Woman Goes Over 68-Foot Waterfall Trying To Retrieve Cell Phone

Photo: Getty Images

A woman is lucky to be unharmed after she went over a 68-foot waterfall. The 36-year-old was taking photos at Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky when she dropped her cell phone in the water.

As the woman tried to retrieve her phone, she lost her balance and fell into the Cumberland River. The current quickly washed her away and carried her over the waterfall. The water is about 400 feet deep at the base of the waterfall.

Miraculously, the woman was not injured in the fall and was able to swim to a large rock downstream. As rescuers entered the water to assist, the woman swam toward them and was safely pulled from the water.

The woman was checked out by paramedics but refused further treatment, the Whitley County Emergency Management wrote on Facebook.

“If she didn’t know how to swim. It probably would have been a different outcome,” Anthony Christie, the Whitley County Emergency Management director, told WKYT.

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