The Palace Denies That Prince Charles Doesn't Get Along With His Sons

There have long been rumors that Prince Charles has a strained relationship with his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, though this has never been addressed publicly by the royal family. Until now, that is. After a story broke that states the three men do not get along with each other, Prince Charles is actually speaking out about the claims. Well, through a spokesperson, but still! 

Instead of ignoring the rumors - like they normally do - The Palace has addressed these rumors head on. Clarence House told The Express that the claims are "complete fiction" in an extremely rare move of addressing tabloid press. 

The story that has Clarence House breaking all kinds of royal press protocol features an anonymous source that claims to be close to the royals. According to the source, who spoke to The Daily Beast, the Princes of Wales are just "very different people and they just don’t get on. It’s as simple as that. They rarely see each other outside of official business." 

If they didn't get on, would have they coordinated their sunglasses for this epic #squad pic? That remains to be seen. 

The source also alleges that Prince Charles "hates" his sons' public "emoting" about their mother, the late Princess Diana, in interviews, specifically the on they gave last year  to mark the 20-year anniversary of her death. In that interview, however, the princes spoke very highly of their father, especially how he handled everything follow their mother's tragic car accident. "One of the hardest things for a parent to have to do is to tell your children that their other parent has died. How you deal with that I don’t know," Harry said at the time. “But, you know, he was there for us. He was the one out of two left and he tried to do his best and to make sure that we were protected and looked after."

Harry also paid tribute to his father this past May during a birthday celebration for the heir to the British throne. "Who has not come away from a meeting with my father, their head spinning with a dozen new ideas which he wants to get underway urgently, having met a group of people or read something that has fired his imagination and started the flow of ideas," Harry said. His enthusiasm and energy are truly infectious; it has certainly inspired William and I to get involved in issues we care passionately about and to do whatever we can to make a difference. In fact, many of the issues William and I now work on are subjects we were introduced to by our father growing up.”

It sure doesn't seem like a feud is brewing between these three. If the Palace is to be believed, it's all "complete fiction," anyway. 

Photo: Getty

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