These Are The Best Romcoms Of All Time, According To Rotten Tomatoes

With Valentine's Day coming up, it's the perfect time to revisit some of your favorite romantic comedies—or even check out ones you haven't seen before for the first time. With the likelihood of spending Valentine's Day at home this year, as well, there's plenty of time to watch all your favorites.

If you need a little inspiration for which rom-com to watch, review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes went back through movie history to find the best rom-coms of all time. According to their website, the only stipulation for a film landing on their list is having received a minimum of 20 reviews. Rotten Tomatoes then sorted the qualifying titles with their weighted formula. The aggregator takes multiple factors into account, including number of reviews and year of release. Here are the top 10 rom-coms of all time:

10) Roman Holiday

9) City Lights

8) The Artist

7) Annie Hall

6) Crazy Rich Asians

5) His Girl Friday

4) The Lady Eve

3) The Philadelphia Story

2) The Big Sick

1) It Happened One Night

Some honorable mentions include The Princess Bride, Palm Springs and Groundhog Day. You can view the full list of 200 rom-coms here.

Photo: Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures

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