Arctic Monkeys' Alex Turner Donates Guitar To Raise Money For Charity

Arctic Monkeys are joining the fight to help save independent music venues from shuttering for good in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and they're enticing fans to donate by raffling off one of frontman Alex Turner's guitars.

On Tuesday (August 11), the band announced a Crowdfunder campaign to help raise money for The Leadmill — a club in their hometown of Sheffield, England — as well as other grassroots venues across the UK.

"Alex Turner will be giving away his Fender Stratocaster Guitar which he used during the early days with Arctic Monkeys," an Instagram post reads. "Entry is £5 and everyone who enters will receive an invite to a special screening of the bands performance at Reading Festival in 2006."

The international raffle is open to anyone 18 years and older and is open until 6pm PST on August 25. Fans can enter the drawing as many times as they want.

The winner will be notified by email before August 28, and the invite-only Reading performance viewing will take place at 8pm BST on August 26. All proceeds will go to The Music Venue Trust and at time of writing (August 11) the campaign had raised £35,789 of its £100,000 goal.

Enter to win Turner's guitar here and see Arctic Monkeys' post below.

Musicians in the US are also using their platforms to help save independent music venues, and in June more than 600 big names signed an open letter to congress urging the government to provide aid to the live music industry.

Photo: Getty Images

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