Florida Teacher Accidentally Shows Students 'Winnie The Pooh' Slasher Film

Photo: BrianAJackson / iStock / Getty Images

A South Florida school is facing backlash after a teacher accidentally showed a slasher film featuring Winnie the Pooh to fourth graders, according to WSVN.

The movie, which isn't rated, was shown to young students at the Academy for Innovative Education Charter School in Miami Springs. The horror flick, called Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, depicted a gruesome take on the adorable bear from A.A. Milne's original works, where Pooh and his friends go on a killing spree after Christopher Robin goes off to college.

In a statement sent to WSVN, Vera Hirsh, the head of the school, said the movie was mistakenly played during indoor lunch. The teacher cut the screening 20 minutes into the film, and only one scary scene was shown, according to Hirsh.

The mishap has left parents both angry and confused over how it could've happened.

“I don’t know how that’s mistakenly shown," Melissa Barreio, the parent of two students, told reporters. "You have to choose what you’re putting on. Everything now is electric; it’s not like a VHS that could have been in the wrong cover.”

She continued, "There are so many things going on in the world that I don’t think a Winnie the Pooh movie, of all things, should have been put for them to watch.”

Hirsh also stated that mental health counselors will be available to students "at the request of parents, teachers, or" themselves. When reporters asked if the teacher responsible would face any disciplinary action, school officials did not respond.

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