Police Confuse Lil Uzi Vert For Alleged Dognapper With Face Tattoos

Photo: Getty Images

Lil Uzi Vert was briefly considered a suspect in a dognapping case.

According to a report TMZ published on Thursday, August 31, photos of the Pink Tape rapper were included an a Facebook post from the Wilkes-Barre Township Police Department in Pennsylvania while they were trying to inform citizens about a man who had stolen a puppy from a pet store. The store, Brookside Pups, told the outlet that the guy who ran off with the puppy had Uzi's face as his profile photo on a social media account that they sent to the cops.

"The Wilkes-Barre Township Police Department should be embarrassed and ashamed for disparaging [Uzi's] character," a rep from Roc Nation told the outlet. "This grave error could’ve had significant repercussions on Uzi’s career and epitomizes how Black men can be wrongfully charged and arrested by police departments across the country."

The WBTPD clamed the pet store for providing them with the photo of Uzi. Their original post with the "Just Wanna Rock" rapper in it was posted to Facebook for about 30 minutes before the error was corrected. The old photos were removed and replaced with images of the actual accused dognapper. Oddly enough, the man also has face tattoos and was last seen driving toward Philadelphia, which is Uzi's hometown.

"Uzi loves all animals and this serious mistake has deterred the apprehension of the kidnapper," they added. "Our collective hope is that the puppy is safely and promptly rescued."

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