ASAP Rocky's First Performance Following Sweden Arrest at REAL Street Fest

Photo credit: @CBradyPhotography

A$AP Rocky is back! Following a Summer of nerve wrecking headlines and political intervention, ASAP is back on the stage rocking out at REAL Street Fest. Tonight, August 11th marks his first appearance since his release and fans went bananas.

He spared no moment acknowledging his current situation with the crowd and talked about his experience in Sweden:

I just want to say, what I experienced it’s crazy. I’m so happy to be here y’all don’t even understand. That was a scary humbling experience god is good 
People that I don’t even f**king know was reaching out. Hip hop never felt so good man.

His performance was initially covered by a white sheet building anticipation for a looming crowd of thousands. After the opening song, ASAP dropped the massive sheet revealing a a crowd full of masked faces and himself standing atop a platform.

After performing a few of his hits including Gunz N Butter, the crowd was welcomed to a couple of surprise performances by YG, Tyler the Creator and A$AP Ferg.

Tyler, who is definitely in a bromance with ASAP, came out to show support for his brother

"I'm happy my brothers home right now," ASAP Ferg said before performing their chart topping 2013 hit, "Work".

The hype only continued from there. A calling for a mosh pit began.....

"In case you've never been to a show where crazy mutha f**kas start mosh pitting, here's a little tutorial for your ass."

The same crowd of masked individuals on stage with ASAP took to the crowd to make space for a seriously wild time.

"Open that b*tch up!" ASAP yelled into the crowd. Girls with fresh pedicures were advised to leave the scene and for good reason. Hundreds began kicking and punching each other while footage of historically bad mosh pits played on the display monitors.

At one point, something very important happened that was enough to stop the show. Someone threw their silicon sticky bra onto the stage utterly confusing Rocky!

"What the f*ck is this?" ASAP questioned. Strapless silicon bra's are a late trend that simply stick to one's breast and tie in the middle. It's 2019, Rocky, bra's are changing.

"Whoever threw this thank you..I guess."

At this point, YG hit the stage performing his hits BIG BANK, LOCO, and more. ASAP is not featured on either of these songs, but just with Tyler, he used his set as a platform for other artist to play their own music while he vibed out.

Just a moment of quick clarification before he exited the stage, "I don't got nothing against Swedish people." He recalled his nights in the foreign prison hearing Swedish people outside of his cell riding for him, shouting for his freedom.

Rocky's arrest led to the cancellation of his remaining European tour dates. Following nearly 1 month of detainment, on July 25th, Rocky and his two associates were charged with causing actual bodily harm where they each pleaded not guilty. After a 4-day trial, the men were released as they await the final verdict on August 14th.

Initially, gossip site TMZ posted video of the fight alleging “A$AP Rocky and his crew pummeled a guy in Sweden, leaving him battered and bloodied in the street.” The alleged 19-year-old victim, Mustafa Jafari, claimed that Rocky and his two friends attacked him with a glass bottle leading to bloody cuts and broken ribs.

However, upon further inspection, the full video was released showing ASAP and his crew consisting of David Rispers Jr. and Bladimir Corniel, trying to calm the situation down and walk away.

"We don't want no problems," ASAP can be overheard saying over again in the video. The clip, originally posted to Rocky's Instagram account on July 2nd is captioned with "SO A FEW DRUG ADDICTS ARE NOT MY FANS , WE DONT KNOW THESE GUYS AND WE DIDNT WANT TROUBLE , THEY FOLLOWED US FOR 4 BLOCKS , AND THEY WERE SLAPPING GIRLS BUTTS WHO PASSED , GIVE ME A BREAK."

Public prosecutor, Daniel Suneson, however stated that he'd had access to more information than available on the internet which showed that ASAP and his crew were indeed responsible for initiating the fight against the 19-year old man.

The case garnered the attention of a multitude of celebrities including notable names such RZA, Justin Bieber, Meek Mill, Shawn Mendes, Kris Jenner and Nicki Minaj.

Others, like ASAP's bestie, Tyler the Creator pledged to no longer support Sweden, tweeting “no more sweden for me, ever.”

Rapper, G-eazy, who was previously arrested in Sweden himself, believed that ASAP's arrest was motived by racism.

G-eazy was detained after punching a security guard in a club, snorting coke using a $100 bill, and carrying 1.5 ounces of coke on him

He plead guilty and avoided jail time with $9000 in fines.

G-eazy took to Facebook to comment in response to a TMZ headline stating "A$AP Rockyt Treated Way Differently Than White Rapper".

"Facts. This is the sad truth...The difference between me and Rocky’s treatment and process in Sweden brings to mind two concepts that disgustingly go hand in hand: white privilege and systemic racism. Let's call it what it is. He should not be behind bars right now. My heart goes out to my brotherASAP Rockyand his team. We're riding for yall."

How it goes though, there is no bail system in Sweden. However, they did say they were treating ASAP fairly and it’s not uncommon for foreigners to be held longer due to potential for flight risk.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who has worked closely with the Trump administration on criminal justice reform, reached out to Trump's senior advisor, Jared Kushner, for assistance with freeing their close friend.

On July 19th, Trump joined in on the conversation, notifying the public that he'd be reaching out to Sweden's Prime Minister to find if Rocky's case can be resolved sooner than later.

"Just spoke to @KanyeWest about his friend A$AP Rocky’s incarceration. I will be calling the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden to see what we can do about helping A$AP Rocky. So many people would like to see this quickly resolved!"

However, the case quickly became intense and was almost escalated as a breach of human rights. The Geneva convention states that anytime a foreigner is arrested - the home country has to be notified immediately. Reportedly, the USA was not notified and diplomats were not able to see ASAP upon initial visitation.

Trump employed, Robert O’Brien, the White House's special envoy for hostage affairs to head to Sweden and keep an eye on the case.

"Very disappointed in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven for being unable to act. Sweden has let our African American Community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers. Treat Americans fairly! #FreeRock," Trump tweeted July 25th.

In a statement, acting press secretary, Mikael Lindström, wrote that “Sweden and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven have explained and emphasized to the White House and President Trump respectively, the complete independence of the Swedish judicial system, prosecutors and courts.”

“In Sweden everyone is equal before the law. The Government is not allowed, and will not attempt, to influence the legal proceedings, which are now ongoing,” Lindström added.

As we wait to find out what transpires with the looming case, we can be grateful to have Rocky back home now!

"I just want to say one more time that I'm so fucking happy. Everybody listen, I know y'all as praying for me, ima need y'all to continue praying for me. Hopefully by gods verdict I'm not guilty," as he said goodnight to the crowd at REAL Street Fest.

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