O-Town Comments On Their Own Throwback Photos (VIDEO)

O-Town is back and better than ever before. Jacob, Erik, Dan, and Trevor have returned with a new, fresh sound on their new single called "Empty Space," and the pop-EDM song is very addictive. The guys have recorded their fourth studio album, the followup to 2014's Lines & Circles, completely funded by fans through Kickstarter ... meaning, "Empty Space" is only the beginning of new O-Town music.  

After 17 years together, following their formation on Making The Band, O-Town has certainly learned a lot over the years, and are still doing so with each passing day. Dan tells us, "You learn a lot through failure. And we had a lot of missteps along the way, so we take lessons from every single thing we've done, and we've adapted it to what we're doing now. And we're still learning, we still mess up every single day."

The guys now do everything in-house, setting up tours, developing choreography, management and more, and learn to enjoy each other every day. Because as Jacob says, "We've learned to enjoy each other and just the fact that we get to do this for a living still, 17 years later." 

Well, not only did the guys' musical style get an update, so did their sense of fashion. If you've been following the band for as long as I have, then you definitely remember the amazing new millenium era looks that they each rocked -- it was "All Or Nothing" 17 years ago (pun intended). 

So, we decided to take a trip down memory lane with the guys, and showed them a few of their most memorable pictures from over the years, and asked what they think of them now. And A LOT of amazing stories came to light. Check it out below:

Dan: "You have no idea how full my drawer was with those bandanas. I had so many bandanas.

Erik: "Actually, that was the early 2000s only-front-tuck."

Jacob: "All of the jerseys ... 👍🏻 ... that was the best." 

Jacob: "Speaking of bandanas. That was a gift."

Dan: "I mean, that wasn't that bad. I used to work out."

Trevor: "Just in case you guys were wondering, we all had 'MTV in VIP' except for Jacob."

Jacob: "Because I don't need one."

Erik: "Mickey never goes out of style. But I actually had a shaved head. I did that because I was trying to lose weight, and I went on some militant thing, and I just shaved my head, and that's why I got a shaved head in that."

Trevor: "Yup, that's the first album cover photo shoot."

Dan: "I have a funny story about this. About three years ago, Trevor invited me to a bar, out to just have some drinks [and] just hang out. I roll up to the bar, there's a bunch of people dancing, and I come around the corner, and in the middle of the circle is Trevor dancing in this shiny denim jean jacket -- just three years ago."

Trevor: "Still have it, I wore it on stage last year."

Jacob: "Seriously, I am so upset right there. This was our first real photo shoot for the album, and they dressed us somewhat similar because we had no control over that. And you can see how happy I am with this decision.

Erik: "I mean ... the pants. They're shiny, and fit two of us in one pair. Oddly enough, this became our most iconic image of us." 

Jacob: "I am wearing a dragon in this one. I stole Ashley's shirt."

Trevor: "If you look at the nail polish, we're going to bring all of your attention to the nail polish, how four of the colors of the fingers are silver, and the one middle one is black. Because that was Jacob's way of saying, 'I don't like boybands.' Rebel Jacob."

Dan: "And 15 years later, he's still in one."

Erik: "I think that's the one thing, [how] we are sort of different than a lot of the other bands. When we got together on Making The Band, we all had really different musical tastes and different ideas of what we wanted to do musically. And this is a total representation of where Jacob wanted to go musically. We tried to support it as much as we could. The dreads kept growing, the beard kept growing." 

Dan: "My shoes were untied, that was dangerous. I used to be pretty adventurous, and jump around, and find things to climb on stage, but now I have kids and I'm afraid to do anything."

Erik: "Actually, this is what Dan would do when he was fighting for a solo part. He would just get up on a stool and sing louder than everyone else."

Dan: "Somebody had to love me in Louisville. I bet you I still have that shirt." 

Erik: "This is another hair phase. We were the hair band, I think, for a little while. Jacob had his little rasta hat, I don't know why. And we have me with a blow-out. I was actually straight-ironing my hair every day. This was the 'All Or Nothing' shoot, and I actually burned my forehead. I was really pissed, I had a big scab for the video. But this is really weird, because my buddy, at the time I met a guy who was a bartender. This was on the lower east side [NYC], and he was a bartender at a bar. Fast forward like five or six years later, I end up meeting him in LA, and he was like, 'dude I met you like four or five years ago,' right during this time, and we're still really close friends. He's actually one of my closest friends. Which I met right around this time."  

Dan: "I have no recollection of that shirt."

Trevor: "This is July 5th, 2011. This is the day Dennis Haskins, Mr. Belding, this is the day he introduced us at The Greek. This is my favorite venue, this is the outdoor theater in LA. I think that's the only time I wore that shirt."

Jacob: "And he framed it because it was after Mr. Belding. Because he's [Trevor] a trivia maniac, and knows everything about the show. So we had Mr. Belding come from the show and surprise Trevor by opening the door to the dressing room and saying 'Hey, hey hey! What is going on in here?!" And then he jumped up and started running in circles around the dressing room. Didn't even say 'hi,' just started running in circles." 

Trevor: "It was a great present." 

Jacob: "I love that shirt, man. That was a SeaWorld original. [Eric] with the bandana on the wrist. Pre-sock." [Side note: Erik used to wear a sock on his arm]

Erik: "These were the good days. I think at this point, we started to finally realize, we're just gonna be who we are. And we started to figure that out. I think for a while we were just sort of following everyone's lead. And I think this was year three. So yeah, third season of Making The Band. Good times." 

And now, I give you O-Town in 2017:

Photos: Katherine Tyler 

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