'Very Generous Customer' Leaves $16,000 Tip At New England Restaurant

Photo: Getty Images

A "very generous customer" is reported to have left a $16,000 tip on a bill of less than $40 at a restaurant in New England.

Michael Zarella, owner of the Stumble Inn Bar & Grill in Londonderry, New Hampshire, shared a photo on the restaurant's Facebook account featuring the merchant copy of the bill, which showed a $16,000 tip added to a $37.93 bill.

“Stumble Inn had a very generous customer,” Zarella wrote in the Facebook post. “We thank you for your generosity."

The bill, which censored the patron's name and Visa debit card number to keep their identity anonymous, shows the bill included two chili cheese hot dogs, a Coke, pickle chips, a Samuel Adams Seasonal beer and a Patrón Silver tequila.

The patron's signature is included, but doesn't appear to give away their name as it's scribbled on the line.

This isn't the first time an extremely generous tip was left in a New England restaurant this year.

In January, Boston philanthropist Ernie Boch Jr., a name familiar to many New Englanders, left $2,021 in cash as tips for the local restaurants, including Loretta's Last Call near Fenway Park, whose general manager, Myles Kopka, told WHDH his staff was extremely generous for the cash.

“She was shocked,” Kopka said of one of his servers. “She saw the signed copy of the receipt and it was whatever, and then she saw the envelope next to it and she was definitely shocked.”

Boch left the cash in envelops with his name written on them. He told WHDH he had the idea as service was slow in one restaurant and decided to make stops in multiple locations.

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