Japanese Zoo Holds Absurd Lion Escape Drill And Even The Lions Are Confused

Unlike other attractions and museums, zoos have to be prepared for some unique and scary situations, like if a dangerous animal gets out of its enclosure. As with any potential emergency, one of the best way to be ready for it is with realistic drills, and the Tobe Zoo in Japan held one to prepare for a lion escape. However, since they couldn't use a real lion for the drill, they had to make do with something in it's place, so they chose a person in a lion mascot costume, leading to some hilarious footage which, thankfully, was uploaded to YouTube. If you watch the clip, you'll see that even the lions were confused with the spectacle going on in front of them.

Of course, Twitter had a field day with the drill.

Hopefully the zoo will never see a lion escape, but if they do, they will clearly be well prepared.

Photo: YouTube

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