reign
and Supreme doing that. We just cutting the camera on boom,
what's up baby, I'm here, you know. So that's how
it now. It's emerging. Now you haven't heard a beef
about Internet versus traditional because now everybody's back. You had

to go to the club and work. They had to
come from behind the screen. Then people like me started
using the screen to just promote that I'm gonna be
somewhere instead of just instead of shutting because I'm I'm
old school. I'm yo, man, I've been doing standing up
twenty six years. I'm in the trenches. It's different for me,

and now I have both. You know, now I have,
but I wasn't trying to find out, trying to get
on the way of the algorithm and all that. Now
pay somebody to do that. But the slapsticks and the
the the shock comics. Now we're back to at least
with me, it's back to long form. People told me

that what they told me they don't really listen to
that much. They're not gonna watch the whole thing. So
I started putting out longer than just an hour. He
was like, Nah, this is what I want to hear.
Now you engaged in the story. If you watch Law
and Order, you watched John Wick, why you wouldn't watch
a series of something that's funny because my only skill

set is to tell stories the same way that I
grew up hearing them. You know my uncle, that's how
they started a man, let me tell you about this
big legging lady. I just met you, like big lady.
Then you you my grandmother. She'll come in and tell
my aunts. You know. I tell stories just like people

in your fan So it's not a it's not a
magic trick to it. I read books and I listened
to the ancestors how they did things, and I try
to put that together and that's relatable.

Speaker 5 (49:14):
And a lot of people don't have that though, like
you know what I'm saying, a lot of it's not.
It's not it's easy for people like you know, like
a lot of the like internet comics, they don't know
how to keep people's attention like you can do that.
You're a great storyteller, and like you said, you tell
it like your family member, like you know, just like
people you know, people you grew up here and telling stories.

Speaker 4 (49:37):
People don't know how to do that.

Speaker 1 (49:39):
I get that's back, and that's when I'm sitting down
with when the last time you sat down and you
listen to a story from somebody in your family, like
an aunt or all the time? Love it? Yes, all
the time you got you had it. So if you
were telling the story, you would probably do it the
same way that you've always seen it done. If people

have these disconnected families and they don't know a man,
when the last time you saw your aunt?

Speaker 6 (50:06):

Speaker 1 (50:09):
But I'm like, nah, I can't wait for my cousins
to call me and say, man, let me tell you
what your aunt did yesterday? You almost fell off a boat.
And I'm gonna listen to the whole story. I'm gonna
listen to the whole entire story because and then I'm calling.
Then I'm calling, oh see you out here falling off boat.
I can't even wipe the car. We told you that

because I grew up with them, with the whole I
never did nothing private in my family. If if I
did it, my mother called everybody, and then everybody know,
I mean people that you didn't even think and you
mind your own benness, your uncle. So you just around
here peeing in the bed. Hey, man, we are and

he man, we we out in the boat. That's what
you want to talk about. Now, I'm just saying, your
mama tell me you with every day and I'm saying,
you just just pissed through a mattress what you're doing.

Speaker 4 (51:11):
And these are still things that people are going through.
So it's relatable. It's gonna always be relatable. Family.

Speaker 1 (51:16):
Do you understand my uncle right now? He don't care
nothing about no. Hey, remember when you used being what
you So you won't say that in front of my head,
in front of my head, in front of my children.
You want to bring that up. I'm just that I
always went I can't say this.

Speaker 3 (51:39):
Man, just dropped Domino Effect three on May twelfth, oh
Man and Domino Effect four sixteenth day.

Speaker 1 (51:47):
That's right now, I think I'm gonna blow up now
I don't finally got up here and.

Speaker 2 (51:52):
Right what you want to do? Do you want to do?
Like Netflix or something like that? Doesn't even?

Speaker 1 (51:57):
Man, No, I don't say no, but well I'm gonna
say if why not? Why can't say? Now?

Speaker 2 (52:08):
If it comes but they come with twenty million and say.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
Hey man, but if they own it, then this is
none of they can't get If they own it, they
can't get it.

Speaker 2 (52:15):
You can make up a story, you can say anything.
Take the twenty mill.

Speaker 1 (52:21):
Wait, man, see now they got it. I'm on Netflix.
I got twenty million, and now they put out I
haven't put out some nonsense now people, yeah, it a
cold yeah, but I want to do it on that
she's doing what you're doing?

Speaker 6 (52:41):
They're like, yeah, yeah, neverly Chable name said, man, I
may do.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
I'm man netflixing about me. What you're doing?

Speaker 4 (52:57):
You're doing so well?

Speaker 2 (52:58):
Now you definitely doing well.

Speaker 1 (52:59):
My brother man and I and I appreciate that. Man.
I just can you know something, I just feel like
an emmy. It's gonna come my way since I have
made it. This break used to always say, you know
something enough people don't know me. I gotta get up
there to see DJ Mby. It wasn't really about you, yeah,
because because once he hit it with that, this is
a djybody. That's that's the part that you wait on.

It ain't even really the show.

