Election 2020: North Carolina To Delay Results Over Precinct Issues

North Carolina will reportedly delay releasing election results due to multiple precinct delays on Election Day.

The state announced it will push back releasing results until 8:15 p.m, after four precincts were forced to open later than expected Tuesday morning, WAVY.com reports.

The State Board said precinct issues occurred at the following locations per WAVY:

  • First Missionary Baptist Church - 59 Chestnut Drive SW in Concord; Opened at 6:47 a.m. due to computer issues, unsure if any voters left because doors were closed.
  • Bluford Elementary School - 1901 Tuscaloosa Street in Greensboro; Polls opened at 7:04 a.m.
  • Plainview Fire Station - 5041 Plain View Highway in Dunn (Sampson County); Polls opened at 7:15 a.m. due to printer errors and delay in staff contacting elections board about errors. North Carolina State Board of Elections reports some voters left precinct but were unidentified.
  • Northeast Clinton (Sampson County Adult Daycare) - 210 Fisher Drive in Clinton; Opened at 6:45 a.m. due to printer issues. Some voters left but precinct officials did not identify them.

The decision to extend each precinct's hours by their respective delay times was approved by the state board.

State Board of Election executive Karen Brinson Bell said the extension of hours due to delays is typical on Election Day and minor issues are expected to occur, but protocols were in place to handle them, WAVY reports.

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