Dozens Of West Point Cadets Accused Of Cheating On Online Test

Officials at West Point Military Academy have accused 73 cadets of cheating on an online test. Seventy-two of the cadets were freshmen, and one was a sophomore. It is the largest cheating scandal at the military academy since 1976 when 153 fourth-year cadets cheated on an electrical engineering exam.

The cheating discovered when instructors noticed that all of the students made the same mistakes on the calculus test that was administered virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic.

So far, 59 cadets have admitted to cheating and will be punished. Eight of the accused cadets have denied any wrongdoing and will face a hearing led by seniors at the academy to determine if they cheated. Four cadets resigned, while the cases against two of the cadets were dropped due to a lack of evidence.

"West Point honor code and character development program remains strong despite remote learning and the challenges brought by the pandemic," Lt. Col. Christopher Ophardt, a spokesman for the academy at West Point, said. "Cadets are being held accountable for breaking the code."

The students who admitted to cheating will be allowed to remain at the academy, thanks to a rule change in 2015 that gave cadets a second chance if they violate West Point's strict honor code. The cadets will have to complete a rehabilitation program and will be on probation for the rest of their time at West Point.

Photo: Getty Images

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