Kentucky's Favorite Romantic Comedy Is The Perfect Date Night Movie

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Valentine's Day is here and love is in the air. But since the holiday is on a Tuesday this year, it may not be easy for everyone to go out for a special date night. So if you're staying in this year, cuddle up with your loved one and watch the state's favorite romantic comedy movie!

All About Cookies determined each state's favorite romantic comedy. The website states, "All About Cookies curated a list of romantic comedies from "Best Romantic Comedies on Netflix" articles online, all of which were published or updated in January 2023. We also included all movies found in the "Popular on Netflix" section of the site's "Romantic Comedies" category on January 18, 2023."

According to the list, Kentucky's favorite romantic comedy is The Last Summer.

The most popular overall was Grease, a fan favorite for more than 45 years. Forrest Gump came in second place, followed by Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Other popular romantic comedies that landed on the list were Alex Strangelove, The Lovebirds, The Princess Switch, Love, Guaranteed, He's All That, Wedding Crashers, and The Kissing Booth 3.

Check out the full list of each state's favorite romantic comedies on All About Cookies' website.

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