"Digital Smell" Technology Could Make Its Way To Video Chat

A team of researchers from Malaysia managed to create ten different odors which can be transmitted electronically, potentially paving the way for people to send smells through video chats. However, if you are expecting a "smell-o-vision," where you can enjoy the smells of food made by your favorite television chef, you might have to wait a while, as the technology is still in the early stages of development.

In order to re-create the sensation of smells, the scientists placed electrodes in the nose of the study participants, which sent signals that mimicked ten different smells, including fruity, minty, and woody. 

The researchers understand that the average person will not be comfortable putting wires up their nose while video chatting with their friends, but they see the research as a first step. 

“This stage was more exploratory,” Adrian Cheok, one of the scientists behind the experiments said. “The next stage is to produce it in a more controlled manner, and this will allow for people to develop software and products to generate electric smell.”

They believe that in future iterations of the technology, the electrode could be replaced by a pair of glasses lined with electrodes. They also see the potential for helping people regain their sense of smell. 

“It’s not just about the smell,” Cheok explained. “It is part of a whole, integrated virtual reality or augmented reality. So, for example, you could have a virtual dinner with your friend through the internet. You can see them in 3D and also share a glass of wine together.”

Photo: Getty Images

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