Mother Shares Video Of Day Care Owner Dragging Young Boy By His Arm

A child care center in Louisiana is under investigation after a mother shared videos of the owner dragging her two-year-old son down the hallway. In the videos, the owner, Lori Bercegeay, can be seen pulling the child by his arm down the hall and into a classroom. The child's mother, Stephanie Kidd, says that her son fractured his foot earlier in the day after falling out of his chair. 

The St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office said they reviewed the surveillance footage and have launched an investigation into Special Angels Outreach. 

While Kidd admits her child has a tendency to misbehave, that doesn't mean he should be dragged along the floor.

"What kid does??" she wrote, but "never have I ever thought it was okay to drag him ANYWHERE!" 

"Someone I trusted with our children has betrayed us and many others," Kidd added.

Bercegeay admitted that she made a mistake, but tried to downplay the situation.

"He was walking, he was crabby, he was fussing, he was ready for a nap," she said. "He does that all the time, and I was trying to lift him to stand. When he didn't, it was really like two lifts."

State officials said that Special Angels Outreach is not licensed as a daycare and is instead considered a non-profit organization. Bercegeay said that she runs an "activity center" for children with special needs. Officials told her that she must reduce the number of children she cares for if she does not want to get licensed as a daycare provider. 

She promised to make changes and said that in the future, she will be "more calm and just more careful with the kids and more aware of who is where and what are they doing."

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