San Diego Proposing New Property Tax To Fund Library & Park Renovations

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San Diego community leaders announced on Wednesday, November 17, they plan to place a parcel tax on the November 2022 ballot to fund $250 million in renovations and upgrades to parks and libraries.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, supporters of the proposed tax say it's badly needed to upgrade the city's deteriorating parks, renovate older libraries, and build new versions of both.

While the supporters are still making calculations and refining details, they suggested property owners would pay a few dollars a month for the tax.

“There is an urgent need to ensure adequate and ongoing funding for parks and libraries,” Michel Anderson, chair of the San Diego Parks Foundation told the Union-Tribune. “Many of our parks are wonderful, but there are so many others that are falling into disrepair.”

“Thousands of San Diego children and adults rely on libraries for free academic programs and internet service, but there is not equitable access to technology if you live near an older branch,” said Patrick Stewart, chief executive of the San Diego Public Library Foundation. “This is our chance to guarantee every San Diegan has access to a world-class library.”

82,000 valid signatures will be needed from registered voters, but organizers said their goal is to get 110,000.

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