Texas Teen Stands Up To Bully, Gets Shot And Killed Days Later

A Texas teenager was shot and killed a few days after he stood up for another kid who was getting bullied. Samuel Reynolds saw the suspect, who has not been identified due to his age, picking on a smaller kid and intervened.

Reynolds put a stop the bullying, but the teen responsible was not happy. Police said that he started harassing Reynolds before confronting him in the apartment complex where they both lived.

"After he broke up the fight, he started having trouble with the suspect," Arlington Police Lt. Christopher Cook said.

The suspect pulled a gun out of his waistband and fired a single shot, striking Reynolds in the stomach. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Authorities took the bully into custody, and he denied shooting Reynolds. Investigators have surveillance footage that shows the entire incident, and the suspect is facing a murder charge. It is unknown if he will be tried as a juvenile or an adult.

"This senseless act of gun violence has no place in society and our hometown community. This was an emotionally tough case for responding officers, investigators and medics," Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said in a statement. "We will direct our attention to how a young teen suspect accessed a firearm used in the offense."

Photo: GoFundMe

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