Multi-State Salmonella Outbreak That Hospitalized 3 Linked To Flour

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that flour was the cause of a multi-state salmonella outbreak that left 12 people in 11 states sick. In addition, three people had to be hospitalized.

The agency said they have not determined what brand of flour made people sick.

Most people reported eating raw dough or batter made with flour before they got sick. Flour was the only common ingredient in the raw dough or batter people reported eating. Investigators are working to identify a specific brand of flour linked to illnesses," the CDC explained.

The CDC said that people should avoid eating eat raw dough or batter and make sure to thoroughly clean anything that touches flour while cooking.

Symptoms of salmonella poisoning include diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. Most people recover without treatment after 4 to 7 days.

However, if you have a fever above 102°F, bloody diarrhea, or diarrhea lasting more than three days, you should contact your healthcare provider.

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