Chris Evans Slams 'Straight Pride' Parade With These Savage Tweets

Chris Evans is among a long list of other folks not taking lightly to the idea of Boston's upcoming "Straight Pride" parade, which has been organized by the Massachusetts group, Super Happy Fun America.

To sound off on the event, which plans to gather on August 31 to compete with the city's LGBTQ Pride parade, Evans let the group's vice president Mark Sahady know his feelings on the matter via Twitter. "Wow! Cool initiative, fellas!! Just a thought, instead of ‘Straight Pride’ parade, how about this: The ‘desperately trying to bury our own gay thoughts by being homophobic because no one taught us how to access our emotions as children’ parade?" he wrote in a message to his 12.2 million followers on the platform. "Whatta ya think? Too on the nose??"

All sass aside, Evans, who has a gay brother, decided to try and challenge the group to look a little deeper into their initiative. "Wow, the number gay/straight pride parade false equivalencies are disappointing," the 39-year-old actor continued. "For those who don’t understand the difference, see below. Instead of going immediately to anger(which is actually just fear of what you don’t understand)take a moment to search for empathy and growth."

World Pride 2019 is on its way and iHeartPride is celebrating the monumental June celebration with all kinds of coverage. iHeartRadio, Z100 New York and 103.5 KTU are Presenting Media Sponsors for NYC Pride and we’re taking the milestone to heart with LGBTQ-focused coverage on everything from entertainment, politics and details on the summer festivities. After all, it does coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. Stay tuned for more on World Pride 2019 and keep an eye out for our float in the Big Apple’s all accumulating parade on June 30th!

Photo: Getty Images

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