Man Calls 911 Over A Cold McDonald's Order

Police officers in Hamilton, Ontario were called to a McDonald's by a man who received a cold hamburger and fries he ordered through Uber Eats. According to service spokesperson Jackie Penman, the man was "irate" over the situation. CBC News reports that while it's unclear who was at fault over the cold food - the fast food chain or the delivery service - the police were understandably annoyed that 911 was called to handle this cold [hamburger] case. 

"Calling 911 with nuisance calls ties up our lines and makes it difficult for people with serious emergencies to get through to dispatchers," Penman said. "The system is meant for life and death emergencies."

I can understand a cold hamburger being delivered to my house *feeling* like an emergency, however, we should all know better than to get the police involved over something like this. There are definitely better ways to handle this situation without getting too dramatic. Complain to Uber! Complain to McDonald's! Put the food in the microwave because that's *literally* how McDonald's cooks their food anyway!

One good thing came out of this messy debacle, though, which is obviously the amazing jokes that sprung up on Twitter. "What about if the Hamburglar is actively committing theft?" one user asked. 

To which the Hamilton Police heroically replied saying they "would respond and 'grill' him." HA! Who doesn't love a little Hamburglar humor?!

Seriously, though, don't call the police if your Uber Eats is delivered to you cold. Maybe take it as a sign from the universe to stop binge watching Santa Clarita Diet, get off the couch, and get your own food for once. Just a thought!

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