Barron Trump Tested Positive For COVID-19

First Lady Melania Trump revealed that her son, Barron, tested positive for COVID-19. The First Lady detailed her experience with the coronavirus in a post on the White House's website and said that Barron was tested after she and President Donald Trump learned they had contracted the virus.

"To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn't help but think "what about tomorrow or the next day?". My fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive," she wrote. "Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms. In one way I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together. He has since tested negative."

Melania said that she suffered mild symptoms, but they all hit her in the first few days of the viral infection.

"I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time," Melania said.

The First Lady said that she has since tested negative and is planning to return to her duties in the near future.

"I am happy to report that I have tested negative and hope to resume my duties as soon as I can. Along with this good news, I want people to know that I understand just how fortunate my family is to have received the kind of care that we did. If you are sick, or if you have a loved one who is sick—I am thinking of you and will be thinking of you every day. I pray for our country and I pray for everyone who is grappling with COVID-19 and any other illnesses or challenges."

She thanked the "wonderful caretakers around us and we will be forever grateful for the medical care and professional discretion we received from Dr. Conley and his team."

Photo: Getty Images

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