Boy Dies After Playing In Giant Dust Pile

Photo: Witsanu Patipatamak / iStock / Getty Images

A young boy from Brazil tragically died after playing in a pile of construction material on the side of the road. According to Fox News, Arthur Emanuel Bitencourt saw a large pile of limestone dust near his parents' property and started to play in it.

His parents even photographed him partially buried in the dust giving a thumbs up.

A few minutes later, Arthur began to feel sick, and his parents rushed him to the hospital. Unfortunately, he died by the time they arrived.

The coroner's report said that the boy died from inhaling the limestone dust, which is known to be carcinogenic. When inhaled, limestone dust can cause severe damage to the lungs, decreased lung function, trouble breathing, and persistent coughing.

Workers who use the dust are required to wear protective clothing, goggles, and a face shield. Anybody who inhales the dust should seek immediate medical attention.

Arthur's family said they had no idea about the dangers of limestone dust.

The police have launched an investigation into Arthur's death and plan to interview the family soon.

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