Eight Nuns From The Same Convent All Died In The Same Week Due To COVID-19

A COVID-19 outbreak at a convent in Wisconsin resulted in the death of eight nuns in just one week. The School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province said four of those deaths happened on the same day.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the sisters, their caregivers, and families. We invite you to join us in prayer for all those affected by the pandemic," the School Sisters of Notre Dame said in a statement.

The congregation said that Sisters Rose M. Feess and Mary Elva Wiesnerdied on December 9 and Sister Dorothy MacIntyre died two days later. On Monday (December 14), Sisters Cynthia BormanJoan Emily Kaul, Lillia Langreck, and Michael Marie Laux passed away.

Debra Sciano, provincial leader of the School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific, told WTMJ the women were "role models" who will be missed by members of the community.

"For me, these are wisdom figures — women I have known for all of my 40 plus years in the community," she said. "Every one of our sisters is really important, not only to us but feel they have touched a lot of lives we'll never be aware of."

The convent said there were other cases among the 88 nuns who are living in the facility, which is located about 10 miles from Milwaukee.

"All CDC guidelines are being followed regarding the care of sisters affected by COVID-19 and to avoid spread of the virus, including wearing masks, social distancing, and handwashing," the statement said.

Photo: Getty Images

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