U.S. Journalist Killed When Russian Soldiers Open Fire At Checkpoint

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An award-winning journalist who used to work for The New York Times was killed by Russian soldiers in the Ukrainian city of IrpinBrent Renaud, 50, was at a checkpoint filming refugees as they tried to flee the ongoing war when Russian troops opened fire.

"We are deeply saddened to hear of Brent Renaud's death," said Danielle Rhoades Ha, a spokeswoman for The New York Times. "Brent was a talented filmmaker."

A second American journalist, Juan Arredondo, was also injured in the attack and had to be rushed to the hospital.

"Of course, the profession of journalism carries risks," police said in a statement, according to USA Today. "Nonetheless, U.S. citizen Brent Renaud paid with his life trying to highlight the deceit, cruelty, and ruthlessness of the aggressor."

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan vowed that there would be "appropriate consequences" and said that the U.S. government is working with Ukrainian officials to determine exactly what happened.

"Well, this is obviously shocking and horrifying, and I've just learned about it as I came on to air here, so I will be consulting with my colleagues, we'll be consulting with the Ukrainians to determine how this happened and then to measure and execute appropriate consequences as a result of it," Sullivan said on the Face the Nation. "I will just say that this is part and parcel of what has been a brazen aggression on the part of the Russians where they have targeted civilians, they have targeted hospitals, they have targeted places of worship, and they have targeted journalists."

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