Texas Transportation Department Turns Heads With 'Dark' Christmas Tweet

Photo: Getty Images

The City of Austin's Transportation Department is turning heads with a "dark" tweet about killing Santa Claus.

ATX Transportation shared a parody song called "I saw mommy killing Santa Claus" on Wednesday (December 21) that's causing a stir with residents and even some council members. The tweet says:

I saw mommy killing Santa Claus
He disappeared under the truck last night
She didn't see him cross the street, now his body’s a red streak
She was reading on her phone the latest Tweet.

They even posted a graphic of a woman driving toward Old St. Nick. The song continued with a second verse:

Then I saw EMS putting Santa Claus
Underneath a sheet so snowy white
Oh, what a sad day it has been
With distraction yet again
And Mommy killing Santa Claus last night

The transportation department said the purpose of the tweet is to encourage residents to "drive safe for the holidays and put distractions away before you drive."

Councilwoman Mackenzie Kelly said this wasn't the way to share that message, however. "I’ve heard concerns regarding the messaging from this account and I’ve reached out to the city managers office for further information related to messaging from official city accounts," she said in a tweet.

People in the comments were a bit confused at the tweet, also.

"This is a little dark after a rough year for street fatalities," one user said, while another said it "Seems like that would be the perfect time to tell people to stop running over each other."

"I think this is kind of extreme," another user said.

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