In Case You're Wondering, John Cena Wears Hot Pink Banana Hammock Underwear

John Cena digs banana hammock underwear and no one can tell him otherwise.

In the WWE superstar's new feature for Men's Journal, the titan, 43, changed clothes in front of the reporter, only to reveal what is described as a "hot pink banana hammock thong." "The closest he comes to cracking a smile is when I ask about his underwear," the writer revealed in the cover story. "Because this dude is all about efficiency, we continue talking while he changes clothing between setups—which is how I see him in a hot-pink banana hammock. Picture just some poor spandex holding on for dear life."

Asked if that was his usual underwear or something special for the accompanying photoshoot, Cena said that it's exactly what it looks like. "It is [my underwear] ... More for the fit, less for the color," he explained with a grin.

As TMZ noted, it's not the first time that Cena has exposed his preference in underwear. In a throwback WWE segment, Cena was seen rocking black banana hammock underwear, admitting that nudity is sort of his thing. "I really honestly don't know my thing with nudity," Cena told viewers. "It got to be like a joke. Like, I could use it to ease a situation up. There would be some tension and I would get naked. And, people would be like, 'Alright, it's not that bad.'"

Photo: Getty Images

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