Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Real Divorce Stories On All’s Fair

Laura Wasser, Hollywood’s go-to divorce attorney, hosts All’s Fair, a podcast about relationships, whether they’re romantic, platonic, or sexual, and all the challenges and obstacles that can come with them. During an overly emotional time as a break-up or divorce, Laura points out, it can be hard to make the right decisions, or accept that someone you loved can treat you badly throughout the legal process. So on this episode, she and her best friend and co-host Johnnie Raines sit down with comedienne and actress Liz Carey and talent agent and producer Stella Bulochnikov to hear their divorce stories, what they learned throughout the process, and how they moved on to survive and thrive.

Liz has been married twice, once as a teenager, and had another years-long relationship where they didn’t get married but did have a kid together. She says that though it was impossible advice to follow at the time, it’s important to be as nice as you can throughout the breakup or divorce process. “It really does help,” Liz says, and Laura agrees, especially when it comes to texting, because they can be read out in court and possibly hurt your case. “Go to bed!” Liz advises. “You don’t have to respond right away.” No revenge schemes either, unless you can be really creative; Laura laughs about a friend who broke up with his girlfriend and discovered on a business trip that she had cut one sleeve and one leg off all his shirts and pants. “I never really liked his girlfriend until he told me that,” Laura says. “Then I was like, why did you give her up? That was good!” 

Stella came to the United States as a baby with her Russian immigrant parents, and says that they held onto a lot of Old World views regarding marriage. Though she wanted to concentrate on her education and her own career, everyone in her family was constantly asking her if she had a boyfriend. “And if I said no, they’d say, ‘Are you a lesbian?’” Stella says. When she did meet the man who became her husband and the father of her children, she remembers feeling hesitant before their marriage; among other red flags, he was becoming controlling, forcing her to quit her job so she couldn’t compete with him. She called her mother and said she didn’t want to go through with the wedding. “She said, ‘You will embarrass the entire family,’” Stella remembers. “‘Just marry him and it’ll get better.’” Now, Stella is a huge proponent of knowing yourself and concentrating on your own life so that when the right one comes along, you’ll know it, instead of just trying to fill a void with any warm body that’s willing. 

Listen to these women’s stories, breakup advice, tips on how to live after love, and jokes about Canadians, only on this episode of All’s Fair.

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