VIDEO: YouTuber Jumps Off Roof Into Newport Harbor, Almost Hits Dock

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A YouTuber famous for his death-defying leaps jumps off of buildings and cliffs is seeing one of his viral videos have a resurgence online.

Five years later, people are still reposting and talking about one of his jumps from the very top of an eight-story apartment building called Newport Towers.

The YouTuber is known as 8booth but was eventually revealed as Anthony Booth Armer from Orange County.

In the video below, Armer casually walks up multiple flights of stairs to the roof of the Newport Towers apartment building. With a GoPro strapped to his mask and holding a camera in his hand, Armer jumps off of the 129-feet tall building and narrowly misses the dock.

While the video did go viral at the time, it also landed him in jail. According to the information on his channel, Laguna Beach police arrested him in October after detectives were able to identify him as Armer through interviews with witnesses.

He was released several days later on a $500 bond.

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