David Schwimmer Weighs In on Ross and Rachel's 'We Were on a Break' Debate

Were Ross and Rachel really on a break?

David Schwimmer is finally weighing in on the controversial topic 23 years after the unforgettable Friends episode aired. While Rachel believed she and Ross were not on a break when Ross slept with the "hot copy girl," Ross defended his actions (many times over the shows run) that they were, in fact, on a break. Now the actor behind Ross is sharing his two cents about Ross and Rachel's breakup.

"It's not even a question, they were on a break," Schwimmer told Jimmy Fallon during a recent interview. "People are so compassionately divided about whether or not they were on a break." The passion still remains to this day, Schwimmer shared, with fans often yelling out "you were on a break!" when they see him in public.

According to People, a survey conducted last year in honor of the beloved sitcom's 25th anniversary asked fans whether or not they agree with Schwimmer. Of the 1,865 people surveyed by dating app Plenty of Fish, 60 percent of singles believed, like Schwimmer does, that Ross was in the right. Women, however, tended to side more with Rachel, with 44 percent believing Ross did actually cheat on Rachel.

During his virtual appearance on The Tonight Show, Schwimmer also gave an update about the highly anticipated Friends reunion. Production was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "The hope is that this reunion special, which we would love to shoot, it's unscripted, it's basically a fun interview and then some other surprise bits," Schwimmer explained. "But it's supposed to happen in August, the middle of August. But honestly, we're going to wait and see another week or two if we all determine it's really safe enough to do. And if not, we will wait until it's safe."

Photo: Getty

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