Man Held Alleged Truck Thief At Gunpoint Before Fatally Shooting Him

Photo: urbazon / iStock / Getty Images

Texas man took matters into his own hands after his truck was stolen. The San Antonio Police Department said the man noticed his Ford truck was missing and saw it a short distance from where he parked it.

The man, who was not identified, went and confronted the alleged thief. He then ordered the man and a female passenger to get out of the vehicle at gunpoint and called the police.

While the man was waiting for officers to arrive, the suspected thief pulled out a gun and shot at the owner of the truck. He returned fire, fatally shooting the alleged thief and critically wounding the female who was with him. The owner of the truck was also injured in the shootout.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters that the owner of the stolen truck was acting in self-defense.

"Look, he was trying to recover his property," McManus said. "I guess it would depend on who you asked if he did the right thing or not."

However, McManus advised people against taking the law into their own hands.

"We would prefer that (you) call the police before taking that into your own hands," McManus said. "But he (the truck's owner) did what he felt he needed to do, and we have one dead suspect, and we have a critically wounded passenger who was with the suspect, and we have a wounded owner of the vehicle."

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