Lauv & Conan Gray Call Out 'Fake' Friends In Carefree Music Video

Lauv and Conan Gray put fake friends on blast on their new song.

Earlier this week, the duo issued a catchy collaboration, titled “Fake,” that’s all about confronting the millennial angst brought on by fraudulent friendships. To bring the message home, Lauv and Conan also accompanied their acoustic guitar-heavy production with an equally colorful and expressive music video.

The two-minute visual finds the pop stars behind the scenes of a photoshoot, depicting them playing around on various wacky stage designs and props including fireworks, confetti bombs and inflated bounce houses.

“Man, you're so f—king fake/ You don't mean a single thing you say/ If we've got a problem, say it to my face,” Lauv and Conan sing together in the fed-up chorus. “And you're just like all the people that you hate/ You're so fake/ When the real you’s back, I'll pick up my phone.”

As the "Heather" star explained in a previous conversation, writing "Fake" came naturally to the collaborators, who have each dealt with fake friends of their own. "Lauv and I wrote ‘Fake’ while we were just hanging and ranting about those two-faced people everybody knows," Conan explained. "Those people who say one thing and do the other, people who constantly talk trash about their own friends. We wanted to make something fun you can scream in the car to, a song to flip a bird at those types of people."

Lauv, who considers himself a fan of Conan's music, told Paper Magazine he admires the way the 21-year-old's “voice works with your writing, you can do such deep, vulnerable emotional stuff, but you have such an ability to be sassy, and actually call s—t out, which is something I really admire, and honestly something you brought into my life when we made ‘Fake.’”

Photo: YouTube

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