How Sunny Does It Get In This Oregon City?

It's usually nice to get outside and get some sunshine. Depending on where you live, some cities get more sunlight than others.

To find out which American and Puerto Rican cities are catching more or less rays, NerdWallet looked at data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

How well was the Beaver State represented on this list? According to their study, only one Oregon City was featured, and that was Portland. The City of Roses was ranked at No. 157 on their list. Researchers said Portland annually gets 48 percent of possible sunlight on average. For some residents, this may not be a surprise.

Even though people are leaving their house less due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, there are plenty of ways to get your Vitamin D fix -- walking around your neighborhood, visiting a park or doing some general activities outside, like reading a book.

Speaking of outside activities, here's how Portland is one of the best cities for for keeping an active lifestyle.

Photo: Getty Images

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