Listen To Zack De La Rocha Rage In Rare Guest Verse

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Zack de la Rocha is not normally one to lend vocals to guest verses, but the Rage Against The Machine singer made an exception for Algiers. He's featured on a new song called "Irreversible Damage."

“This a relapse / what it be god / No rehab for my jihad / A rapture in a grief storm / Time on my neck and it be gone,” he spits on the skittering, unsettling track by the Atlanta-based post-punk outfit.

This marks de la Rocha's first collaboration since working with Run The Jewels' 2020 "Ju$t." In fact, this is the first time he's worked with any group other than RTJ since he was featured on their 2014 song "Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k)."

"Irreversible Damage" will appear on Algiers' upcoming album Shook, which is slated for a February 24, 2023 release. Listen to it below.

RATM finally embarked on their reunion tour this summer but unfortunately had to cut it short after de la Rocha injured his leg during one of the first shows. Unfortunately, the band was forced to cancel their full 2023 tour due to the severity of his injury.

"It's been almost three months since Chicago, and I still look down at my leg in disbelief," de la Rocha wrote in a statement. "Rehearsing, training, reconciling, working our way back to form. Then one and a half shows into it and my tendon tears. Felt like a sick joke the universe played on me."

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