Own A Piece Of History: Ringling Bros. Circus Train Cars Up For Sale

Remember when, as a child, you would get so excited whenever the Ringling Bros. Circus came to town? Families would crowd into the arena, popcorn and sweet treats in hand, just waiting to catch a glimpse of trained animals, twisting acrobats, and terrific (or terrifying) clowns.

What you do if you could own a piece of this legendary show's history? Now is your time to find out!

When the circus held its final show in 2017, many of the train cars used during its travels were auctioned off. Some of the railcars were purchased by the North Carolina Department of Transportation to add to their fleet. When they realized how much it would cost to refurbish them, they came up with another solution — put them up for auction.

"These cars have a great and amazing history," said Jason Orthner, director of the NCDOT rail division.

The Department of Transportation is auctioning the railcars on the state's surplus website. For those hoping to buy their very own circus train, the price won't be cheap. More than a dozen railcars are available ranging in price from $9,000 to $200,000.

"Tourist railroad operators, car collectors, and other enthusiasts would certainly be interested in these cars," said Orthner. "There are operations around the country that run train service for excursion purpose, or other purposes, that would be interested in equipment like this."

Check out all of the railcars up for auction at NC State Surplus. But Hurry — the auctions are set to end soon!

Photo: Getty Images

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