Why Your Catalytic Converter Is In Danger Of Being Stolen

Since the start of 2021, thieves have been targeting a device under your car: the catalytic converter.

Oceanside Police warned residents about the threat and four months into the year, authorities say the thefts haven't slowed down.

But what makes a catalytic converter so valuable?

"I understand it's a nationwide problem," said Robert Spasiano, a jeweler for 42 years, told NBC7. "One of those catalytic converters can produce about $700 to $800, easy."

According to Spasiano, thieves steal these devices because of the three metals inside which are platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

"Rhodium has been going up tremendously in value," he said. "It used to be about $700 to $800 an ounce, the rhodium. Now it's $29,000."

Rhodium is also a key element in making white gold, which Spasiano says has seen a recent surge in popularity.

"Right now, white gold is very popular. A lot of women I see like the white gold engagement rings," he said.

A catalytic converter can also be expensive to replace. One San Diego resident who had the parts stolen from two cars told NBC7 the repairs cost about $2,700 for both cars.

There are ways you can prevent your car from being targeted including:

  • Parking in a garage or well-lit areas
  • Parking near building entrances or areas with high traffic
  • Welding your catalytic converter to your car
  • Calibrating your vehicle security system to detect vibrations
  • Installing cameras on your car

Photo: Getty Images

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