Lawsuit Accuses Virginia Cops Of Protecting Sex Trafficking Ring

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A lawsuit filed in Virginia accused officers with the Fairfax County Police Department of protecting a sex trafficking ring. The lawsuit was filed by attorney Victor Glasberg on behalf of a Costa Rican woman, identified only as "Jane Doe" and accuses former Fairfax County Police Chief Ed Roessler and former officers Michael O. Barbazette and Jason J. Mardocco of tipping off the operators of the ring about upcoming sting operations planned by the department.

In exchange, the officers were given free sex with the women who were being trafficked.

In addition, the lawsuit also includes allegations by detective William Woolf who claimed that he was threatened by high-ranking officials, including Roessler and Barbazette, and told to dial back his investigation.

"I need to make sure you're willing to play ball," Roessler allegedly told Woolf during a phone call.

Authorities eventually shut down the sex trafficking ring, and its operator, Hazel Sanchez Cerdas, pleaded guilty to federal charges. She was sentenced to two-and-half years in prison.

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