Speaker 2 (53:24):
If you hear that.

Speaker 1 (53:26):
Show just came out. Hey, I'm Charlamagne to God and
it's just larr like what what what they need to
think about. When we first started, we hated it. I
was like, why we gotta keep saying our names. I
don't want to see saying many But our program director
of the time is like, you keep saying your name
gets stuck in constant and that keeps saying your name

but introducing yourself.

Speaker 4 (53:49):
Even when he beef with people, they be like mocking him,
like j it's a whole rhythm of it.

Speaker 1 (53:54):
So you got to like that, just like, no, you
gotta say this is But let me tell you that
the the the thing that that makes me laugh like
uncontrollably comes from the breakfast club and I'm talking about
me and the lady living in the house. May let
me tell you something if I don't care how mad

if that lady called man saying, yeah, this is this
sweet Joe Joe, y'all do that? What the boy who
couldn't say y'all name god?

Speaker 2 (54:27):

Speaker 1 (54:27):
Let me tell you something. It was true? That wasn't
it was true? We know, we know, man, you was serious. Girl.
Do you understand the type of I'm talking about? Man,

If my day is going bad, come on web and
gonna get gonna get it. But somebody made a cartoon
tell them gate. But yeah, y'all got the name.

Speaker 6 (55:08):

Speaker 1 (55:09):
Boy. It's like this. It was like our Sharpton versus
a teleprompter. Damn you that no, oh al sharp. And
the only reason I don't really say nothing about it
much is because I did a just have you ever
done a thing that they had the teleprop on absolutely
just over the weekend, and it was it was going
too fast. Yeah, And you have to like if I

tell you, I'm just up there and I'm dyslexic. That's
the whole other thing. People, I don't I don't do
cold reads. Let me see it for let me take
the picture of it in my brain. I can do it. Man.
I'm in there with the cold with a cold read
on the telepromptum and and I'm talking. They got on
speed out. I'm just I'm like, I'm just up and
the man I'm doing it. And the man looked like this,

he's liker. I know, damn well, ain't none of that
whatever he's saying, what are you looking at? I'm like, hey,
man started saying stuff like I'm the king and changing
my stuff to I tell you everything. Because sometimes they
be going too fast. You can't get that fast, man,
do you understand the man had to look at the

teleprobm he no, damn way like, bro, man, what are
you looking at? Are you looking past me outside something?
I'm like, nah, bro, I'm looking dead at you, but
you man, it's too fast. Yeah. Billy Currels go in
after me for the same position. I said, Billy Man,

they tell a propab, he said, Man, I wouldn't looking
at them telling problem. I was saying what I thought
they wanted, look like, well, make up, got to make
it up on the fly.

Speaker 2 (56:46):
How didy find you? Ali?

Speaker 6 (56:47):

Speaker 1 (56:49):
Ali? Man? And definitely because you know you're a mess.

Speaker 4 (56:52):
And this man still now here calling you Ali like
O L L I E le.

Speaker 1 (56:57):
No, he can't do nothing, man, Man spelled my name
with an I s I D d i Q. I'm

saying a L I first s I D d i Q. Man,
it's a visit line killing him over here. Yeah, but yeah,
you that's dot com or you can go on YouTube
a comedy, you know, Man, Just you know, stay linked
in with me on my on my Instagram. Everything is
the same.

Speaker 2 (57:35):
I'm following it right now. I think I already follow you, though.

Speaker 1 (57:37):
You already follow me, because I know you definitely follow
my Man, what's what's what's the guy you be with
all the time? And yeah, I just saw I just
saw Andrew at the roast. I was at the roast. Tom.
It's funny when you become a comics comic and you
don't know and then you walk in the room and
all these comics come over you. Hey brother, Hey man,

why are you bowing? Said man, I'm not I'm a
big I'm a big fan. Like, hey man, what what
what's the bowing about? Though? And like Kevin was talking,
I was walking around with Kevin talking to somebody. He
turned around, Hey brother, I didn't know you was gonna
be hey man, what is wrong with y'all? Y'all see me.

And then I'm walking into the party. I'm going to
the to the Farm, to the Farm Club, and I've
been wanting to go get you know, Maggi Johnson, one
of my favorite players of all time. I just wanted
to see what him and Bus was doing. They work
at in his farm club. I'm in there and as
I'm walking in, this is the biggest compliment I think
I ever got. I'm talking a non this no out
of nowhere. I'm walking to this party. Chappelle is coming

this way, a bunch of people with him, and he
just stopped, Hey, Ali, you come into Cincinnati, man, next
weekend at the Task Theater. I'm gonna try to come
by there if I'm in town. And I'm okay, how
you know my schedule? And he said, Man, take my

number and call me. Okay, and I'm and I'm trying
to play it cool cause I'm like, yeah, yeah, whatever,
Chapel and walk right in there. The Sam Jays Sam
that's my number, gave me his number, told me comment
to the man, know my schedule. You know he all
in the files. Thank you, thank y'all for having me. Man,

it's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,

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