Waitress Abducted, Attacked After Chasing 5 People Who Left Without Paying

Photo: Washington Township Police Department

New Jersey waitress was abducted and assaulted by a group of people who tried to leave without paying their $70 bill. Authorities said the group was eating at Nifty Fifty's in Washington Township when they walked out around 11:30 p.m. without paying.

The 20-year-old waitress, who has not been identified by the police, chased after the group, demanding they pay up. During an altercation in the parking lot, the waitress was pulled into a white Dodge Durango, which drove away, leaving a woman from their group behind.

"They're having trouble finding wait staff due to the pandemic, and she came out to confront them," Washington Township Police Chief Patrick Gurcsik said.

While inside the vehicle, the group assaulted the waitress before turning around and dumping her on the side of the road.

"They pulled her into the vehicle and assaulted her inside the vehicle," Gurcsik told WPVI. "The vehicle headed north on Route 42, made a U-turn, and was heading south towards Monroe Township, and pushed her out of the vehicle."

She managed to walk back to the restaurant, where she called 911. She was taken to the hospital and treated for bruises and a possible concussion before being released.

Authorities are trying to track down the suspects and released surveillance photos showing them and their vehicle.

Gurcsik said that employees shouldn't chase after people who don't pay. Instead, they should try to write down their license plate number and contact the police.

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