Man On Meth Steals Truck With Man And Goat Inside From Porn Video Store

An Oklahoma man who was high on methamphetamine led police on a wild chase across three states after he stole a truck. Authorities said that Bradon Kirby, 40, found the truck parked in front of an adult video store in Carthage, Missouri.

Kirby ignored the man sleeping in the passenger seat and his pet goat, which was relaxing in the bed of the truck, and drove away. When the passenger woke up, Kirby pistol-whipped him and told him to be quiet.

After driving roughly 150 miles and crossing into Kansas, Kirby pulled over and kicked the man and his goat out of the truck. The victim called 911, and the police contacted OnStar, which remotely slowed the vehicle to 15 miles-per-hour. Despite being forced to drive at such a low speed, Kirby continued to run from the officers.

Deputies deployed a spike strip, but that didn't stop Kirby. He kept driving until officers forced him off the road in Oklahoma. Once the truck was disabled, Kirby tried to flee on foot but was detained after a brief chase.

Authorities did not say what charges Kirby is facing but said that he does have a lengthy criminal history. He has multiple convictions of felony assault, burglary, and possession of a stolen vehicle and was wanted by officials in Osage County for burglary.

Photo: Creek County Sheriff's Office

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