WATCH: Deputies Remove Bobcat From Grille Of Car

Photo: Portage County Sheriff Mike Lukas

Deputies in Wisconsin were stunned after responding to a call that a bobcat was stuck in the grille of a car. Portage County Sheriff Mike Lukas said that multiple deputies responded to the call but were unable to wrangle the trapped animal.

"As you can imagine, the shock they were in when low and behold, there was a bobcat in the vehicle. My deputies are really good at solving problems, but this one baffled them, so we called in reinforcements," Lukas wrote on Facebook.

Lukas said that his deputies reached out to Conservation Warden Bryan Lockman to assist with removing the angry bobcat.

Lukas shared a video on Facebook showing Lockman trying to secure the bobcat with a lasso pole. As he tries to rope the big cat, it hisses and swipes its claw at the lasso.

Eventually, he manages to secure the bobcat and pull it out from the grille. As the bobcat jumps into the air, he maneuvers it into the bed of a truck and quickly closes the tailgate.

Lukas said that the bobcat was safely returned to the wild.

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