Former Vice President Mike Pence Suspends Campaign For President

Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Former Vice President Mike Pence is suspending his campaign for president. Pence made the announcement on Saturday (October 28) during a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition's Annual Leadership Summit in Las Vegas.

"I came here to say it's become clear to me, this is not my time. So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign right now," Pence said. "I'm leaving this campaign, but let me promise you I will never leave the fight for conservative values, and I will never stop fighting to elect principled, Republican leaders to every office in the land."

Pence's campaign struggled to gain traction since he announced his bid in June. He was polling at just 3.8%, which put him in fifth place, behind Donald TrumpRon DeSantisNikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Pence also struggled to raise money among the crowded Republican field. According to his latest campaign finance filing, his campaign had $1.2 million cash on hand and was $600,000 in debt. He also failed to court enough donors to make the stage for the third Republican debate on November 8.

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