What Actually Happened To These Two Giraffes At Local Texas Zoo

Photo: Getty Images

In July, the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, Texas, mourned the loss of two of its beloved giraffes, Penelope and Zuri. A recent release of their causes of death sheds light on the tragic circumstances.

Penelope's demise was attributed to exertional rhabdomyolysis, also known as capture myopathy, which caused muscle trauma and ultimately led to her inability to stand. This condition, marked by muscle tissue breakdown, can result in metabolic changes, muscle stiffness, weakness and, in severe cases, kidney failure and cardiac arrest.

Despite medical intervention, Penelope's condition deteriorated rapidly. In giraffes, the inability to stand can lead to various complications, including further muscle damage and gastrointestinal issues.

As for Zuri, a pathogen invaded her gastrointestinal tract, spreading to her bloodstream and causing sepsis. Despite aggressive treatment, the infection progressed to her lungs, resulting in pneumonia and shock. Stress, perhaps stemming from the loss of her mother and the transition to bottle-feeding, was considered a contributing factor.

Dr. James Kusmierczyk, the staff veterinarian, expressed the challenges of treating giraffes due to their size and unique physiology. The zoo appreciates the community's support during this difficult time, as they continue to care for their animal residents and contribute to the knowledge of giraffe care.

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