Denver Man Faces Charges For Drawing Pickleball Lines On Rec Center Court

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A Denver, Colorado man is facing charges after drawing pickleball lines on a recreation center court, Denverite reports.

A beloved community member nicknamed "the Mayor of Pickleball" has been charged with vandalism after he recently used a permanent black market to create a makeshift pickleball court at the Central Park Recreation Center. City officials permanently banned him from all Denver recreation centers and suspended pickleball play from Central Park's center.

"Anytime there’s any type of vandalism at any of our city-owned facilities, we do file a police report,” Parks and Recreation spokesperson Cynthia Karvaski says. “It’s protocol to file a [police] report. A person took a permanent marker, came into the gym and marked the floor. That would be considered vandalism. Similar to if we walked into the City and County Building and drew on the floor."

The backlash was swift from regular pickleball players.

“It’s a way overreaction,” Joey Alice, a friend and pupil of the accused man, told reporters. "I don’t think this qualifies as vandalism. We’re not talking about a teenager carving their girlfriend or boyfriend’s name into the floor. It’s not spray paint. He’s the leader of all of these older people [who play pickleball]. You’re basically giving an older person a death sentence when you’re telling them they can’t exercise and do social activities."

Players have also complained about the yellow flags the recreation center provides to mark pickleball lines. They claim people could trip on them and that it would be better if there are permanent court lines.

“It’s something we’ve looked into, but it’s not something we’ve committed to,” Karvaski said. “There are other recreation centers nearby that have permanent courts.”

She adds that whether the man will face criminal consequences depends on the outcome of the police investigation.

"It’s a harsh reaction," Alice says. "He’s an old person who’s just trying to be healthy and still contributing to his community when he doesn’t have to. It’s an inappropriate reaction. It’s a mistake! It’s pickleball. Pickleball is just fun and they are ruining it.”

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